The Badass Report

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The Bad Ass Report


Dr. Ben Mack and Tellman Knudson

Before we begin
On Linked-in, I received this testimonial yesterday, May 20, 2007
"Ben is so far ahead of the curve, it's only years later I understand what he was talking about. I am grateful for the time I spent learning from Ben and so glad that I can keep learning from him in the form of his books. You may not always know where he's going, but trust me -- just follow."
--Sarah Miller, Director of Account Planning at McClain Finlon; Former VP, Assoc Planning Director at BBDO; Planning Director at Ground Zero; Group Director Experience Planning at Zentropy Partners.

Sarah Miller is a Bad Ass.

The Legend of Bad Ass -- Appendix

We hope you enjoyed your fireworks show. The visuals you have just ingested are more than for your dinner, dining and dancing pleasure. They are mind bombs, explosive ideas that once digested reconstruct the way you see reality, pulling you to a new perception of reality from which you never fully return.

Open bomb bay doors

We use military imagery because this is a fight for your mind.

Approaching target.
If you really want to be a Bad Ass you have to be Bad Ass.

Target in site
Riding co-pilot with me is Tellman Knudson. Hes the pilot, and he appointed me bombardier as we fly this B2 Bomber heading straight for Bad Ass. This book and the whole project is a large collaborative production. Overcome Everything and TMM have generously leant of their time, resources and leader.

Commence bombing!

How to put Bad Ass into your business and money into your pocket

The 9 Step Bad Ass System

1. Think stronger 2. Break some bones 3. Research your revolution 4. Get branded 5. Suck it up 6. Train for the attack 7. Dont be needy 8. Remember youre a Bad Ass 9. Ask for more

Habit #1: Think stronger

Welcome to the show. The major league in baseball is called The Show. David Letterman calls his program The Big Show. Were calling this performance The Legend of Bad Ass. This is our world wide virtual book tour. Thank you for signing-up.

What did Woody Allen say was the secret to being a professional actor? 80% of the job is showing up on time and not bumping into the furniture. What does this mean for an online marketer? Congratulation, you are now staring in an ongoing worldwide reality TV show called YOU.

The difficult part is that you are the star, the producer, the technician and the promoter of your own segments. The good news is you can outsource what you cant do immediately. Heres some better news, you are a VIP Player in the community of The Legend of Bad Ass. This is your show.

Think Bigger You wont get more until you learn how to maximize what you got. As you learn to think bigger, youll automatically get more efficient. It works the other way to: When efficiency is your goal, you automatically think bigger. It works both ways.

The Code of the show is the same as Habbit #1 Think Stronger Learn how to do more with less.

Whether you are saving people in the name of Jesus, trying to get drinkable water to every human on this planet or trying to raise a child to be a decent human being Be a Bad Ass. Humanity needs more Bad Asses.

Were using Bad Ass as what you become when you are on a quest to fulfill your burning desire, your why. Your Why is your motivation for greatness. The point here is that you need to be motivated by something bigger than your self or youll wind up burning out or turning into a sociopath. The world seems littered with burnouts and sociopaths. You want to know what makes burnouts and sociopaths? A system of education that dulls your inner Bad Ass. What usually happens in the educational system is
that the faculties are dulled, overloaded, stuffed and paralyzed so that by the time most people are mature they have lost their innate capabilities.

-R. Buckinster Fuller Hence forth you will think of your self as a Bad Ass. You are no longer part of "the system. You work the system, test your own limitations and create new systems that works for you.

This is The Show, the fight for our sanity within a mass media

educational system whos only agenda is to feed itself a bigger audience.

This is the greatest show on Earth. If you want to be a stagehand, thats fine, but youll still be expected to make a public appearance from time to time. So long as youre going to be on stage, you might as well put up a quality show. Because when you are on stage, the code of the tour is think stronger.

What does Think Stronger have to do with Online Marketing? Were glad you asked. This manual is targeting up-and-coming Marketing Bad Asses. The habits of a Bad Ass will serve you well in all aspects of your life, whether you are male or female, introverted or extraverted, a saver or a spender and every other kind of personality temperament or preferences you have chosen.

Much of the quality material written about Online Marketing concentrates on consistency over time - recognizing your personal strengths, and maintaining them through your marketing activities. Anything that isnt your personal strength and what you love to through yourself into outsource. Great. Tellman and I cant agree more wholeheartedly.

However, when you are just starting out you probably cant afford to outsource everything you want. Not only that when you outsource what you dont understand, you get projects that arent optimized for your needs.

Getting something not quite right is sometimes more damning than doing a mediocre job your self. When you do it yourself and develop your competencies, the whole system just keeps getting more profitable and you can more readily afford to outsource what you resist.

That which we resist persists. Im teaching myself these points as I share them with you. I needed a Code of The Tour I could follow myself. You see, I broke the code of the tour recently: I kicked Brian T. Edmondson in the balls during Big Seminar in Atlanta. Not cool. I could rationalize my actions by saying I only kicked him in the family jewels because he said he could physically stop me from crossing a line with a single finger and I had already demonstrated 1 method where I could taking a running head start. I asked Brian if there were any other rules and he said no, so I kneed him in the nuts. Again, not cool. Note to self: Dont kick a dude in the crotch, unless perhaps hes bigger than me and hit first. Neither was the case with Brian. Hey Brian, Im sorry Bro.

Heres the deal (Ill use that phrase a lot. I type like I speak and then edit later.) You gotta face your reality without getting mired down by your past. Most folks never get honest with themselves before moving on to the next step

Bad Asses deliberately break with their own pasts and intentionally reinvent key aspects of themselves in order to manifest rapid, substantial and permanent transformations. Sometimes this will take the form of

physical habits like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, stopping buying a daily snack from a vending machine, or disengaging faster and more respectfully from conversations that arent contributing to their wealth.

Sometimes deliberate breaks with your own pasts will take the form of mental habits. Stopping your brain from beating you up and developing effective little voice management may at first seem like a philosophical approach to the inner game of Bad Ass. But I hold what we do on the inside directly relates to how we navigate the physical world.

I imagine many readers are seeing what they agree with and discounting, not noticing and dismissing the ideas with which they disagree. I suggest you take heed of what makes you most uncomfortable. If you are John Reese, Mike Long or Mark Joyner I want to take heed of what you find objectionable. For folks with less Online Marketing experience than me, Im not so willing to engage in a debate. Ill let you win. You can be right. Id rather focus on getting rich.

