Daily Lesson Plan: Learning Objectives

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Daily Lesson Plan

Period(s): __D_

Date: _4/08/13__ Class: _Multicultural Lit__

Learning Objectives:

What will the students know/be able to do as a result of this lesson?

Students will be able to........

Learn about cultural backgrounds of each class member Apply knowledge of cultural levels to their own cultural artifact Understand how a word or role applicable to our lives transcends multiple facets of our identity HW: Read and answer questions: The Fear of Losing a Culture Teacher Goals:

What strategies will you work on as a teacher?

Participation from entire class

For students: (handouts, previous assignments, tests, etc.) Artifacts Course readers For teacher: (lecture notes, answer keys, overheads, video, lists of questions, etc.) Reading questions My cultural artifact Powerpoint


How are you going to get the students to recall yesterdays lesson and how it relates to what you are doing today? How will you capture student attention?

On the board: Numbers 1-16 for students to sign up for the order of presentations Introduction Time Frame Introduction Activity Description Agenda/Homework Go over reading and questionsmake sure everyone understands commodity and melting pot idea. o The Fear of Losing a Culture Focus while reading: What do we lose as a nation with our melting pot ideal? In other words, what are negative affects of combining so many cultures in one country, and what are advantages? In what ways do elements from specific cultures become a commodity in America? Do you think people ever use stereotypes or elements of a certain culture to make money? Like what? Go over blog and edmodo againyou post something TO the blog, then post your POST to Edmodoshow an example of someone who did it correctly

Instruction: Include time estimates for each of your activities and also plan for regular checks for understanding.
Instruction Time Frame 1:20-2:05 2:05 Instruction Activity Description 1. Artifact presentations-have them come in, sign up for their order on the board (there are 16unless some are absent) a. Do demonstration oneemphasize that they must explain what level of culture their artifact demonstrates b. After every presentation, at least one person must ask a question

though during presentation, everyone must write down questions for each presentation, in case no one volunteers a question you have one ready for me to call on you. All students must ask a question by the end of the presentationworks out mathematically, so one person at a time. Ill be tallying ;) 2. Definition paper brainstormingpages 24-25 a. Have students brainstorm on a small sheet of paper a bunch of words that could describe them or other people b. Then, have everyone come to the board to write words (cross out name on board when have put up a word) c. Go over words d. Look at questions i. Have a volunteer student for us to help them brainstorm stuff for their essay as an examplego through questions on page 24-25 e. Give students time to write out their pre-writing i. Your exit ticket is going to be to show me your prewritingit will count as participation points today 3. When students are finished, they may either start writing their paper, or begin reading The Fear of Losing a Culture a. Focus while reading: i. What do we lose as a nation with our melting pot ideal? In other words, what are negative affects of combining so many cultures in one country, and what are advantages? ii. In what ways do elements from specific cultures become a commodity in America? Do you think people ever use stereotypes or elements of a certain culture to make money? Like what?


How will you tie the lesson together and reemphasize the concepts presented? How will you know if your students get it by the end of your lesson?

Closure Time Frame

Closure Activity Description Tomorrow: question of assimilation and importance of transmission of cultures in the world. Dont forget to read!

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