Abu Dhabi Property Law

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Concerning Tenancy and Organization of Landlord-Tenant relation In the Emirate of Abu Dhabi PC% evita tn Zayed Ai Noon, Ruler of Ab Dna Pursuant to Law no, (1) of 1974 on the re-organization of the Government Structure In the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the emending Jaws thereof; and after reviewing Law no, (2) of 1971 concerning the Notional Consultative Council ond ‘the amending laws thereof; Law no.(2) of 1994 canceining Tenancy of Places and Organization of Longiord-tenant relation in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the amending ows thereot: Law no, (6) of 2004 on the re-organization ‘of the Financial Control Authortty: Law no, (8) of 2005 concerning tne oigantation of reakestate registia- ton in the Emitate of Abu Dhabi Law no, (19) of 2008 concerning property ownership: Federal low no. (6) of 1985 on the Issuance of the UAE Civil Code and the amending laws thereof: Federal law no. (10) of 1992 on the issuance of the proot of evidence law in civ and commercial transoctions; Federal law no, (11) of 192 on the Isuance of civil procedures and the ‘amending laws thereof and Upon a presentation to the Executive Council and the Counets assent tereto: We enact the following law: CHAPTER ONE DEFINITIONS ARTICLE (1) implementation of the provisions of this law, the following phrases: statements and wordings sholl have the meonings specified against ‘each one of thar, unless itis otherwise determined by the context, ‘THE EMIRATE: Emirate of Abu Dhabi. ‘THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: the Executive Coun! in the Emirate. COMPETENT MUNICIPALITY: Department of Municipaites & Agriculture ‘ond other alfllated municioaities or any other municipality that may be Inttioted in the Emirate inthe tutu. ‘THE IN-KIND SUBJECT OF TENANCY: Any leased residential place or unit of any other property, the usufruct of which hos been leased in ‘eecordence with the provision of this law, NECESSARY RENOVATION/REPAIR: Those urgent renovotions deemed necessary to molntain the property against destruction. Also any tepals deemed necessary fot a tenant fo benefit from the usuttuct of the In- kind subject of fenaney, whenever a landlord pledges to get such works uly cecompished. RENTAL RENOVATION/REPAIR: Those simple renovations or repoits which are, by convention, coming under the tenant's responsi. THE COMMITTEE: the committee for tenancy dispute settlement to be formed according to the low. COMMITTEE OF APPEAL: the committee of appeal to be formed according to the low. RENT AMOUNT: The Ine of usuffuct incuted by the in-kind subject of tenancy, It ogo Includes fees agains! benefiing from the services evalled In the property. Law No. 20 of 2006 CHAPTER TWO GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE (2) ‘he provisions of the law herein shall be effective in respect of properties; places and all different associated parts which are leased for residence or for the purpose of exercising ony industi= ‘al, commercial, professional or vacational activities within the Emirate, They shall also be applicable as far as existing or arising tenancy relations are concemed. However, these provisions shall not be applied to the following kinds of properties: Agricultural lands and associoted buildings constructed thereon. Lands and properties owned by the government and leased for residential purposes. Properties leased for exercising hotel and touristic activities including accommodated apartments. 4, Housing units occupied due to work exigencies. Nevertheless, a decree to be issued by the Executive Council shall organize tenancy relation appertaining to such cases as those provided in clauses 1, 2 and 3 herein above. Low No. 20 of 2008 ARTICLE (3) ‘1 Tenancy contracts shall be drawn in wting as from the date ‘at which this law becomes into force. Unwritten lease agree- ments existing at the said date of law enforcement shall also be made in wilting. = A tenant may prove the existence of a lease agreement and all associated contractual terms by all means of evl- dence. ARTICLE (4) If the two signatories fall to agree on the rent amount or on how to determine it, or i it became too allficult for them to ficit, the rent amount of an equlvatent piace shall be count- ed upon. = However, an equivelent rent amount shall be detemined by the competent committee concemed with dispute settle- ment as per the provision of this lav.

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