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A Secret Love

Nick Bourbeau Diana Poole was calmly walking down a street in Tacoma, wearing her white as snow hoodie. There was only one strange thing, the sleeves had velcro holding them together. There was a slight bulge in the pocket of her hoodie she walked the hood casting a shadow over her eyes. There was a man well dressed, walking down the street to the bank holding a briefcase. Diana was a young woman in her early twenties. Her footsteps were silent and slow, every one of her motions calculated. She noticed the man's walk stopped early. He began to turn around, just as he did Diana gracefully hid behind a nearby parked car, the man sneezed and continued upon his intended path. She left the car's cover and walked, following the man. He was stopped on the street by a small orphan boy, he reached for change in his pocket. That is when he saw Diana, her face was beautiful, bits of her hair flowed out of her hood; a bright blonde. Her lips glowed a ruby red, and her eyes green as jade emeralds. Her nose was petite, complimenting her eyes perfectly. Her beauty struck at him strangely however, he felt her gaze pierce straight through his body. She slightly picked up her pace, moving at a normal walk speed. She passed straight by him, glancing at him for an instant with her eyes. His nerves calmed as she passed by, he handed the change to the little boy and walked to his bank. He quietly walked into his office, and closed the door. The room was extravagant, translucent violet drapes covering the large windows. His desk was large and dark colored, where he laid his briefcase down. He loosened his tie just as he heard a voice sounding like an angel, it's about time you arrived. he turned completely shocked. you, you're that woman I saw earlier.she removed her hood. yes not one of my finer moments, allowing you to see me. The man stood back bewildered, what do you mean? She smiled, an almost demonic smile. you must have made enemies, I'm here to exterminate you. she said sweetly, she flashed a smile as she tilted her head and closed her eyes. She leaned her wrist against the matching bracelets she wore on each arm. As she did the velcro of her sleeves ripped apart and two black scabbards flew to the floor. Blades shone in the light as they stood at her forearms. She opened her eyes, the green of her eyes struck fear in the man's heart, For him, they were the last thing he saw. Her blades entered his chest, he took one last gasp as he felt his life leaving him. Glass shattered as the drapes caught onto the corpse as it fell through window, falling several stories where the body fell, making it look like suicide. Once she was satisfied with her work she stood up and walked down the sidewalk to the sound of bystanders screaming in terror. She opened the door to a nearby limousine and sat on the seat. As the the door closed the vehicle took off, she looked in the rear view mirror to see a throng of people accompanied by an ambulance. congratulations agent Angela, another successful mission, but you seemed almost too happy about his death. a deep tone said from the driver seat. She placed her sunglasses on and her angelic voice responded. well you have to enjoy what you do. the owner of the deep voice chuckled and the inside of the limousine fell silent. Once they stopped the driver stepped out and opened the door for Diana where she walked out, thank you Allen. he smiled and they walked towards the building. As she walked in an average looking man that jumped out of his chair when he saw Diana. Allen walked away from her, I'm going to my office have a nice day. okay Allen you too she said with a smile. As she walked into the large room all she heard

were clacking keys from someone's keyboard. hey Diana heard you had a good day. she turned to see whom she knew it was. hey Eddie. Eddie, an average looking man attempted a charming smile as he said, please I've told you, call me Ed. Diana turned to look away from him, Eddie you know the rules, I don't date inside the brotherhood, we can't get close. Besides I'm not interested in dating or love. Eddie was noticeably distraught. can't even be friends? he said we are friends Eddie, just not close friends in case either of us don't come back. Eddie frowned, I will always come back for you. Diana forced a smile, thanks. she shook his hand and walked away, his shoulders slumped as he sat down to eat his parfait. She went into her office, it was well lit through a large window with a balcony. She grabbed the in papers from the bin, and left the office building. She was walking down the street, and turned to walk into the local bookstore. She walked into the fantasy section, and reached for the novel she had been planning to purchase but never had the time. She picked it up, ah The Dragon's Bite by Roger Dole. as she finished her sentence, a man walked into the row moving towards her. Their eyes met, and she saw a twinkle in those emerald eyes, she smiled uncontrollably. The man smiled back, pearl white teeth. H-hi, she stuttered. The man slightly chuckled ,Hello to you as well he said with a smile. I see that you have The Dragon's Bite, that is one of my favorites. She had a gleam in her eye, I love Roger Dole's work she said laughing. Is it just novels you read? he asked. well I am interested in short stories, mostly ones I find online. she giggled. They sat down at a table mere feet from the shelves of