The vitality of inexperience will only get you so far. The greatness of your IQ will only get you so far. Being a staunch Republican or Democrat or Socialist will only get you so far, even in terms of getting to rich.

I happen to like capitalism. What other form of economy allows a person to leverage their common sense for great rewards? More than any

economic system Ive seen, capitalism allows for the individual to stand on her own merits. One is still pushed or pulled by social advantages and political influence, but your own merits contribute more than any alternative systems Ive seen. Money, connections, and charisma open doors, but its your character and wits that take you to the top.

Thats why it is so important that you become a Bad Ass, because we need more people who wield power with intentionality, say what they mean, and mean what they say. Knowledge is the application of character and intelligence. Character is the greater part of knowledge. Be a Bad Ass.

Many up-and-coming Bad Asses are new to Online Marketing and are successful in a niche category. Awesome. Congratulations. Your keys to success fascinate me.

I regularly ask up-and-coming Bad Asses Who have been you role models? Bad Asses have one, at least one.

Modeling is key. Modeling is the real-life version of infusing yourself with an injection Matrix training module. Modeling is a term often associated with NLP, Neural Linguistic Programming. Modeling allows you to rapidly duplicate the results of somebody effective. Dont choose me, yet. I dont have a well-oiled machine, yet. Everyday my machine gets a little bit tighter, a little bit faster and more efficient. However, some days Im hard

pressed to see the progress.

Role models. Every one knows that different Online Marketing gurus have their own set of ways to do business. However, consumers do not view it this way. Most of our prospects view all of us as basically the same; in other words, what a customer experienced from one online marketer, they expect that a similar experience will be had by any Online Marketer. This is why it is so important to me, to us, that you become a Bad Ass. Im sick and tired of deflecting an irate customer who is actually yelling at me because the last person who promised they would be a millionaire in 28 days or less for $1,997 didnt fulfill.

You are in the system of transforming from being a consumer to becoming a producer. Your relationship with the medium and the players are likely to rapidly change if you actually internalize

The 9 Step Bad Ass System.

Im here to sell. Promising the magic bean, that buying this one special product right now will be transformative is a key to effective selling. Ive tried giving away my knowledge, and first, it is harder to give away a PDF and get it read than to charge $97 and call it a course. Trust me on this, Ive tried to give knowledge away for free AND it just isnt valued. Mostly, I learned that I was undervaluing myself and that came through to the readers of my sales pages.

Role models. I didnt have rapid success until I got a mentor and did exactly what he said. My Online Marketing role model is Tellman Knudson. I started having some Bad Ass results when I stopped arguing (I saw it as debating).

The gap between what experienced Online Marketers experiences and what an up-and-coming Bad Ass sees, feels and thinks is the gap were bridging.

To a lesser extent, this gap creates some short-term advantages for inexperienced online marketers who bring fantastic raw energy to The Show. This is energy is often nothing short of phantasmagorical. Their exuberance with success will often inspire them to try new possibilities that the experienced people afraid or cannot think of to try. Some cool tactics can emerge. However, the energy and profitable momentum is rarely sustainable.

Without a back-end, without up-sells, without satisfied affiliate support, the up-and-coming Bad Ass, high on a couple decent scores, suddenly falls in obscurity and their Bad Ass spirit withers. Some times this really isnt pretty. This one dude I knew, he had to get a job, and you know what that meant--that's right, he started at the drive-up window and gradually worked his way up from shakes to burgers. Then one day his lucky break came: the french-fry guy died and they offer him the job. But the day

he was supposed to start some men came by in a black Lincoln Continental and tell him he can make a quick 300 just for driving a van back from Mexico. When he gets out of jail he is 36 years old, living in a flop house. No job. No home. No upward mobility. Very few teeth. I lost track of him after that. I suppose one day theyll find him, face down in the gutter, clutching a bottle of paint thinner and why? Because he wouldn't learn how to be an empowering Bad Ass!

You are a Bad Ass or you wouldnt have read this far. Seriously. However, what got here wont get you there. Say goodbye to your past. Fire yourself. Hire a mentor (sometimes in the form of a great book) and follow their instructions exactly.

You should forget the entire knowledge base from which you come, if only for a little while, in order to truly try on and model a new system for success. If you arent trying the entire system you arent trying the system. Try baking a cake and not using baking powder and the cake wont rise. Try using Tellman Knudsons without an auto-responder and you will have similar results, you wont get what you wanted.

What business are you in? Swatch is not in the business of watch, but fashion. FedEx is listed as an airline. Best Western is more of a reservation service that interacts with independent hotel owners. What business are you in?

A Bad Ass is not in the business of making money. Nope. A Bad Ass does business in order to make money. There is a big difference here. You dont want to be wasting your time with monkeys on monkey business, thats for sure. And, when you do business you certainly want to make money.

Every Bad Ass I know has some sort of specialized knowledge. They then take this specialized knowledge to a population that doesnt have this knowledge and they get paid big bucks. They then get pretty damn good at taking what theyve already created and finding ways to help more people with a digital or physical product that teaches others how to be a Bad Ass in their specialized expertise.

Im in the positioning business. I help people identify a more profitable marketing position. In Think Two Products Ahead I spill my guts about secrets the big ad agencies dont want you to know and how to use them for bigger profits.

You need specialized knowledge to be invited to cooperative super selling. Or a big list. If you have a big list you then thats your specialized skill, maintaining your relationship with your list.

Whats the most desirable skill going? Helping people get more.

The secret of being a Bad Ass isnt being bad, its having character. If you cant make something work, Think Bigger. If you cant find something you are passion about, think bigger. Anybody can make money selling drugs, until their caught. You have to find something youre passionate about, something folks are craving more of and develop the competencies to deliver. It gets easier as you learn to think BIGGER.

Habit #2: Break some bones

Face your reality. -John Reese, StomperNet Orlando 2007 You cant do a half-assed job of being a Bad Ass. You are going to play full out and that means some bones are going to get broken. Probably yours and perhaps some of your friends. Bones mend. Feelings get unhurt. Broken promises can sometimes be mended. Dont play scared. Of course there is fear and anxiety and weirdness. Yes, and be prepared to get in their and kick some ass.

