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100 DOWNS PARK ROAD HACKNEY E5 8JY TEL: 0208 525 5200 MOB: 07987654321


OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT The stalker William looking through his phone at Sarahs pictures. P.O.V SHOT Watching Sarah outside her front door waving goodbye to parents. SARAH: (shouts)

Bye mummybye daddy

SARAH She waves at her parents once more, and then goes into the house.


LOCATION #2 NIGHT SARAH As she enters the house Sarah then texts her friend informing her that her parents have left, and inviting her over

OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT Sarah texting her friend SARAH After she texts her friend she then runs upstairs to the kitchen and starts setting up drinks and cups on the table. MID WIDE SHOT Setting up the table SARAH She then sits round the table and continues to text her friend, and then gets a call from the stalker William calling her phone.

EXT. LOCATION #1 NIGHT STALKER The stalker puts Sarah on loudspeaker as she answers his call but he makes no reply. CLOSE UP Of his phone calling Sarah LOW ANGLE SHOT The stalker getting up from the bench and walking towards her house.

INT. LOCATION #2 NIGHT SARAH After Sarah hangs up her call on the stalker; she then goes into the bathroom to get ready for her party later on.

WIDE SHOT Sarah walking out the kitchen TRACKING SHOT Sarah walking to the bathroom CLOSE UP Putting her makeup on SARAH Walks out of the bathroom she notices that her front door is open. SARAH: (whisper)

What the fuck

SARAH Makes her way downstairs to close the door.

TRACKING SHOT Sarah running down the stairs OVER THE SHOULDER & CLOSE UP SHOT Closing the door LOW ANGLE Sarah running back up the stairs

SARAH When she enters back into the kitchen her phone begins to ring home comes up on the screen and then she realises that no ones home apart from her.

STALKER Appears behind Sarah and grabs her round her mouth SARAH: (screams)

MID-SHOT- Stalker walking towards Sarah CLOSE UP Stalkers hand around Sarahs mouth CLOSE UP Her feet being dragged out the kitchen


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