books, and they began small talk. And slowly the small talk became deeper and more intimate. hey I gotta go, but this was amazing talking to you. he smiled. you're leaving already? she whined standing up. I'm afraid so, it has been four hours. but I don't even know your name. it's James Moore. she smiled, I'm Diana, here let's talk again soon. she wrote down her cell phone number on a napkin and handed it to him. He grabbed it gently, thank you Diana, I'll call you soon. he hugged her and they said their goodbyes. She watched him walk out the bookstore, in almost slow motion. She sat down at the table and contemplated what just happened. what is wrong with me? she thought to herself, i am twenty five years old and I go and act like a little 16 year old girl falling in love? she wrapped her arms around each other and placed her head on them, leaning on the table. She knew what she wanted to do next. She quietly stood up and left the store heading for home. She opened the door to her apartment, it was a humble but nice apartment. She walked to the kitchen where she filled a glass with her favorite soda, and sat at her desk. She turned on her computer and waited for it to load up. Welcome Agent Angela, how may I assist you today? a voice came from the computer. Diana straightened up, pull up the H.A.N.D. Databases please, I'd like to run a background check on someone. a small hologram of a blue woman was projected from the web cam. At once madam. soon a web page filled with icons appeared on screen. She clicked the search bar, James Moore. Name: James Moore Gender: Male age: 26 spouse: unmarried, no girlfriend Orientation: straight eyes: green Height: 5' 11 Weight: 190lbs. Hair: brown Criminal charges: none Financial stability: stable Housing: Apartment Address: Room 14 Rosary Apartments, 3021 Elm Street Phone: cell 719-203-7891 Blood type: AB+ Medical conditions: Depression, being treated with major antidepressants Family: unknown Education: College gradate Occupation: teacher pets: no Targeted: no

end of information collected. Agent Angela you sure know how to pick them. cooed the hologram woman at the picture of James. That is rather bold to say, Astrid. Diana chuckled. She read the page intrigued by the many things she saw on the page, he had no idea of her job. The way she killed to make her paycheck, and for the improvement of her society. The next day she walked into her office building and greeted her fellow assassins, then she saw her friend, hey Katherine. she said with a smile. Katherine turned around, hey Diana. they walked towards each other, held hands and kissed the air next to each others head. i see you are wearing the robes, I assume you are heading off to a mission? Katherine sighed, yep and this one is all the way in France! ah the city of lights, what is wrong with that? i hate overseas missions, just such a hassle. They hugged each other well I wish you luck, and remember In veritate ultio. Katherine nodded, of course sister, farewell. goodbye, and good luck. with that Diana walked away, in search of her next mission briefing. Allen walked into her office, good morning Agent Angela, there is a new mission for you, in a little town down in Washington. Diana sighed, I see, well I guess I'll take the briefing in my office. Allen nodded good luck. She walked away and opened the door to her office, she saw a single manilla folder sitting on her desk. She opened the folder while she sat down and reclined in her chair. There were two pictures, each men and their bios. Joshua and Thomas Dane. They were brothers, twins, age of 26. Average people no criminal records, no family other than each other and from a record point they were close to non-existence. One phrase however stood out to Diana. Physiobank agents: confirmed she then understood why they were targeted. This one sentence filled her with fury, she adorned her hoodie and stepped out of the office. She got into the limo so Allen could drive her to the target's last known location. She pondered her tactics, checked her pistols ensuring they were loaded and she had two more magazines just in case. She rolled up her sleeves and equipped her forearm swords. She lowered her sleeves covering the weapons she held her hand to her bicep, contemplating her hoodie. It was fuzzy on the inside and common cotton on the outside. It was a snow white, with scarlet colored elastic cuffs around the hands; the hood was white with scarlet on the inside. She always wondered why it was white, in her line of work blood spray was not uncommon. Laundromats made a fortune from her, the very hoodie she wore was cleaned regularly wasting tons of bleach. And once these men were dead, she would have to use more bleach to keep her hoodie from turning totally scarlet. The car came to a stop in front of a hotel, here we are. said Allen Diana stepped out of the vehicle, thanks Allen. she said closing the door. The limo sped off as she placed the hood on. The receptionist was a short man, with an even shorter temper. I'm looking for a couple of friends, the names are Josh and Tom Dane. The man rolled his eyes, room 218 floor 3, leave now. Diana courteously thanked the man despite his attitude. After the elevator doors closed behind her she silently walked through the halls she found the room with relative ease. She calmly knocked on the door. Waiting for twenty seconds with no answer she lost her temper, and with an instant and sound of jeans fluttering, the door flew open. She heard a male voice, welcome in I suppose. Joshua or Thomas. She asked