As you get more efficient, you will create systems so less slips through the cracks. Get over it. You will drop some balls. If you arent dropping balls then you arent juggling hard enough.

If you dont occasionally lose control then you arent going fast enough. The trick is not to use the speed of your momentum as an excuse or a lame-ass story. You have to be truthful with what you are doing, what you have done and what you are willing to do to get what you want.

Be honest.

When I was a kid we played a game called Battleship.

Being on honest is in your own best interest. Being an Online Marketer is a lot like playing Battleship. You and a friend are looking at your own screens and sharing information. The key difference is that Online Marketing is a cooperative game, with many players and many winners, and more importantly no losers. Being a loser sucks. The Milton Bradley game is a competitive game and there is always a loser.

The best way to be cooperative is to be honest. Being honest just makes everything go smoother.

There was this bully named Darrin that challenged me to play Battleship for $1 a game. I accepted. I lost seven games in a row with him until I realized he was cheating. He was moving his ships. Heres the deal, cheaters eventually get caught, unless their politicians or work in organized crime. Online Marketing is a game of high morals, you gotta be honest.

How does this relate to Online Marketing? If you tell me a sales page is converting at 6% and I drive 600 viewers and get 2 sales, I might think it was a fluke or the email I used to drive them there. If a similar scenario

happens a second time then I figure my list isnt responsive to your copy and I wont promote again.

Heres the deal Newbies are likely to stretch the truth about the exact wrong things. If your page converts at 6% to your own list, that means nothing to me if you have a list of 700 loyal followers who have been involved in your product creation and waiting for this launch day for the past 6 weeks. Being honest is not just being literally truthful, but in presenting yourself in such a way where people get what they expect, if not more.

This new millennium has questioned the honesty of major institutions. Institutional pillars from political to religious, from financial to academic, have been racked with scandal and shown to lack the basic decency of honesty, and everybody sees the commercial media as not representing their perspective.

The collapse of trust in our institutional way of living is bringing a flood of entrepreneurial folks into our fold. Prospective Bad Asses who have been raked over the coals, find themselves utterly rudderless and on uncertain waters, looking for real solutions in their lives.

Real solutions come from honest communications.

Being honest entails leveraging what works. You must demonstrate an

enormous self-confidence, a sense of who you are and why folks should be doing business with you. Of course you should honor your refund policy. Thats just skimming the surface of being a Bad Ass. The way of The Bad Ass is living with integrity, so that you occasionally find yourself going way out of your way to make sure you are aligning your actions with your word.

Playing full-out means being willing to break bones and have your bones broken.

One characteristic of an up-and-coming Bad Ass is that they are unreasonable with themselves in terms of doing what they say and saying what they mean. Your communications become the map by which others are navigating towards their financial freedom. The stakes are high.

Your products and services are a form of navigation, both psychologically and physically. Your customer is buying you, that you are the arbiter of what is likely to expedite their future wealth.

Your self-confidence, uniqueness, strengths and your own identity is often half of what folks are buying. After your character the buyer is assessing the value of your content. For me, this means Ive had to start dressing better and stop dropping as many F-bombs. So it goes.

Emotional honesty? Yes. To the extent that you respect the emotional

relationship with your customers is the extent you build a loyal, cult-like following. While your product and service must meet the rational benefit you promised, it is your emotional impact that attracts the consumers to keep coming back to you again and again.

Your candor and honesty is what sets you apart. Yes, you should model what works of your gurus. Once you have chosen a guru to learn a specific skill, I suggest you get what you pay for and do exactly what they say. When Tellman told me to write my emails to be 30 lines or less, it sure felt awkward. That is, it felt awkward until the sales started skyrocketing and then something switched, it felt better to make money than to use my email list as a form of selfish self-expression.

How can you be unique and do exactly what your guru tells you to do? You gotsta figure that out for yourself. Quite simply, successful up-andcoming Bad Asses never use the stock emails an affiliate provides. While their tweaking may be minimal, a Bad Ass will put their touch on everything they do.

Becoming successful at Online Marketing has helped me to better know who I am inside and out. I am a stronger man today than I was one year ago, largely from having to do as much self-work as Ive done.

I was surprised to find so many folks working on developing

themselves on an ongoing basis. All the successful Online Marketers I have met have done some serious work on themselves and the way they system reality. I havent come a cross a single self-made-millionaire that hasnt read Napolean Hills classic Think And Grow Rich.

Identity is not static; You are constantly changing. While your reputation may often proceed you, you are not your history. You are constantly creating yourself into the you that you want to be, what Dave Lakhani calls constructing your reality.

Either you are stewarding your development or you are being molded by mass media and the people who surround you. I suggest you place yourself amongst those who have characteristics that you admire.

In these hurly-burly times, simply being honest, going out of your way to be honest without a big show of your efforts, will make you standout as an up-and-coming Bad Ass.

Habit #3: Research your revolution

Ben, how did you get to interview such big names your first time out, when you were creating bonus material for the $197 eBook version of Think Two Products Ahead? -Most common question Im asked about my online success In January of 2006, I decided to launch my first online information product. Mark Joyner told me that I should go and interview 10 pundits in the field about their success in online marketing. The most common question Im asked about my online success is how I got interviews with Joe Vitale, Tellman Knudson and Kevin Hogan among others? I googled them and read what I could and I asked them about doing an interview on what they were currently promoting.

Now, Im motivated to do homework because it makes me money. Nick talked to me about doing homework because it kept the teachers and parental units off his back. Whatever the case, doing your homework on anything puts you miles ahead of the herd.

Your category Bad Ass probably doesnt see studying their expertise as homework. Most real Bad Asses I know are fascinated and enthralled with their category. What occurs to them as homework? Perhaps paperwork,

or project management or maintaining relationships with affiliates. Who knows. The point is youre going to have homework. Youre going to have homework. Ill type it a third time: Youre going to have homework. Part of being a Bad Ass is getting all your homework done. Tellman now has a team of about a dozen to do his homework. But he didnt start out that way. Tellman did EVERYTHING on his own originally, when he was getting Overcome Everything up and off the ground, before it became the midseven-figure operation it is today.

Part of being a Bad Ass is looking cool. It is hard to look cool when you keep getting called out on stuff that aint working.

