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any European country may apply for membership

Art. 49.
Treaty on must respects the principles of liberty, democracy, human rights and
EU fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

stable institutions
Political guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law,
human rights and respect for and
protection of minorities.

functioning market economy

for joining Economic capacity to cope with competition and
market forces in the EU.
criteria by the
European to take on the obligations of membership
Council The capacity to adhere to the objectives of political,
economic and monetary union.

the entire body of European legislation

Adoption of effective implementation through

appropriate administrative and judicial

A country submits an application for membership to the Council

The Commission assesses the applicant’
s ability to meet the conditions for membership
Steps to
It must deliver a positive opinion
Enlargement The Council unanimously has to agree a negotiating mandate
negotiations are formally opened between the candidate and all the Member States

agreements that set out rights and obligations

stabilization and a swift

transition to a market economy
Stabilization and Association Agreements in
Pre-accession the case of the Western Balkan countries promotion of regional cooperation
strategy prospect of EU accession

Accession or European Partnerships

special cooperation mechanisms
EU financial assistance

Republic of Macedonia

New members Bosnia and Herzegovina
potential candidates
(Thessaloniki Agenda) Serbia
Kosovo (under UN Security Council
Resolution 1244)

EU Enlargement.mmap - 04/12/2008 -

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