who's asking? the woman who is going to punish you for your chosen alignment well come on in. as the voice stopped two men emerged from around the corner they were armed with automatic rifles. She turned around hoping to get away and make a new plan, as she did two more armed agents stood in the doorway. you are trapped little lady. Come peacefully or die. she raised her arms and bowed her head, she was soon cuffed and knocked unconscious. She began coming too in time to hear a conversation. you mean to tell me we hold her at this outpost?why aren't we just taking her to base, or better yet killing her? Idiot! Don't you know who this is? We are going to need plenty of backup in order to do anything. are you kidding? What is she like a superhero or something. the first voice laughed. don't underestimate any opponent, and with that attitude why don't you guard her. are you serious? the voice became shaky, but you said she's super strong and stuff. no. I said don't underestimate her, besides I have to contact base. there she saw a blurry figure leave. dude, trade me jobs. as she heard that, her eyelids grew heavy once more, and the dark blurry vision began to go away. Diana moaned in pain as she started picking up head and she raised her hands to her forehead. She looked around as her vision slowly became clearer. She saw bars and small walls, all made of cold metal. She saw only one guard standing on the other side of the bars. She got to her feet, she clenched fists as she thrust her arms back. She stood motionless for a couple seconds expecting her blades to shoot out; eventually she realized they had taken her weapons, everything. Her pistols weren't in their holsters, the blades removed from her arms, they even stripped her of the dagger tucked away in her boot. She sighed as she thought to herself, of course they take everything, being a prisoner sucks. as the thought ended her eyes shot open wide, she started feeling everywhere on her person in a panic. Where's my phone? She thought i have everything on there! she looked up to see the back of a solo guard in front of the bars, in an instant her plan was formulated. hey you. Don't I get my one phone call? Diana asked we aren't tied to your government. So no. the guard replied. He stood his back to her, just out of reach. come on can't I do anything to get you to let me call a friend? she cooed. The man laughed, you got nothing to offer me, killer. Diana frowned and her eyebrows furrowed, I prefer the term, executioner, just seems more professional. Now we both know there is something I can do to make you give me my phone to call one number. You just gotta get close enough for me to reach. Lady please I'm lonely, but I'm not desperate enough to kiss a chick who kills for a living. have you ever tried? I've been told a kiss from us female assassins is heavenly, you won't regret it. the man turned his head to look over his shoulder, That is a total load of crap. he paused, right? why not lean over and try it out yourself? What have you got to lose? well, you have no weapons and behind the bars, okay. the guard leaned over towards her, lips puckered. Diana pressed her face to the bars, lips puckered and she wrapped her arms around the man through the bars. Their lips touched and smacking sounds echoed in her small room. The man pulled away slowly and Diana pulled her arms back into the room she looked him in the face with a glowing grin. That was just, wow. he said he let out his breath. He face contorted, as he gasped for breath. what? Don't you love the flavor of my lip gloss? I like to call it, poison-berry. don't you... mean...boysenberry? well let's see, what are the ingredients again? Right European raspberry, blackberry, Loganberry, and oh right, a mixture of rattlesnake venom and Belladonna plant. you? look you have a matter of seconds to live do you really want to learn about that? his words were cut off as his last gasp ended exhaling, he fell on the bars and slid to the ground. one down. Diana said reaching for the key hanging off the man's belt. She pushed the corpse out of the way as she pushed the bars away, setting her free. She walked into the outpost base, her boots made small clink noises as they moved across the steel floor. now where would they take my weapons? she asked herself out loud. She looked down and reached for the man's corpse and from it she took his pistol, 6 rounds. And his electrified baton. The hallway stretched out in front of her, cold and unforgiving. It eventually turned into a t-shaped intersection, where she heard two voices. you think that idiot can keep her locked up? no and that is why you and I are going to check up on him. the guard's footsteps became louder as they came closer, hey before we get there, the footsteps stopped, where did you leave her affects? her what? read a dictionary sometime, her weapons, phone, belt those sort of things. oh why didn't you say so, down the hall and the second room on the left. And you left it just sitting there? And yet you wonder why you never get promotions. the voices stopped as the footstep sounds began once more. Diana crouched and pressed up against the wall into the shadows. The men turned the corner and saw her, how did she get out? he yelled as he reached for his pistol. In a flash he was filled with three bullets fired from a suppressor. The body fell to the floor, and