Another part of why Bad Asses do their homework is to be a Thought Leader in their field of expertise.

There are usually at least two kinds of dominant players in any category: (1) Market Leader, the top-of-mind person or company thought of. The Market Leader is often the Google Leader or way up their on Search Engine Optimization; (2) Thought Leader, the person that everyone is talking about, the brand that people are keeping an eye on, are interested in, even if they have yet to try it. Both of these are Bad Asses, but they are often Bad Asses in different ways. The Biggest Bad Asses are both market leaders and thought leaders.

And following on from this, up-and-coming Bad Asses realize that if you cannot be the Market Leader, they sure as heck must find a way to be a thought leader of something. Thats part of the trick to being a Bad Ass, finding out in what niche you are compelled to be a Bad Ass.

How then does an up-and-coming Bad Ass carve out the beginnings of Thought Leadership for their fledgling self? They do their homework and they participate in forums and at live events.

Wanna know what works the best? Sales. You get sales using somebodys system and theyll promote your story. You find an new application for somebodys system and theyll likely be interested if, and this is a BIG if, if you have demonstrated that it is a profitable application of their system.

You have to get profitable. The more profitable you are the greater your thought leadership and the more people who want to do business with you.

But you cant just assume Thought Leadership in a category; you have to earn it. Thought leadership isnt simply positioning, which can help, but authentic movement in a field this means not only becoming a maven but demonstrating your prowess in the form of results.

A benefit to the up-and-coming Bad Ass is that the Internet is changing so quickly that new profitable terrains emerge weekly. Change favors the up-and-coming Bad Ass over the established elite. Niw is the time when we will see a whole new crop of emerging online marketing Bad Asses because Web 2.0 will shake-up the whole marketplace.

The new Bad Asses will be those that are fluent in the conventions of the category and can make readily understandable: Whats the difference and how do I change the fastest?

PLEASE NOTE: The most profitable marketers will generally be those that have a mass product for newbies. As an up-and-coming Bad Ass it is unlikely that you can compete with their prices, systemes and customer support. The less competitive play is making your very specialized knowledge, e.g., familiarity with MySpace or You Tube, appealing to folks that are already spending money on similar marketing products.

Giving exceptional customer service, often in the form of doing work for somebody else, is a common point of entry for an up-and-coming Bad Ass. For instance, Corey Lewis does my IT work. I pay him $80 an hour to make my squeeze pages and take care of all my technical details. Corey is beginning to sell his own products. Hell be able to leverage the experience he has made with me to validate the value of his future products.

In most cases, the up-and-coming Bad Ass chooses to break the rules because they have limited resources and they had to get scrappy and creative and they found a way to make something work that another bootstrap might find profitable.

Breaking with conventions should be considered one at a time. I can see at least three types of conventions you can choose to break: i) Convention of general rules and precepts o General rules and precepts are what people in the category accept as established ! Like how I launched Think Two Products Ahead, explaining to online marketers how they could profit through branding, a topic long considered a money-trap flop ii) Convention of medium o Medium is the delivery mechanism through which we access information. This document is a PDF, which is a different medium from a Microsoft Word document ! For instance the folks who first utilized Camtasia in their products often had an overnight following because finally learners could see what certain procedures looked like in real time iii) Convention of application o Application is how we use the technology.

! Currently, how FreeIQ and Traffic Geyser are revolutionizing sales pages through unconventional use of online videos ! When Dan Kennedy created a time-management system for chiropractors he was taking the previous convention of a very broad subject time management and making this very specific for his target audience of chiropractors iv) Convention of representation a. Convention of representation is the tradition of way that how one projects its own identity. This includes things like: advertising, packaging, logo, and trademark i. In 2007, we saw the rise of an online character named The Rich Jerk who presents conventional rules and precepts through a very distinct Bad Ass character

PLEASE NOTE: Armand Morin is a Bad Ass. Why do I mention this here? Because Armand is very upstanding, courteous man. I dont want you mistaking being a Bad Ass with equalling being socially bad like The Rich Jerks.

Conventions of pricing and other marketing precepts can be challenged.

Breaking conventions is not a risky strategy, in fact, it is a low risk

strategy because the challenger uses less money to gain a competitive advantage.

Bad Asses are either the Thought Leader or engaged with the Thought Leader, because they are in on the conversation that everyone is talking about. By deliberately breaking one or two category convention such as medium, application, product experience, presentation or alternative pricing.

In order to effective break these conventions, you have to have done your homework. In order to catch the attention of an Online Marketing legend who is literally receiving hundreds of emails a day you have to have done your homework.

Habit #4: Get branded

You want to create symbols of your resolved determination. Successful up-and-coming Bad Asses create symbols that quickly and emotionally signal to themselves why they are working so hard. Symbolic vocabulary will reinforce your resolve. A single visual symbol will focus intentions.

You need to market to yourself. You need to resell your resolve to your self. Your "symbol" is your note to self on how you have already chosen and committed to being a Bad Ass.

70% of human communication is non-verbal; in other words, you need to market to yourself using non-verbal communications. The power of symbol is the "immediacy" of the communication, reconnecting us to our inner strength. Use your symbol to prompt a reevaluation of your current trajectory. In this way, you remind your Bad Ass self of who you really are.

You need to tap deep powers to overcome the demon of "complacency," satisfaction with not being where you want to be in life.

Complacency is an expression of depression. Frustrated and irritation

and anger reverberate your inner strength. Otherwise, you would complacently accept your lot in life. You want rapid change? Get very clear on how uncomfortable you are.

If your symbol is dramatic, perhaps it can be used as a logo. This is tricky, really advanced. Most marketers who do this fail because they bore their prospects, who crave emotional bonding but you are making them work really hard to understand you.

Habit #5: Suck it up

No whining.

Of course this is a competitive field. Master copywriters regularly get 15 to 25 thousand dollars for a sales-page. Why do clients pay this kind of cash? Because they make far more with great copy than without and because out of all the wanna-be-copywriters out there, only a few can consistently deliver amazing copy that brings home the really big bacon.

Mastering copywriting, or any of these skills is really quite masterable, if you are decent at following the instructions of your mentor exactly. If your mentor tells you to hand copy a long form sales-page by hand three times copy the damn letter.

In the world of crowded email in-boxes and information overchoice, the greatest danger facing todays Bad Ass is not rejection; it is indifference.

