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Disorders of the Penis, Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord

Dr.M.Galuh Richata, SpU

Disorders of the Penis & Male Urethra

Congenital Anomalies of the Penis - Apenia (very rare) - Megalopenis (increased testosterone) - Micropenis (more common) - Adult Penile Size

Disorders of the Penis & Male Urethra

Congenital Anomalies of the Urethra - Urethral Stricture (most common site: fossa naviculare, membranous) - Posterior Urethral Valve - Anterior Urethral Valve - Urethrorectal & Vesicorectal Fistulas - Hypospadia - Epispadia - Chordee without Hypospadia

Classification, according the location: - Glandular - Coronal (70%) - Penile Shaft - Penoscrotal - Perineal

Disorders of the Penis & Male Urethra

Acquired Disease/Disorders - Priapism - Peyronie Disease - Phimosis - Paraphimosis - Urethral Stricture - Urethral Condyloma Acuminata (warts) - Stenosis of the Urethral Meatus

Disorders of the Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord

Ectopic Testis & Cryptorchidism - superficial inguinal (most common site) - perineal - femoral or crural - penile - transverse or paradoxic descent - pelvic

Disorders of the Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord

Spermatocele (cyst of epididymis) Varicocele (dilatation of pampiniformis plexus) Hydrocele Torsion of the spermatic cord (torsio testis) Scrotal Abscess Hernial Scrotalis

Disorders of the Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord


Disorders of the Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord


Disorders of the Scrotum, Testis & Spermatic Cord


Tumor of the Genital

Tumors of the Testis - Germ Cell (90-95%): Seminoma and NonSeminoma - Non Germinal Cells: Leydig cell, Sertoli cell, gonadoblastoma)

Tumor of the Genital

Tumor of the Penis - Most commonly in the 6th decade of life - Etiologic factor: poor hygiene (smegma accumulation under the phimotic foreskin results in chronic inflammation leading to carcinoma), viral infection.

Tumor of the Penis : Pathology

A. Precancerous Dermatologic Lesions: - Leukoplakia - Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans - Giant condyloma acuminata B. Carcinoma in situ: - Bowen disease - Erythroplasia of Queyrat C. Invasive Ca of the penis (Squamous cell Ca)

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