while she watched the body she heard a buzz and saw the area glowed blue. She ripped the baton hanging on her belt and held it in front of her face as the man swung his buzzing and burning weapon at her. The weapons slammed together with a roaring crash. Sparks flew off of the batons from the impact. He pulled back to wind up another blow, but as his arm came back Diana jumped to her side, sending a bullet into the side of the mans head. She stood over the corpses searching them for anything of use, she found several clips and a key card. She reloaded the pistol and continued down the hall in search of her stolen possessions. The room was open, The room was cast in darkness except for one single hanging light in the middle of the room, illuminating a single wooden table with all of her belongings sitting on it unguarded. The air was still, not a single noise came from the room. It was a serene scene, even despite this she could feel something about the room was wrong. Suddenly there was a click coming from the hammer of a pistol being cocked from behind the light. Diana swiftly twirled getting her self to safety, she stood there her back to the wall ready to storm the room. She heard several shots and ducked. When she looked up she was shocked to see several bullet holes in the metal wall next to the door frame. She got on the ground, and while laying on her stomach she looked into the room to see someone's legs. Promptly she fired bullets which were made silent, the only thing she heard were two shins snapping and a person fall to the floor. She sprung to her feet ran in, jumped on the table. Her adrenaline pumping she landed on the man to hear him yell in pain. She stood on his arms, effectively disabling him. She crouched down her feet still cutting off the circulation in the mans appendages. She slowly reached for the baton on her belt loop. As she wrapped her gentle fingers around the baton she grinned. I hope you suffer from

this. she said in an ominous tone. Once she finished her sentences she clicked on the baton giving off a faint blue tint to the room, she laughed as she thrust the baton into his chest. His body began to wriggle and contort unnaturally. Foam came out his mouth, his eyes went bloodshot. She removed the baton from his chest, and searched for a pulse. The man was dead. She walked away from the corpse and turned to the table. She put on her belt, hid her blades under her sleeves, and holstered her pistols. Venturing out into the hallway she heard a voice, I swear I heard gunfire! Let's move! Wait there she is! Fire at will! Diana ducked back into the room, and devised her plan of attack. She jumped out the door right shoulder first while she was in the air she filled the air with bullets, with a tuck and roll she got back up to her feet. Once she stood up three bodies fell to the floor down the hall. With that she moved on in search of the rest of her belongings. The halls only got darker and darker, the temperature gradually lowered. The smell of death followed behind her as she strolled through the halls. There was a screech as a voice echoed through the horrid halls. I've seen it all, your actions have been on camera. You murderer. the voice spoke Don't ever call me that! Diana screamed. But that is what you are, a murderer, a killer, a slayer. it's called assassin. oh yes that is much better, assassin or in other words professional killer, a widower. Are you aware that all the men you have killed today were married men, with families that depended on them? Diana stood still for a moment thinking about how her actions affected those families. She remained motionless, puzzled and perplexed. She placed on her leather gloves. that's funny, I really don't care. she said in a cold voice. spoken like a true sociopath, however you still do have feelings do you not? Like your feelings for this James Moore. Perhaps the director would enjoy knowing this news given your infamy in our company. Diana's eyelids opened wide, she felt a rage bubble up inside her like a fire was lit in her gut. In flash of pure anger she thrust her fist through the tinted glass window in front of her, on the other side she gripped the throat of the man standing speaking through the p.a. system, and yanked him through the glass. He quivered as he saw the blood red eyes of his foe, he strained to reach his weapon, Diana fired a round into his free arm. She smirked while the man shrieked in pain. Her blade slowly entered his body, slowly moving through muscle and fluids, the tip kissed the outside of his heart. Tears flowed uncontrollably out of his eyes, he begged for his death, If you have the slightest mercy in your in your soul,you will just kill me. Diana slugged him in the eye. I am tired of hearing you scream, and this pathetic sight; so you shall die. she closed her mouth finished speaking, her blade was thrust with all her strength silencing his heart. She retracted it and let the corpse slide to the floor. She calmly walked into the room and grabbed her belongings, she turned and fired several bullets into the computer. Another mission? Diana whined Afraid so sweetie said Allen frowning

