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The Chicago Rush is pleased to invite the families and friends of

Von Steuben Latino Club to the game on May 4, 2013 to watch

them perform during half-time on Latin Heritage Night.
We look forward to seeing you at the game!
Saturday May 4, 2013
7:00 pm VS Philadelphia

Number of

Price Per



The Chicago Rush will donate $3/ticket sold to Von Steuben

Please contact Mollye Peters by May 1, 2013 to order tickets


2340 S. River Road, Suite #402

Des Plaines, IL 60018

Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________ Work Phone: ___________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Payment Info
Please circle one: Visa
MasterCard Discover
Account #: __________________________ Exp. Date: _______________
Signature: ___________________________ V-Code: ________________
Or Enclosed is check # : _____________ payable to the Chicago Rush

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