Project Description Performance Indicators: Goal: The Brader Development Impact

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Project Description

Performance Indicators

Goal: The brader development impact Measures of the extent to which a to which the project contributes -at a sustainable contribution to the goal national and sectorial level has been made. Used during the evaluation. Purpose: The development outcome expected at the en of the Project. All components will contribute to this Conditions at the end of the project indicating that the Purpose has been achieved and that benefits are sustainable. Used for project completion and evaluation.

Component Objectives: The expected Measures of the extent to which outcome of producing each component objectiva have been component's outputs achieved and lead to sustainable benefits. Used during the review and evaluation. Outputs: The direct measurable results (goods and services) of the project which are largely under project management's control Critical and Support Activities : The tasks carried out to implement the project and deliver the identified outputs Measures of the quantity and quality of outputs and the timing of their delivery. Used during monitoring and review. Implementaion /work program targets. Used during monitoring.

Means of Verification
Sources of information and methods used to collect and report it.

Risks and Assumptions

Sources of information and methods used to collect and report it.

Assumptions concerning the purpose/goal linkage

Sources of information and methods used to collect and report it.

Assumptions concerning the component objective/purpose linkage.

Sources of information and methods used to collect and report it.

Assumptions concerning the output / component linkage.

Sources of information and methods used to collect and report it.

Assumptions concerning the activity / output linkage.

Expected Results






Mean of Verification

Period of Execution


Risks Reduction Mesures



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