You realize I just got back yesterday from being taken captive? Shouldn't I get paid vacation time or something? We have been experiencing some funding cuts, so we can't do that and we need extra jobs done. But I have a...a... she cut off into a whisper Yes. We know you have been cavorting around this, Allen held a folder up to the lights, James Moore. You know he is only a liability, he will mess with your head. Besides Eddie has been rather down since he found out about James. I've heard enough Allen put the mission brief on my desk and please just leave. without a sound he laid the papers on her desk and left. As she walked onto her balcony. She stood still for a time silently thinking. A flicker came from her dim office, attracting her attention. A beautiful woman was projected from her computer camera and she stood on Diana's desk. She was tinted blue, as such Diana could never tell her hair or eye colors; but she had a petite frame and delicate face. You seem rather disturbed by the director's words, you know he cares for you most; he just wants you to be safe. Astrid spoke Diana smirked faintly, Thank you Astrid, I know he does but his words were very unnecessary if he really cares he should trust I know what I am doing. Astrid merely nodded as she sat on the edge of Diana's desk. With a sigh she made Diana look down at her, you know I have always wondered what it's like to be an AI. Astrid smiled sheepishly. I have always wondered what humanity is like. she chuckled, well you know being an AI is like- she was silenced by the sound of a door slam. With a short man wearing thick glasses. hello Derek. Diana greeted. The man started hyperventilating. What, did you run from the basement all the way here? he wheezed and wheezed trying to speak. Diana merely blinked and stared at him. As he continued wheezing Astrid and Diana exchanged glances. here I got your backup inhaler. Diana reached into a drawer in her desk, here, now why did you rush and almost kill yourself? with a couple quick spritz of the inhaler the man was finally able to speak. I have wonderful news! We made an astounding breakthrough, you know how you always wanted to take Astrid on a mission with you? he said as he gestured at the AI. We designed these watches that can transport her with you! Astrid shot straight up to her feet. Are you serious? You finally completed it? Astrid almost begin shouting as she turned to Diana in an amazed shock. But she only stood there in awe. here we even have the first model just for you. Derek wrapped it around Diana's left wrist and explained all the instructions and all its uses. alright here goes nothing, Astrid you ready? Diana said as she pointed the wrist accessory to her AI. Suddenly Astrid was sucked straight into the device. After several moments, Astrid come on out prove you are okay. after several seconds with no response Derek and Diana grew worried, but

just as Diana was prepared to abort the test the watch's cameras projected the construct. sorry it took so long I had to bring all systems online but, everything is working and ready for action. she said with a tilted head and smile. Diana grinned back and hugged Derek. thank you for this Derek it is going to be a great help on missions with Astrid there watching my back. after she finished her hug Derek's face turned bright red as he slowly backed out the door mumbling in a dreamlike trance. alright Astrid let's set off. she pulled on her hood as Astrid produced an electronic hood to mimic Diana's. Diana grabbed the mission folder and they set off for her next job. She had almost entirely forgotten about Jame's and her date. She broke the wax seal in the limo, Dean Patrick. Astrid, she said bringing out her assistant, pull up our information on the target. in an instant, her eyes turned green and in a trance like voice she said, Dean Patrick, male,blonde hair blue eyes, 5' 11, medium build, slight tan, erratic movements, timid, single, somewhat desperate, knows too much, noticeable threat. Targeted 3 days ago, current location, coffee shop on 13th and Main. Working on report to news broadcast to divulge company's existence. Must be eliminated tonight. End report. Astrid's eyes turned back to blue and voice returned to normal, sounds like quite the charmer. Quite. Diana responded. retract. and Astrid shrunk back onto the watch screen. The limo stopped in front the coffee shop. She walked in to see a man in the corner typing on a laptop looking over the screen occasionally with shifting eyes, trembling noticeably. Diana pointed discreetly and whispered, that's him? confirmed. Diana put on a charming face as she slowly approached the scared little man. Hi there she said in her angelic voice. He simply looked up and slightly blushed. The clacking of the keys silenced as he stared at her. can you help me out? I'm new to town and I was hoping you could show me where the good local restaurants are. the man began to tremble again and he opened his mouth slightly. um yeah I just tried this new Italian place down the block and it was rather impressive. the man spoke in a shaky voice. that's wonderful so how's about you show a girl a nice time? Lets go try it together. she smiled cutely. The man blushed once more and looked down at his computer and stumbled his words. well I uh... I-I just m-met you... and well I'm not good with girls, let alone cute ones. you think I'm cute? she giggled well I uh... the man tapped his fingers together nervously. Diana reached over and grabbed his hands to calm him down. This of course only made him blush as he looked up into her eyes. i don't bite you know. she winked, let's just hang out at the restaurant. she slowly closed his laptop. His eyes widened. well I guess I could try. he wrapped his hands around hers.