Rejection is easily remedied somebody opts-out of your list or asks for a refund. No biggie. Indifference, however, is a far more dangerous and difficult problem to solve. You email your list and nothing happens.

Selective listening allows some marketers to convince themselves

everything is all right, that other people are having similar problems, and they pour more and more money, over more and more time, against less and less return. But strong emotional relationships are the only consumer relationships for an up-and-coming Bad Ass to pursue, and to achieve this, you must suck-it-up and sacrifice.

But the successful up-and-coming Bad Ass goes further: he considers very carefully what it is going to sacrifice in order to create these stronger relationships.

While being active in Fortins Copywriting Forum will get you some responses to posting a problem, whos advice are you willing to follow? Do you know the credibility of these folks? Sure there are gurus there, and there are nobodies who write forum essays and make themselves out to be Gods of Online Cash when they suck. There is all the difference in the world between sucking and having the ability to suck it up.

Its gonna hurt. Bad Asses dont whine and they dont fail. They learn another way it cant be done. Fine. Some will, some wont; some do, some dont. Who cares? Next

Up-and-coming Bad Asses fail when they are unable to genuinely suck-it-up and learn from somebody who has been there before. Sucking-itup may entail buying a home-study-course or paying for time with a guru.

This is a field of pay-for-play; thats just how this game is played.

Bad Asses will concentrate their resources along one battle instead of spreading their resources all over the place. You get good at one thing at a time.

Bad Asses are Bad Asses. Look, you want to feel like a Big Fish. If you feel like you are flopping around and not making waves find a smaller pond. Youd prefer to be a big fish in a small pond than a tiny fish in an ocean of sharks. Youre trading mass numbers for niche dominance.

A Bad Ass doesnt try to be all things to all people. Quite the contrary. You want to be something great to a small niche and not give a shit about the people who dont like you.

The sacrifice of mass distribution will help the challenger to establish and maintain and intensify the relationship with their core base of buyers and raving prospects.

When I worked on Mitsubishi in the late 90s, Eric Hirschberg created an ad that poked fun at owning a minivan. Nix that-> Eric stigmatized the ownership of minivans in a famous TV commercial set in a high testosterone gym with a somebody paging that the owner of a tan minivan left their lights on. Men working out are looking around for the effete wuss who would

drive a minivan. Eric is a Bad Ass.

Only Mitsubishi could have pulled that off because every other car manufacturer had a minivan in their line-up except Mitsubishi.

For the market leader, availability is one of their advantages, but for challenger, what they need is a close and strong relationship with a targeted segment, therefore giving them the opportunity to develop desirability by speaking directly to this niche.

Simplicity is what you need. Look, eventually you will have a fantastic product that warrants the 60 page sales letter that Michael Morgan will write for you and youll have your million dollar day. In the mean time, you may have to give up some secondary messages and learn to really pound home one great message.

The Bad Ass will communicate emotional quality to replace the rational quality on which he cant deliver. You just dont have the marketing library of Jay Abraham, do you?

The Bad Ass does not have to worry about satisfying the masses. If he realizes this and accepts some of the sacrifices such as trading numbers for loyalty and identity, trading personal time for skill development and so on.

Habit #6: Train for the attack

Be extraordinary. The bar is real low. If you arent extraordinary, you suck. Do 1 more is a motto Nick taught me to keep pulling myself forward. When I achieved what I did last time, I hear a voice in my head say Do 1 more because thats how you get better.

You dont have that voice? Find a bigger Why. When you create a bigger why for your self, your inner-little-voice will start speaking to you differently.

Up-and-coming Bad Asses do not succeed through commitment; they succeed through overcommitment!. A karate black belt aiming to break through a brick does not aim at the surface of the brick; he aims two inches below the brick. This way her Bad Ass body will not flinch at the point of impact, but continue to its desired goal. Such is the way of the Bad Ass.

And the people surrounding the Bad Ass need to overcommit to their support in order to overcome the inertia and resistance they will experience internally and externally.

The family and allied colleagues with a value of overcommitment need to celebrate their wins and enjoy their successes together and bond so they may better support each other when the overcommitment means staying

up all night or doing other unreasonable acts to get something done in time and under budget.

Overcommitment is not about hot air. Your behavior and actions must be in alignment with your commitment.

Bad Asses dont do things just enough. You pour your spirit into your projects and do them more than enough! That is the way to overcommitment.

Choose your Bad Ass. Pick a point of specialty and master a domain of knowledge, creating a specialized skill.

The first task in overcommitment is to identify an in-demand specialized skill, or knowledge that is in demand. You must concentrate on the skill that will make you different; when you succeed on this skill development you will also succeed overall, and it wil be time to choose your next skill development opportunity.

You may work smarter and harder under crisis. However, you will make rash choices and eventually something bad is likely to deflate your previously bad ass. A deflated Bad Ass is still a Bad Ass. You just got to reconnect with your Bad Ass self.

Your personal overcommitment will be infectious energy. You will radiate and many will seek you out and this brings bigger opportunities.

We use the term overcommitment in a systemic way than going above

and beyond, which appears to be an isolated practice. No. Overcommitment is a 24 hour-a-day philosophy; This is the way of the Bad Ass. Overcommitment is a term coined for this context by Adam Morgan, author of Eat The Big Fish and a Bad Ass advertising executive. Youll find reflections of his ideas on how to be a challenger brand, in Big Business advertising. Smart man. Bad Ass.

Habit #7: Dont be needy

You gotta learn to pimp yourself. I said that at a seminar once and a woman yelled back: You calling me a whore? I said, When youre selling your ass by the hour, you need somebody to set up getting paid. I call that pimping. That explanation didnt make her any happier. Look, pimping is what we called selling anything when I was in high school. Forgive me if I went to an urban school.

How do you bring out the Bad Ass best in your self and others? Be public about challenging the best. This is pimping your self. You are using your self as media. You are newsworthy when you publicly challenge the best.

Use advertising and being-in-public as High-Leverage assets. If you have been to a Big Seminar or another online marketing event that I have been at chances are you knew I was there.

The big question is how do you attract BIG attention to yourself without being a clown? Why is it so important to not be a clown? Because nobody writes checks for $25,000 to clowns anymore. Sure, there was a time when famous clowns were household names. We dont have that sensibility today. We have TV. The short answer is: When was the last time you saw

somebody handing over a credit card to get a $2,497 home-study course on clowning.

