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The necessity of blood clotting

To prevent serious blood loss To prevent the entry of microorganism and foreign particles into the blood To maintain normal blood pressure To maintain circulation of blood

When you get a cut, blood vessel around the wound will constrict --- > to prevent blood loss Platelets in blood become sticky and clump together to plug the wound. They stick onto the surfaces of the the damaged vessel wall. These form a platelet plug to reduce blood loss. Platelets release clotting factor called thromboplastin/thrombokinase with help of calcium & vitamin K & the enzyme thrombokinase, thromboplastin will convert prothrombin (inactive protein in plasma) to thrombin (active protein)

Thrombin convert the soluble fibrinogen(soluble plasma protein) into insoluble fibrin filaments. The fibrin fibres form a mesh of threads over the wound. Fibrin filaments form a sticky network of fibres that traps red blood cells. Blood clot forms and dries to form a scab When the wound heals, new skin is formed and the scab peels off .

Platelet in contact with fibres exposed in damaged blood vessels

Platelets produce thromboplastin

Blood clot
Vitamin K Calcium ion

Soluble fibrinogen ---- > Insoluble fibrin

Inactive prothrombin ---- > active thrombin


1.Haemophilia Genetic disease which a person cannot produce a clotting factor Single recessive gene on the X chromosome Cause excessive bleeding in the joints Also known as THE ROYAL DISEASE Usually the lack of Factor VIII Now, clotting factors such as Factor VIII can be produced by genetic engineering It is used in the treatment of haemophilia

2. Thrombosis A blood clot is sometimes formed on the damaged rough inner wall of an artery. This clot is called thrombos When the thrombus dislodges and is transported away by the blood stream, it is known as an embolus. The embolus may be trapped in a small artery and it may block the flow of blood . This condition is called embolism If coronary artery is partially blocked, it can cause chest pain which is called angina Total blockage in brain leads to a stroke Total blockage in heart leads to heart attack (myocardial infarction)

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