there you go, just give me a minute to freshen up and we can go. she walked to the restroom where she applied her makeup. She came out looking stunning. The man was terrified and his face turned ruby red. you ready? she grabbed his arm and rushed him out the door with her, he barely had a grip on his computer. There was a soft giggle coming from Diana's wrist. They arrived at the restaurant the smell of tomato sauce emanated throughout the store. They began with the small talk chuckling the entire time, sharing a large pizza they sat and talked for hours. what do you do for a living? she asked well I'm an actor but no one has been interested yet. he frowned don't be sad, I would hire you if I could. she grinned. thanks. Ha ha, hey I know of a really nice place, and I think it's my turn to take you somewhere. he said. hmm sounds romantic. she winked, sounds good to me let's go. he payed the bill and they flew out the door. He called a cab, he reached over the chair and whispered directions to the driver. oh sounds like to lovers wanting some romantic scenery. the driver said. Diana scooted a little closer to Dean. The entire time however she could only think to herself about James and she was worried if he was there already disappointed in her for not being there. you okay? Dean asked. oh yeah I'm alright. she said well you look distracted, don't worry this place will wash away worries. she remained silent but acknowledged him with a warm expression. The car finally stopped outside of town, she could see the sea from the window, a wooden dock was laid out in front of the car. Dean got out and walked around to open the door for Diana and helped her out of the taxi. here we are, you know I have never brought a girl here, but I visit all the time it's a beautiful view from here. she looked at the moon then the calm water, she stood still feeling a slight breeze caress her face. Dean smiled at her as he slowly reached his arms around her waist hugging from behind. this is a really pretty place she said as she rested her hands on his and her head on his chest. She guided him to the end of the dock where they sat and dangled their feet over the water, the sound of footsteps were in the background but she ignored them. The car pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes. She looked at her watch pulled it to her face and whispered. you often speak to your watch? Dean laughed. it's just something I do. suddenly a ringing came from her wrist. Dean puzzled turned to her looking at her watch. what was that church bell sound for? he asked, Diana simply flashed her angelic smile with her head tilted and eyes closed. Don't ask for whom the bell tolls... she paused, for it tolls for thee. Astrid's voice was heard

in a delicate laughing. Dean started a forced and uneasy laugh. Diana pulled her face close to his with puckered lips, as she did she looked down at his leg then back at his face. Just to see a scarlet face. do I scare you? she asked. no I just... well this is my... he started mumbling. your first kiss? Truly? she giggled he merely nodded his head in acknowledgment. don't worry, she gently held a hand to his cheek, I'll lead you through it. she puckered and so did he and as they slowly moved toward each other, she held her watch to his leg as a micro needle penetrated his skin. He noticed nothing. wow. he said when he backed away from her lips. that was so amazing... but... why does my stomach feel so weird? Diana! What are you doing! a familiar voice shouted. She turned to him in an instant. James! she said in shock. You stood me up for this guy? How could you? I thought you and I connected so much... I felt chemistry. he said staring at the ground. He turned around, i hope you really love this guy. wait James let me explain. but he stormed off before she could speak. bye Dean say hi to the maker for me. he looked at her bewildered, suddenly he grabbed his chest. you were with them? he shouted as he clutched his chest and gasped for air. But his eyes closed and he fell off the dock into the water. He was silenced, permanently. James please come back! she screamed as he jumped into into a car. He shouted back, don't you ever talk to me again, go home. She stopped and stood staring at him as the car sped off. Tears started forming in her eyes, she ran to her car parked by the coffee shop. Once she got into the driver's seat and locked the doors she began to cry softly. Astrid appeared from the watch and sat on her lap. I am so sorry Diana, I wish I could help. Astrid spoke gently. Diana merely buried her hands into her arms. here, I'll autopilot us home. Astrid jumped onto the dashboard and disappeared, the car started with a roar and began moving. It was pointed home. Diana dragged her feet into her home eyes red from the tears. Astrid jumped straight onto her desk, listen I know you are hurting really bad right now, maybe you should get some sleep. Diana silently nodded and she walked to her room and closed the door. goodnight ma'am you are what!? Allen shouted I'm taking a mental health day. Diana whispered into her phone. you are our top agent, you haven't taken a day off in your entire time here. things happened I need time off. Allen grunted.