Advertising that looks like advertising is second rate advertising. At the same time we all need 2nd rate advertising to go pimp ourselves to new prospects.

Most advertising is sucks. This offers a huge opportunity to aspiring up-and-coming Bad Asses. Hey, if you slow down and take a fat-ass corporate gig and you become a big-wig cow, I hope you like the leading role in a cage. We all have our cages. The trick of the Bad Ass is to choose the cage shes in.

If youre gonna be in the cage anyway, you might as well enjoy the cage you got. I personally cant stomach the institutional way of the milquetoast.

Mediocrity and playing by the existing rules will not create leverage, the ability to have true financial freedom as you reap rewards from past effort; exceptional and differentiating ideas are the only currency of the successful up-and-coming Bad Ass who is driving to financial freedom.

When somebody buys a newspaper, they often read it because they feel like they should be up on the news.

Advertising is different; consumers are now paying to avoid seeing advertising. charges a premium for an ad-free experience. An ad-free experience is a misconception. Theyre still seeing ads, they just cant see the ads.

Did you watch Bushs inauguration? Why were there Cadillac insignia on the grills of those limousine shaped tanks? You get that Cadillac doesnt have limousines coming off the assembly line that can be broadsided by a missile, right? Having a Cadillac emblem on the front thats an ad.

Traditional advertising is used to avoid uncomfortable feelings of being out of touch with their customers and just to tell the consumers how they are doing. Why is this convoluted? Because it can be. Big businesses are willing to pay big bucks just to keep their familiarity up.

Bad Asses can't "chat" or do the "small talk" in their advertising. Your family is counting on your success.

The key of this is salience and change. Have the courage to break the conventions, and do more than enough. Bad Asses must do more than just simply communicate; You must grasp the imagination of your target and show them a new confidence in achieving their dreams.

Challenge the best in people and in your self. Advertising is a seduction, not a debate. Youre seducing them to do something that is good for them or you shouldnt be advertising. Yes, everybody needs an indulgence now and again. Nobody needs fluoride in their drinking water. Dont sell superfluous chemicals, okay?

Institutional thinking wants to protect what you have now. Respectable. What got you here wont get you there. Yes, you need to be respectful of your resources. And, you shouldnt go blowing money on advertising before you have learned how to be effective.

You are the medium. The consistent strategic pursuit of exposure has a cumulative affect that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. You write your own press releases. Every post, every phone call, every public interaction is a form of press release for somebody to share with somebody else the experience they had with you. A Bad Ass will learn how to be good in bed.

Creative breakthroughs is a strategic necessity. Your creativity must able to catch the imagination of the target consumers, then your ability to teach in an effective and engaging way must help your fabulous buyers get closer to their dreams. Capturing the imagination of your target audience is a big deal; this is not the same as simply communicating an idea.

It is easier to capture a mind through fear than empowerment. Dont

take the easy route you bastard. Do 1 more pushup and learn how to make the world a better place. You are part of a new kind of development team and system. You have bright and creative people on your side. Creativity towards positive results is vitally important on this planet right now.

You are learning how to do cooperative super selling. In order to do that, we must look for the needs of our customers from different perspectives. In order to reach through their hypnotic gaze, you must know the rules of their conventions. This does not mean for you to mindlessly adopt their conventional ways to do work. What we mean is that conventional people dont buy products from people they perceive to be freaks or clowns.

While conventional methods are what blind our prospects from seeing new opportunities and to be empoweringly creative, we must leverage convention to meet our prospects where theyre at and to speak into their listening.

Some big companies manipulate a social issue to promote its brand name (e.g. Body Shop = protect women's rights and animal rights). Moreover, the advantage of using a provocative theme is that it can selfpropagate. Those who share a common concern will spread your message. Moreover, when you become enough well known, buying your products means something.

Consistency is key. You want to be proactive rather and reactive, and then your message is more likely to self-propagate. Anybody who has heard me speak knows I am an advocate for drinkable water. Some times I say potable water, but I found many people dont know that potable means drinkable so now I say drinkable water. Ive also learned how to repeat a key phrase that I want the audience to remember, like drinkable water.

Now, when I read about a county lowering their standard for the quality of their water instead of figuring out how to have better drinking water I make a stink. And, this stink is expected of me.

Sometimes I hire young friends to write about me. If I won an award, I may have Bragging Rights (show-off rights), but it is far more powerful if somebody else is going around saying I was the winner. I encourage my customers to share unforgettable product experiences.

Habit #8: Remember youre a Bad Ass

Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable. -R. Buckminster Fuller

Remember youre a Bad Ass.

You are an idea based creature. The biggest business opportunity for an up-and-coming Bad Ass are idea-centered. Look, folks have already mastered how to manufacture a toothpick at the lowest cost, or harvest sea salt or a number of other highly physical businesses.

Get your tattoo someplace where you can see it.

Successful up-and-coming Bad Asses are not static; they constantly add to themselves to keep ahead of the market; and the fuel for that movement is ideas. Their company, the people they hang out with, has to give primacy to ideas and creative thinking.

This is not to say that the consumer is unimportant, on the contrary, insight into the real mindset of the consumer strongly underpins every action taken and decision made. But understanding on its own cannot create movement; it is the ideas that play to that understanding that sparks new

curiosities and perceptions in the consumer's mind that will give the challenger the advantage over its more established competition.

One good idea well executed is enough to launch or relaunch a career, and enough to keep plenty of food on the table. Take Leo Quinn. Ever heard of him? He wrote an eBook on getting out of debt and now he makes over $300k a year, working not a lot, being his own boss. You know what? Leo Quinn is a Bad Ass. Hes out-executed, thin-sliced and rhinopolized! his Bad Ass eBook on getting out of debt. Well done Leo.

Being idea-centric has one further benefit over and above the ideas themselves; at the heart of every successful Bad Ass there is a certain enthusiastic restlessness, an energy and dynamism that infects the attitude and performance of everyone in their company. This dynamicism and energy comes from the sense of possibility and excitement that being around stimulating ideas and stimulating people creates.

The move to being idea-centric attracts the kind of strategic partners you want to work with. And, of course you have to keep up with the speed by which they want to implement ideas with you. "Money favors speed.

