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Statically-Determinate Truss Structure

A truss structure resists two vertical loads FC and FE as shown in the figure. This cantilevered truss is constrained in the X and Y directions at point A and constrained in the X direction only at point B.

FC L Y A h X B C L



The following equation may be used to calculate the number of degrees-of-freedom (DOF) associated with this truss: DOF  3 N  1  2 J , where N is the number of struts, including ground, and J is the number of joints connecting the struts. There are N = 7 struts, including ground and there are J = 9 joints (1 sliding joint at B plus 8 rotary joints; there are 3 independent rotary joints at C and 2 independent rotary joints at D); therefore DOF  37  1  29   0 . Zero DOF means this is a statically-determinate truss; if this number were negative, the truss would be statically indeterminate and the following methods would not be sufficient. If DOF is greater than zero, the device has motion and is not a truss structure. The truss height is fixed to h = 1 m, and the angle  may be varied by the user. From geometry, the horizontal truss strut length L is: h L tan  Given truss angle , plus applied loads FC and FE, we must solve for all strut forces and the reaction forces at A and B. The first step is to draw a free-body diagram (FBD) of the overall truss to calculate the reaction forces at A and B:

Ay Ax




We write three equations of static equilibrium: Fx  0  Ax  Bx

 F M

 0  Ay  FC  FE  0  Bx h   FC L   2 FE L 
LFC  2 FE  h Ax   Bx


The reaction force solutions are:


Ay  FC  FE Since this is a statically-determinate truss, after solving the unknown reaction forces, we may write vector force equations of static equilibrium for each truss node. Since we have two equations at each node (X and Y), we can solve for only two unknowns at each node. Each strut is a two-force member, which means the direction of each strut force is known (axial along the strut, in tension or compression) but only the strut force magnitude is unknown. We must choose a node solution order such that only two unknowns exist at each step. Generally starting at the end of the truss is a good choice. For this problem, we will use the solution order: first node E, followed by node D, and finally node C. The required free-body diagrams for each of these nodes are given (left-to-right) below.

Node E


From the left FBD for node E above:

Node D

 0 yields:  0 yields:

FDE sin   FE  0 , or FDE cos   FCE  0 , or


FE sin   FDE cos

(compression) (tension)

From the center FBD for node D above:


x y

 0 yields:  0 yields:

FBD  FDE cos   0 , or FCD  FDE sin   0 , or

FBD  FDE cos  FCD  FDE sin 

(compression) (tension)

Node C

From the right FBD for node C above:


 0 yields:  0 yields:

FBC sin   FC  FCD  0 , or FBC  FBC cos   FCE  FAC  0 , or FAC

FC  FCD sin   FBC cos  FCE

(compression) (tension)

Note: these equations were derived assuming loads FC and FE are applied down, with positive magnitude. If one or both of these loads are applied upward, simply negate the appropriate value(s). Then if some of the resulting strut force magnitudes are negative, their direction (compression or tension) must be reversed. 30    60 User sets: Strut angle  and applied loads FC and FE (kN):

 10  FC  10  10  FE  10

Again, the applied node forces are down when positive and up when negative. Computer sets: Visualize: h=1m Structure, Vector force diagrams at E, D, and C

Numerical Display: Strut force magnitudes FAC, FBC, FBD, FCD, FCE, and FDE, including tension or compression, plus reaction forces Ax, Ay, and Bx. User Feels: Any of the above vector strut forces or reaction forces (XY vector force with Joystick strut highlights on screen as user feels its force) Example: When the user enters truss angle   50 , plus applied loads FC = 5 and FE = 10 (kN), the results are L = 0.84 m and (all force results below are given in kN units): FAC = 20.98 (tension), FBC = 19.58 (compression), FBD = 8.39 (compression), FCD = 10.00 (tension), FCE = 8.39 (tension), and FDE = 13.05 (compression), Ax = -20.98, Ay = 15.00, and Bx = 20.98

Comprehension Assignment: Once you get the feel for this simulation, run the program several times to collect and plot data: for a constant applied load FC = 5 kN (down) and a fixed value of the strut angle , vary the applied load FE over its allowable range and determine the resulting strut force magnitudes FAC, FBC, FBD, FCD, FCE, and FDE, plus reaction forces Ax, Ay, and Bx. Plot FAC, FBC, FBD, FCD, FCE, FDE (+ for tension, - for compression), plus Ax, Ay, and Bx vs. FE. Repeat these plots for various values of  over its allowable range. Discuss the trends you see do the results make sense physically?

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