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personal entrepreneurial competencies (PEC) define term of entrepreneurial motivation explain 5 common characteristic of achievement oriented entrepreneur define motivation and entrepreneurial motivation. Discuss entrepreneurial with specific reference to mcclleland need theory 5. explain the common charateristic that are assosiated with achievement oriented entrepreneurs 6. What is a business plan? Why is a business plan important to the entrepreneur? Explain the kind of information that should be provided in the competitors' analysis of the business plan. 7. list 4 factor to consider when determining distribution strategy 8. explain 2 of the promotion strategy 9. step of marketing plan. new business. 10. explain the importance of material requirement planning - describe the step involve in material requirement planning process - factor that you need to consider when choosing a location for your business. 11.distinguish between business hour and operation hour. provide example. 12. briefly explain the component of an operation system that are involve in the transformation process. 13.chap 10 : briefly explain the term mission, vision and objective 14.briefly explain the various type of organizational structure 15.define management. 16.explain by using 4 function of management on now entrepreneur can benefit from those function in managing their daily business 17.discuss 4 function of management

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