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Desiree Palafox Monique Duran Period.

1 4/29/13 CST Reflection Graphic Organizer and Essay

About the Test

How did you feel before, during, and after the ELA part of the test?

How did you feel before, during, and after the Math part of the test?

The test was I was ready hard. to take the test. Some of the work was things they didnt teach us. It was boring. Some of it was hard and some of it was easy. I felt proud and that I did good.

I felt nervous to take the test. I felt like it was really hard and confusing.

How can you and others do even better next year? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process. We can study weeks before. We can pay more attention.

I didnt feel One tip is to so confident. always make the best guess.

CST Reflection CST its important because it counts for next year. If you do poorly next year you wont be in a good class. The school wants to know where to put you for next year. The CST is through the LAUSD. The CST is a very important test.

I think the English part of the CST was easy. It didnt have much complicated questions as the Math part. The English part was understandable and readable. The questions explained more of what to do. If you want to do good on the English part you have to read the questions carefully.

I thought the Math part of the CST was pretty hard. It had things that we never learned in class. The CST were word problems. They had a lot of confusing questions that were hard. The math part of the CST was really boring. If you want to do better next year you can study weeks before the test. You can pay more attention in your classes. One tip is to always make the best guess. If you dont get the question you can skip it and go back to it later. Always read the question more than one time and read it carefully.

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