fine get some rest because you are coming straight into work the next day. And if it is about this James guy, I told you he was a liability. Diana hung up the phone without another word, and she curled up on her bed holding a pillow. Tears began to form again as a beep come from her door. Diana, can I do anything for you? Astrid asked Thank you but I just need time alone. she answered. Diana spent the entire day in bed. The next morning she put on her watch, swallowed her sadness and went to the limo outside. things calmed down? Allen asked over the vidcom. I'm fine. Diana said, give me a target. Allen smirked. that's the Diana I know, sending briefing now. i got the details ready for review anytime Diana. Astrid said. Diana nodded and Astrid stood on her lap, eyes green and speaking in a trance. Chloe Cain, female, 5'7, petite, age 25, blonde, up and coming fashion magazine designer, has been involved in physiobank activity, last known location clothes weekly headquarters, confident, single, bisexual. Report complete. Astrid returned to normal, so ideas? Diana looked out the window. find her, get alone, kill her. Diana said. i like it, quick simple, gets the job done. Astrid smiled only for the smile to be answered by a stern look. She could feel an uncomfortable chill come from Diana. are you sure you are up for this? Diana looked down at her, fire in her eyes. I'm fine. she said, her words cut through the air, terrified Astrid went into the watch. They stopped the limo in front of the office. let's go. Diana walked into the building, I must speak with Chloe right now! This is an outrage! a small blonde girl came to the front door. I am Chloe what is it you want? she asked. let's talk in private Diana said Chloe looked at her questioning and puzzled but lead her to her office. She locked the door behind them. so I hear there is an outrage? What is your beef with me? Chloe said in a silky tone. Diana only stared at her ominously. Chloe became nervous, do I need to call security? Diana began taking steps toward Chloe. Chloe backed up fear in her eyes, trembling she reached for the phone. Security! I nee- the line was dead her eyes widened. The wire had been cut by a throwing knife. Chloe tried to scream but felt cold steel in her chest, it sent a shock through her body; she was paralyzed. Diana clenched her teeth, as she thrust her second blade into Chloe's stomach. Blood began to flow from her mouth, but...w-why? she gasped spitting blood. nothing personal, just business. Diana said coldly. Tears formed in her eyes and flowed endlessly from Chloe. A blazing rage grew in Diana behind the tears. She ripped the swords from Chloe and retracted them she pulled a knife and slit Chloe's throat, and watched her gasp for breath. Tears dripped down her cheeks and she wielded her pistols and filled Chloe with bullets. Diana was fully crying as she watched Chloe's corpse fall to the floor, she picked up the body and threw it out the

window. The body fell several stories and finally splat on the pavement. Security guards burst through the office door guns aimed, they saw nothing in the office but a broken window and the furniture. The leaned over the edge to see Chloe on the sidewalk, and a limo pulling away. In the limo Diana sat her face red and the tears dried up. Astrid jumped out onto the seat next to her. Diana, don't you think that was a little overkill? Astrid asked Diana merely buried her face in her arms and curled her legs up on the seat with her. I'm sorry Diana, let's just go home. she turned on the autopilot and set the course for home. Diana walked through the door sniffling holding her phone with a text on the screen, good work getting the target, but there was no need for that brutality. But you have earned the day off the report can be done tomorrow. she took off her watch and laid it on her nightstand she curled up under the sheet on her bed as Astrid appeared and sat on the edge of the table. Diana she was the target of your pent up aggression wasn't she? Diana merely nodded. Astrid sighed, i wish I could help you, but compassion isn't programmable, Diana looked at her while raising her head. you're kidding right? Astrid you're an AI and you're more compassionate than some humans I know. Astrid smiled. though I wish I could become tangible and hug you but our scientists haven't quite cracked that yet. Astrid frowned, first thing I would do is hug you and comfort you. how is it an AI has developed feelings? Diana forced a smile and chuckle. Astrid looked down in wonder. I have no idea. she said laughing. you remember before? Back when you asked me what it's like to be and AI? Diana nodded. everything is logic and numbers, I can tell you what wind is, what causes it, where it is going, which direction it's heading from... but I could never describe how it feels. Astrid frowned once more. I can predict human movements, tell you their plans, where they go and when. But I can never fathom what emotion Is like. I can simulate tears like a human, but I feel nothing. I can not touch, nor hold anything tangible. Astrid formed tears and let them fall to the desk. see? I can cry I feel nothing I can laugh, she bellowed a laugh, and still nothing. doesn't all this talk about no feeling depress you? Diana asked no feeling remember? these emotion simulations are so humans can feel a connection to me. Astrid sniffled. Derek promised me to search for a emotion program, maybe one day I can explain what feeling is. she chuckled. Suddenly a ringing noise came from the living room, incoming call miss, Astrid gasped and held her hands to her mouth. you okay Astrid? Diana asked. She nodded. the call... it's... it's from James. Diana's eyes widened. answer it let me speak to him. hello? James voice came over the phone. hi James. Diana said.

