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4/4/13 (Week Nine)

Title: Rehearsing A Dream Within a Dream composed by Ruth Morris Gray Grades: 10-12 (Recital Women) Materials: Piano, copies of A Dream Within a Dream for each student Length of Rehearsal: 15 minutes Objective: The students will be able to analyze the piece to add expressive elements to the music. Focusing Question: In what ways will students be able to take their own ideas and emotions with the piece and apply these to their singing? Sequence: 1. The class will sing through the piece. I will ask them to think about the meaning and the sound of each section. 2. The students will break into groups of 4 and analyze the sections. -Why is the section marked p, mf, etc? -Happy, sad, questioning, exclamatory -Why do sections come back? How are they different? 3. We will sing through at least a section of the piece with these new ideas in mind -I would like to get through the entire piece again -The students should not forget tall, round vowels; clear consonants; phrasing

Assessment: I will visually and aurally assess: -Accuracy of rhythms and pitches -Good posture -Musicality (phrasing, dynamics, tone quality) -Diction (clear consonants, pure vowels) -Groups staying on task -Thoroughly explained ideas Standards: NJPST: Standard One: Subject Matter Knowledge- 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 Standard Two: Human Growth and Development- 2.2, 2.7 Standard Three: Diverse Learners- 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 Standard Four: Instructional Planning and Strategies- 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 4.12 Standard Six: Learning Environment- 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10 Standard Eight: Communication- 8.18.7

National Standards for Music Education 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. NJCCC Performance: 1.3.2.B.2 Critique Methodologies: 1.4.12.B.2

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