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Name : Imani Shanklin Roberts Class Adventures in Art Lesson Components Content/subje ct -Making Huichol Indian yarn paintings Materials/Techno Techniques/Skills logy - Understandi -Fifteen Black ng and Sheets of Applying Construction concepts of paper (pre-cut in symbolism circles) - Learning - Assorted colors about of yarn repetition as - 15 tubes of a design glue elements - Assorted colors - Making of oil pastels Cohesive - White charcoal Complex pencils Composition - Assorted colors s of pastel pencils - Drawing on a - Visual nonresources traditional (Charts about shape i.e. Mexico and the Square/ Huichol Project) Rectangle - Print outs of - Gaining Huichol experience Symbolism or being introduced to Oil pastels and charcoal pencils - Using Mixed media Elements/Princi ples (including Post-Modern Principles) - Symbolis m Date Age 8

NY State Visual Arts Standard(s): Indicate by number the specific standards addressed in this lesson:

2 N/A Goals: What will students know and understand about elements and principles (post-modern principles too), artistic practices or materials? (Big understandings) Students will know how to symbols are used in art and Culture. Students will gain knowledge and appreciation for other cultures and their art. Students will understand the process of a Huichol yarn painting. Students will create their own spiritual meaningful paintings using the symbolism of the Huichol people. Students will be introduced or build on their knowledge of oil pastels, charcoal pencils and yarn as a drawing medium. Students will also learn about design and creating patterns using repetition.

Learning Objectives: What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson? (Use verbs such as: create, describe, use, or select.) Students will beable to gain knowledge and develop an appreciation for Mexican culture. Students will beable to create patterns and used mixed media to make a complex composition. Students will gain some proficiency in oil pastels and charcoal as mediums. Preparation Before Class: What preparation is required? Setting Up the visual resources which will help delineate the lesson - Putting desks in groups so that students can help each other and build character (sharing, taking turns, respect, etc) - Gathering and preparing all materials so they are ready for childrens use (sharpening pencils, having adequate supplies, etc) - Dispersing materials evenly within the groups so that students can have equal access to all resources - Making sure classroom is in a suitable condition for instruction (temperature, cleanliness etc) Lesson Development/Time line: How will the lesson unfold, step by step? 1. Motivation What visuals will I show? What will I say to get the students excited as I introduce the lesson? (Describe dialogue, -

3 key questions, slides, reproductions, other visuals, music, costumes, etc., you will use) Students will enter to the sounds of Mexico with music playing from the region. This will incite excitement among the students and provoke the idea that the environment of our class has changed. Sitting in the cultural square students will be directed towards the visual resources and dialogue with start about Mexico. Have you ever been to Mexico? Do you know anything about Mexico? (Answers) What facts do you all know about Mexico? Students will answer then I will continue into the lesson about the Fun facts about Mexico. 2. Instruction/demonstration and work time: What specific instructions will the students need to follow? What will I need to demonstrate? 10-10:08- Students will come in and Draw a Symbol that Means something to them and place a pattern inside it/ around it. 10:08-10:20- Students will get be introduced to Mexico as their location and dialogue about facts and story-telling will happen. 10:20-10:35- Lesson will be introduced and intro to symbolism and pattern 10:35-11:35- Students will work on their huichol yarn paintings while listening to the vibes of Mexico 11:35-12- Students will have reflection/snack/ Clean- Up 3. Reflection and critique: What will I do or say to help the students reflect upon the lesson? - What Huichol Symbols did you use within your yarn painting and why? - What were some techniques that you used to create a pattern throughout your yarn painting? - What did you find out today about Mexico? 4. Clean-Up Routine - Put all materials in their place of origin - Clean the surface of the desk you were working at free of pastel, charcoal marks etc. - Name your Paintings. Notes to Self: Adaptations for Special Needs Students and English Language Learners: (if necessary) N/A

4 Literacy and vocabulary components: What new language am I introducing? (Define the terms here as you will for your students.) Pattern-a repeated decorative design Symbolism- an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind.

Additional related activities: What is my plan for those who finish early? - Writings what they want to learn about the next country we will be exploring?

Related Lesson(s) for the Future: - Making Jewelry - Designing Wall paper - Collage Assessment: How will I determine if my goals and learning objectives have been met? (Describe the method of assessment you will use, i.e. self or peer assessment, teacher guided critique, rubric, portfolio, journal) Imagine the lesson made by the age group you are writing for. Describe what an exemplary example would look like, an average example and a below average example? Exemplary example- Shows understanding and Excellency in pattern and use of Huichol Symbolism. Student worked diligently and used all given materials that were required. Student modeled the visual aides and made a cohesive and interesting design. Student took reflection seriously and could verbalize their process and feelings toward project clearly. Average example- Student showed basic understanding of Pattern and use of Huichol Symbolism. Student completed the project with minor distractions or disruptions and used most of the material required. Student was able to verbalize their process and feelings towards project.

5 Below Average Example- Student did not complete assignment and show no understanding of Pattern or use of Huichol Symbolism. Student did not participate in reflection or did not take it seriously.

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