For non-bad-asses, success can be the excuse of future failure. They are satisfied to say they did it once. Other nonm-bad-asses will try something once and say it doesnt work. The Bad Ass must maintain his/her

momentum independent of the momentum of your affiliates or you are a dependent and not a true player.

Keep your Momentum!

There are at least three types of momentum. First there is Actual Momentum: that is, momentum as the velocity of dollars they are systemesing. Second, Internal Momentum: That is, you sustain your energy and have overcome your initial inertia. Third, Perceived Momentum: that is, the perception from others that you are making progress, that it is worthwhile to keep you on their radar. The perceived momentum is important because it is a form of future cash flow and is the valuable part of the brand called you.

Most non-bad-asses loss their momentum because they don't embrace that they will never be done.

In other words, the Bad Ass must not only change their own identity, but also change the experience of themselves from the old identity that saw success as a destination and not a verb. This is especially the case since when a challenger brand had some initial success on the basis of nonconventional positioning. In other words, non-conventional can become conventional after it has been over exposed Unless, you are like Leo Quinn who created an unconventional way of tackling a mass perrenial

problem like debt.

Even Leo Quinn keeps feeding new ideas into his relationship with his customers. Leo gives his customers a feeling of life, a sense of hope, an authentic way to get out of their present doom. Bad Asses are Bad Asses because they exfoliate the conventional, lifeless ideas of being part of a herd, and onto the source of the momentum (life) and the creative solution that will inspire them to get done what they need to get done.

At first you may not be able to maintain your "actual momentum, there will be a temptation to widen from your niche. This will erode the core value of your future revenue, a concept we call a brand. On the other hand, if you cannot keep the money coming in youll be out of business. The Bad Ass figures out how to do both.

Continue pumping out new ideas

When we say that we need to have "creative idea" to maintain the relationship, we mean keep giving them enough real content to hold their attention and build trust.

Let some of your ideas die. A Bad Ass doesnt use dead ideas.

As we have been saying, you must constantly stimulate your customers and prospects in a consistent and continuous way. You must have a system that can continually produce finished creative ideas. Emails count. Every touch you have with a customer counts. In other words, you need mechanisms to continually disseminate your seductive idea-orientated culture, your Bad Ass.

There are several reasons for idea become obsolescence like the idea is copied by the competitors or your customers are getting bored with it overtime. The Bad Ass must create new ideas before their current ideas become obsolete.

Maintaining Momentum: Create new ways to project your identity. How come most private label products suck? Because they arent customized by the buyer for the needs and likes of his list. You buy the product and it doesnt feel like your friend that emails you everyday.

Look, the meaning of your brand will change. Up-and-coming Bad Asses are innovators, but overtime, you will face the following problem: "should I maintain my initial ways, or use new ways to achieve growth? The answer is always to grow. Either you are growing or you are whithering.

Too often an up-and-coming Bad Ass will stagnate and idle, resting on their laurels. Either take a vacation or find momentum because a half-ass

is NOT a Bad Ass.

Be the Bad Ass.

rhinopolized --Rhinopolize is a word coined by the Bad Ass legend Jerry Clark. Go, go, go! Jerry

Clark is a legendary Bad Ass. Jerry has taken to heart Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander. I bet hes read that book 23 times or more. You need a short and simple book that teaches you the inner game of business. There are a lot of choices out there you need to find the one that resonates with you and read and re-read the book until you know it. Knowing it means doing it, anything else is speculation, not internalized knowledge.

Habit #9: Ask for more

My big strides in income came when I started to understand that you can not make huge money with $47 ebooks. A small percentage will do it, but there is still money left on the table unless you create a back end. --Mike Filsaime

You gotta have a back end.

Branding is about setting up your back end. You dont want to just make a sale, you want to make several sales in a row to the same customer. Think two products ahead. You want your customer to crave your next product. What do you put in between? Scintillating content that helps me live better and get more. This is an endless seduction.

You are constantly seducing your customer and demonstrating why they love you and need more of you right now. For the Bad Ass, what you sell today will set up what you sell product after next.

Youve heard of the old one-two punch, where a boxer hits his target

twice in rapid succession. Boxers train to throw two and three punches in a row. The boxer looks for a special kind of opening where he can land not just the first punch, but the first punch sets up his opponent for the second punch and landing the second punch sets him up for the third blow. This is also what marketers train for, when you have the opening for the first sale, you land three.

Making three sales at once is such an immediate back end that most marketers dont term this a back end, instead, they call this a selling system, connecting these sales with the whole buying experience with add-ons, upsells and the very powerful add-on downsells. (btw, Mike Filsaime is the best Ive ever seen with an add-on downsell.) Implementing new selling systems is a profitable source of new testing fodder.

Many savvy marketers call the whole sales event a selling system. To them, a backend happens after the sales event. And, the sales event includes add-ons, up-sells and down-sells. So these maneuvers arent part of the back end. These are advanced marketers, and many are Ninja-level Bad Asses. For many up-and-coming bad asses, their eyes are just opening to the quantity of selling opportunities. Heres the dirty little secret, it gets a lot

easier once you see the whole picture.

Youre creating magic. Marketing is the business face of manifestation and the laws of attraction. Marketing is applying the principles of magic and perceptual psychology to create a beacon of love for your customer.

There are at least two types of attraction: 1) Conscious Attraction 2) Unconscious Attraction

Conscious Attraction leverages the thoughts and ideas we are aware of. I use visual aids to guide my my awareness. Below is my Legend Platform, a visual tool I use to keep me focused as I build my brand. You have a brand called you. Entrepreneurial Marketing is my topic of the day. Being an entrepreneur means being a Bad Ass. You can see who you also need to be a Bad Ass to be a marketer.

Heres my Legend Platform

Many students of attraction fail because they dont practice Conscious Attraction with laser precision and massive action. Why do so many students of attraction not get the results they expect?

On the one hand, many students of attraction fail because they take knowing what they want to attract too lightly. Knowing includes knowing WHY you want, what you want. As you connect with a big enough WHY, resources will begin appearing.

On the other hand, many students of attraction fail because they dont take massive action. Massive action is not manic chaos but consistent directed persistence. What happens without massive action? Nothing extraordinary.

Conscious Attraction stewards your unconscious mind. Conscious attraction allows us to see what and why we really want. Marketing works the same way.

