Articles Test

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Choose the correct article:

1) She is a) a painting very good at ... b) painting c) the painting

2) I have left me book in and I would like you to get it for me. a) kitchen b) a kitchen c) the kitchen

3) It is book that I have ever read. a) funniest b) a funniest c) the funniest

4) In we decided not to go to the cinema but to have a walk in the park. a) end b) an end c) the end

5) This is little place for a picnic. a) nice b) a nice c) the nice

6) I have read this book from to a) beginningend end b) the beginningan end c) the beginningthe

7) Baikal is fresh-water lake in Europe and Asia. a) largest b) a largest c) the largest

8) Is there hotel in Hamburg? a) cheap b) a cheap c) the cheap

9) How many apples are there in ? a) bag 10) b) a bag c) the bag

was rising in b) Moon...the sky c) a Moonthe sky

a) the Moonthe sky 11) struck him.

a) thought 12)

b) a thought

c) the thought

When I entered the room, I saw standing at the window. b) a man c) the man

a) man


is millions of kilometers from b) an Earth.a Sun c) the Eraththe Sun

a) EarthSun 14)

At the port we saw which was being loaded with grain. b) a steamer c) the steamer

a) steamer 15)

grows in northern countries. b) a pine c) the pine

a) pine 16)

in New York live in slums. b) a poor c) the poor

a) poor 17)

with equal sides is called a square. b) a rectangle c) the rectangle

a) rectangle 18)

Vessels built for the transportation of oil are called b) a tankers c) the tankers

a) tankers

1) b 2) c 3) c 4) c 5) b 6) a 7) c 8) b 9) c 10) a 11) b 12) b 13) c 14) b

15) c 16) c 17) a 18) a

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