look I... I've taken time and I wanted to talk to you about what I saw. i promise it isn't what it looked like! we'll talk about it, come see me at the dock it happened at. Diana agreed to go. are you sure this is a good idea? Astrid asked, Diana put on a jacket and wiped her face. i need to make things right, you coming? always. Astrid said confidently she fell back to the watch. Diana place the wrist accessory on and ran out the door keys in hand. The car stopped at the dock, butterflies went crazy in her stomach. She stepped out of the car and she saw a table with a single candle on it. She walked towards it the salty sea air coaxing her over. James? She called. Her wrist began vibrating and beeping, she looked down to see a red flashing light. Warning incoming hostiles. Astrid warned, seven, armed with electro-batons. Diana began looking around her, she saw a faint blue glowing and a man charging straight at her, she thrust her blade into him. She heard a man scream and run at her from behind. She twirled a round and fired a shot into his skull. Two more jumped out from the water, once they gained they footing on the ground each had a knife in their throat. Two more appeared she dodged their attacks by flipping backward. She grabbed the men's head and flipped out her swords into the eyes sockets. She waited for one more but she heard nothing. Astrid where's the last one? It's silent. calculating. Target is behind us. suddenly Diana heard a car engine start, she turned around to see headlights flash on and fly towards her. She quickly jumped on her side out of the way. The car flew off the dock and into the water. what was that? Diana saw a figure move in the distance. Diana that was James! Diana chased after the figure into the alleyway. She saw a table with a single azure candle dimly lighting the area, she could see James but not his face. James! he remained silent, but she saw a note in his hand. Diana I love you and I hurt like hell to see you with that man, I only want to be with you Love, James Diana began to tear up, James I'm so sorry, but I love you too. Diana? Astrid said quietly. hang on, Diana said,James you are my world, that man was nothing you are my light in the tunnel. Diana please there's something- Astrid began.

Astrid wait, Diana cut off, James you deserve to know this, I am an assassin I eliminate evil and corrupt people. That's my living that man you saw was a target. Oh and here. Diana laid a book on the table. it's The Dragon's Bite I know you wanted to read it. there was still not a word said from the other side of the table. Diana... I'm so sorry... I am not registering any vitals... James is dead... no... no that's not possible! Diana shrieked look! she held the candle up to his face to see a note attached to his face. those red marks, they can't be blood. she removed the note and saw James' eyes rolled up into his skull, No! Please no! she screamed with tears falling down her face endlessly. She looked down at his neck, blood poured from a clean line cut across his throat. Diana could barely see through the tears. She was bawling at this point. Astrid appeared and moved her hands in a cross pattern. Rest in peace James. Astrid looked over at the note left on the table. poor civillian getting involved. Oh well my regards Diana. signed, from all of us at physiobank, and head director, Jayson Carson. Astrid stepped back in shock, Diana, I think you should see this. Diana held up the card and read it, her face turned firey red, her eyes were flames. Astrid get ready. I know our next target. She said in a dark voice. Diana I know you're hurt but revenge isn't a good thing. Astrid warned. no. it's the only thing. End part 1

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