(Ben Mack here. Telman is off making some nachos. Im a marketer. I sold a quarter-of-a-billion dollars in Yomega Yo-Yos 1998-2000. That's a lot of yo-yos. May I share with you how I helped Yomega grow from $8,000,000 one year to $120,000,000 the next?...)

We didn't make our ads about the yo-yo. Yes, we had yo-yos in the advertisements, but the ads were about the kids being heroes. The yo-yos with a new automatic clutch allowed kids to be heroic. The kids were shown doing yo-yo tricks that would normally have taken scores of hours or maybe even years to master.

How did we take a simple yo-yo, allow it to make kids heroes and turn all this into a quarter-billion-dollar bonanza?

We used a powerful technique that has been buried inside the high security walls of the high priced advertising agencies that for the first time you can access and use for your own company--whether you want to make a quarter-billion-dollars or simply double your income from where you are right now, a technique that utilizes Conscious Attraction.

This Conscious Attraction technique is so secret most advertising companies never share it directly with their clients no matter how much money they offer to pay. But I don't think that's right, because I think everyone in business should have the opportunity to know about this secret. So, I'm going to share it with you now this is what unifies a teams unconscious attraction by aligning everybody to the same business

objectives and talking points.

The secret is that we built a Legend Platform for the yo-yo company. Conscious Attraction for a team requires aligning perceptions and expectations. A Legend Platform is the most powerful tool a team can use in business to rapidly align your perceptions, expectations and increase your sales. The beautiful part is that learning to build a Legend Platform is easy.

Your Legend Platform clarifies your business thinking as it instills confidence. You will be able to concisely communicate your business ideas. You will discard less profitable and irrelevant ideas faster and your communications will have emotional objectives. Advertising, packaging and collateral will all have a unified feel, without all the costly traditional branding. Teammates will know your vision and will see what they can do to help. Employees have a tool that teaches and reinforces best-practices by showing a big picture vision of an optimal product or service experience.

Best of all, your Legend Platform is primarily visual so it is easy to pick up and teach. Your Legend Platform works to give you laser clarity to attract the Big Business youve been wanting. I teach you how to construct

your Legend Platform in my recently published book, Think Two Products Ahead.

Marketing is manifestation because focusing on our specific business goals aligns your unconscious mind with your conscious business efforts bringing you focus and clarity for what you are to do next. Business visualization tools are very rare. Marketing is the legitimate face of magic. Marketing is manifestation.

"Creating loyalty beyond reason and moving from irreplaceable to irresistible is job #1 for all marketers today. Ben's book will help you get there." Kevin Roberts, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide Think Two Products Ahead is the Holy Grail of Branding, Advertising and Creativity; dont spend another dime on advertising until you read this book. Ben Mack has written a masterwork that uncovers the truth and shows you how to create brands that people will buy with predictable regularity. -Dave Lakhani Author, Persuasion: The Art Of Getting What You Want & The Power Of An Hour Ben Mack has written the most important book about branding to date. A dirty word to some, an overused word to others....Mack shows you how to make sure that YOUR customers BUY from YOU again. And that we can all agree is important. I've never seen a book that so clearly and concisely reveals the step by step process of branding and making the next sale. Thinking Two Products Ahead is something the finest entrepreneurs have done for decades...and there have been precious few who persistently think like this in the 21st century. If you want to make the next sale...and the next one after that, this book is the best investment you will ever make. --Kevin Hogan, Psy.D., Author, The Psychology of Persuasion and, The Science of Influence. "For a guy like me who used to absolutely, positively hate branding, this book is a revelation. Finally, a clear-cut confessional from someone who has actually worked in the deep carpets with the guys and guyettes in the designer suits. But Ben generously goes beyond the Wizard of Oz expos (that takes down the scam Madison Avenue and its provincial cousins have been running on businesses for years)... and tells you what's good about branding, and how you can cash in on it for your business. I mean exactly, step-by-step. If you are in business and you have anything to do with marketing, you need this book." David Garfinkel

Author, Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich

If youre a reader, Ive compiled the very best tools Ive used for your business magic in this one book

You need the focus and clarity you get from building your Legend Platform. Marketing is manifestation. You focus on our specific business goals, which aligns and recalibrates your unconscious mind, bringing your

business growth into alignment with your business knowledge. This is the beginning of your Bad Ass online marketing career.

Many marketing gurus will tell you that you need a product to sell. Maybe. A product doesnt mean much if you dont have traffic. Taking out ads is rarely a positive return on your investment.

In The Relevant Truth reveals the secret system I used to drive 500,000 unique visitors in 2004 to an online community called What Would Bill Hicks Say? The site is no longer there. Whats important for you to know is that I drove 500,000 unique visitors with zero affiliates, no connections in online marketing and not a clue what I was doing. It is that simple. All I used was Google Alerts and forum posts, meaning I posted a couple essays in relevant forums. None of the forums that I posted in were huge. In fact, I found I couldnt get my posts to pop and take hold for the really big communities, but I could dominate the smaller communities. I was asked to leave one forum, not because I was being obnoxious, or doing anything wrong, but because the entire forum had begun to revolve around my posts. The Relevant Truth reveals the secret to getting your magic going. (

Gurus say you need a product to sell. You dont need one product, you need three. Three products. You need three products to think two products ahead. Getting three products is easier than you think. Youve already got what you sell them first. Now, you need what you sell them second and third, and the dirty little secret is that this can be two modalities of the same product, like a teleseminar and a transcript. You need three products to get profitable momentum.

Get more

Target in site
Riding co-pilot with me is Tellman Knudson. Hes the pilot. Im the bombardier on this Bad Ass run. This book and the whole project is a large collaborative production. Overcome Everything and TMM have generously leant of their time, resources and leader.

Bombs away!
Why is Overcome Everything so willing to help me out? Well, while were friends, they arent overjoyed by my straining their already stretched thin line-up. So why would they let me steal Tellman for long blocks of time? Theyre all Bad Asses, each and everyone of us, and Bad Asses stretch themselves and watch each others backs. Were bad like that.

Closing bomb bay doors

We use military imagery because this is a fight for your mind.

Target status? Still falling

falling Target hit.

Roger that. Base, this is Bad Ass 2 and Bad Ass 3. Target hit. Were coming home.

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