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When I was a child, I wanted to be a scientist. I really like it how a scientist got famous. They were very clever. As life goes on, I prefer not to be a scientist anymore. I want to be a doctor. Actually thats my parents dream. I think, a scientist can do anything, wherever he or she works in. Well, there is one that make my dream wont come true. I dont like Biology; I always get remedial for this lesson. Whenever I want to learn about it, its hard for me. I always force myself to study. Its like, when I know the next lesson is Biology, I say Oh my Gosh, Biology! with that uninterested face. But, I hope I can understand Biology, so one of my obstacles is gone. Thanks a lot for my beloved ex homeroom teacher, who makes Biology easier to understand for me, Mr. Heri. Another obstacle is blood. When I was in primary school, blood is not thing that makes my body suddenly became limp. But as I get older, I rarely see blood, whatever it is a puddle of blood or dripped blood, when I see a blood again, my body suddenly gets limp. ~ The story was, when I was in grade 9th, my sister chased my little cousin. My little cousin ran and his head crashed the stairs, which made by stone. My sister lifted my crying little cousin and put him in a sofa. Then I came, I saw his head. Fresh blood dripped from his head to his clothes. Well, being honest, I was quivered. But as the oldest child there, I took betadine and gauze, the cleaned the blood. I was brave enough. ~ To chase my dream, I will work harder than before. I will prove to everyone especially my parent that I can be a successful doctor and help everyone. As the oldest child in my family, I will become the pioneer for all my brothers and sister, especially my little cute naughty brother. I will prove to my friends who underestimate me and teachers who give all their hearts, their knowledge for me and educated me to become a great person in the future. I promise, I wont disappoint them; people who helped me and raised me from I was a child until now. Thats all about my dreams. I hope everyone who read this, understand what I mean. Thank You So Much

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