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Unit 1 Lesson 3 Teachers Notes

BETWEEN FRIENDS: Zero, first and second conditionals


Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese have three similar conditional forms. However, their first / future conditional often uses the present simple in both clauses, causing errors such as If I am free tomorrow, I tell you. Also, in the second / unreal conditional, Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese use the past subjunctive in the if clause. Since there is no such subjunctive in English, students often try to reflect it by using would + verb in the conditional clause as well as the main clause, e.g. I would keep in contact with friends if I would move to another city.

1d) If we had enough money, we would go to Australia. 2e) If you stay up late, youre usually tired the next morning. 3g) If she works hard, shell pass the exam. 4a) If we finish our homework quickly, well go to the movies. 5b) If she went to live abroad, she wouldnt see her family much. 6f) If you eat too much chocolate, it gives you a stomach ache.

1 2 3 4 5


1 If Brazil wins the next World Cup, I wont be surprised. 2 If Im too tired tonight, I wont go out. 3 Everyone knows that if you drink too much, you get a hangover. 4 In the U.S.A., if you walk under a ladder, its unlucky. 5 If you call me later, well arrange a time.

1 If I won $50,000, I would travel around the world. 2 If I could meet any famous person, I would meet Nelson Mandela. 3 What would you do if you lost your job? 4 If someone told you they loved you, what would you say? 5 If someone asked you to go to the Moon, would you go? 6 If you were a grandparent, what would you buy your grandchildren for Christmas?


Get the students to ask another student the questions from exercise 4 and then write three other similar ones to ask them. Ask the students to write a list of superstitions from their country (e.g. If a black cat crosses your path, youll have bad luck).


Skyline Grammar Resource Book 4

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Exercises

Match the first part of each sentence with the second part.

If you boil water, 1 If we had enough money, 2 If you stay up late, 3 If she works hard, 4 If we finish our homework quickly, 5 If she went to live abroad, 6 If you eat too much chocolate,

a) well go to the movies. b) she wouldnt see her family much. c) it turns to steam.

d) we would go to Australia. e) youre usually tired the next morning. f) it gives you a stomach ache.

g) shell pass the exam.

If you boil water, it turns to steam.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Choose the correct ending for these sentences.

Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

If it rains tomorrow, I dont go out / I wont go out. 1 If Brazil wins the next World Cup, Im not surprised / I wont be surprised. 2 If Im too tired tonight, I dont go out / I wont go out. 3 Everyone knows that if you drink too much, you get a hangover / youll get a hangover. 4 In the U.S.A., if you walk under a ladder, its unlucky / itll be unlucky. 5 If you call me later, we arrange a time / well arrange a time.
Say whether the sentences in exercise 2 are talking about the future (F) or something that is always true (AT).

If you where

could (can) go anywhere in the world, would you go (you go)?

1 If I (win) $50,000, I (travel) around the world. 2 If I I 3 What (lose) your job? 4 If someone what 5 If someone Moon, 6 If you (tell) you they loved you, (you say)? (ask) you to go to the (you go)?
PH O TO CO Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004 PI A BL E

(can) meet any famous person, (meet) Nelson Mandela. (you do) if you

(be) a grandparent, what (you buy) your grandchildren for Christmas?

Skyline Grammar Resource Book 4


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