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OAS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT MODEL EXAMINATION I Date: 11.04.2013 Dept: Civil Engineering APRIL 2013 Time: 3 hrs Max.Marks:100 Marks Answer All Questions PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks) 1. Distinguish between Residual and Transported soil 2. Give the relationship between sat, G, w and e. 3. What are the different types of soil water? 4. List out the methods of drawing Flow net. 5. What is the use of influence chart in soil mechanics? 6. Difference between Compaction and Consolidation. 7. State the principle of Direct Shear test. 8. What is the effect of pore pressure on shear strength of soil? 9. What do you mean by Tension Crack? 10. Define Critical surface of failure. PART B (5 X 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) The specific gravity of a dry soil is 1.7. When it is allowed to soak up in water, expand and get saturated, its specific gravity increases to 1.82 at a moisture content of 38%. Determine the specific gravity of solids of the soil and its shrinkage limit. (10) (b) Explain the influence of water content and compactive effort on the compaction of soils. (6) (or) 12. A compared sample of soil with a bulk unit weight of 19.62 kN/m 3 has a water content of 15 percent. What are its dry density, degree of saturation and air content? Assume G=2.65. (8) (b) Derive the relationship d = / (1+w) from fundamental principles. (8) 13. (a) Explain the factors affecting permeability of soil. (6) CE2251 SOIL MECHANICS

(b) Derive the equation to determine the value of permeability coefficient K from a falling Head permeability method. (10) (or) 14. (a) Explain the constant head permeability test in detail. (6) (b) Derive the equations to determine the average permeability coefficient in Layered system. (10) 15. (a) A circular area of 7.5m in diameter on the ground surface carries a uniformly distributed load of 3kN/m3.Find the intensity of vertical pressure below the centre of the loaded area at the centre of the loaded area at a depth of 6 m below the ground surface. Use Boussinesq analysis. (10) (b) Explain the causes and effects of differential settlement. (6) (or) 16. (a) A concentrated point load of 200 kN acts at the ground surface. Find the intensity of vertical pressure at a depth of 10m below the ground surface, and situated on the axis of the loading. What will be the vertical pressure at a point at a depth of 5m and at a distance of 2m from the axis of loading? Use Westergaard analysis, taking = 0. (6) (b)Explain the construction of Newmark chart. (10) 17. (a) Explain the direct shear test in detail. (6) (b) Explain drained and untrained tests in saturated clays and draw Mohrs circles. (10) (or) 18. (a) Explain the Terzaghis theory of one dimensional consolidation in detail. (8) (b) Explain square root time fitting method of determination of Coefficient of consolidation. (8) 19. (a) Explain Bishops method of stability analysis. (6) 3 (b) A cohesive soil has unit weight of 19.2 kN/m , unit cohesion as 12 kN/m2 and angle of internal friction as 10. Calculate the critical height of vertical excavation that can be made without any lateral support. (10) 20. (a) Explain the Swedish slip circle method in detail. (10) (b) Explain Taylors stability number and its applicability. (6) Prepared By Verified By Approved By

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