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QUESTIONNAIRE 1- Name 2- Occupation 3- Age 4- Monthly Households income 5- Have you heard about organic food?

a) Yes b) No

6- If YES, then what do you perceive/think about organic food? a) Pesticides/Chemical free b) No Adulteration c) Eco-Friendly d) More Nutritious e) Costly 7- Do you purchase organic food? Yes b) No

8- What types of organic food do you purchase? (You can tick more than one)? a) Produce b) Processed foods (cereal, etc.) c) Meats, Eggs, poultry, seafood d) Vegetables 9- How long have you been interested in organic foods? a) More than 3 years b) 1 to 3 years

c) 6 to 12 Months d) 0 to 6 Months e) Never 10- In your opinion, what are the most important motivations that will persuade you to buy organic foods instead of non-organic foods? a) Packaging b) Price c) Taste/quality d) Concern about health

11- Primary reasons you do not purchase organic foods. a) High price b) Taste is not good c) Low availability d) Low trust e) Poor appearance 12- How would you describe your overall opinion of organic food brands? a) Very favourable b) Somewhat favourable c) Neutral d) Somewhat Unfavourable e) Very Unfavourable 13-Would you recommend organic foods to a friend or associate a) Definitely b) Probably c) Not sure d) Probably not

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