Meth Faq

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Log In Sign Up Browse ethamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions es/meth-faq.html6 of 203/1/2006 3:36 AM metal as a catalyst.

The product of this step is N-methylamphetamine and HCl. Ev aporate off thewater and you have methamphetamine hydrochloride.From: yshan@bcar (Yogi Shan)Hydrogenation starting with (-) ephedrine, whether direct or via the halide, will give d-meth. If you start with dl-ephedrine, you get dl -meth. Reduction With Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus From: (Lamont Granquist)From Fester, Secrets of Meth Ma nufacturing:Method 4: Reduction With Hydroiodic Acid and Red PhosphorusIn this p rocedure, the alcohol grouping of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA is reduced byboiling one of these compounds in a mixture of hydroiodic acid and red phospho rus. Hydroiodicacid works as a reducing agent because its dissociates at higher temperatures to iodine andhydrogen, which does the reducing. The dissociation is reversible. The equilibrium is shifted infavor of dissociation by adding red ph osphorus to the mixture. The red phosphorus reacts withthe iodine to produce PI 3 , which then further reacts with water to form phosphorus acid andmore hydroiodi c acid. Since the hydrogen atom of the HI is being absorbed by the ephedrine, th ered phosphorus acts as a recycler.In some reductions, the need for HI is dispen sed with just by mixing red phosphorus and iodinecrystals in a water solution. T he red phosphorus then goes on to make HI by the abovementioned process. With a small amount of due care, this is an excellent alternative to eitherpurchasing, stealing, or making your own pure hydroiodic acid.This method has the advantage of being easy to do. It was formerly the most popular method of making meth from ephedrine. Now red phosphorus is on the California list of less restrictedchemi cals, so an increased level of subterfuge is called for to obtain significant am ounts. Onemight think that this is easily gotten around by making your own red p hosphorus, but this is aprocess I would not want to undertake. Ever hear of phos phorus shells? I would much rather facethe danger of exploding champagne bottles . Those who insist on finding out for themselves, willsee Journal of the America n Chemical Society, volume 68, page 2305. As I recall, the PoorMan's James Bond also has a formula for making red phosphorus. Those with a knack forscrounging f rom industrial sources will profit from knowing that red phosphorus is used in l argequantities in the fireworks and matchmaking industries. The striking pad on books of matches isabout 50% red phosphorus.The determined experimenter could ob tain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the strikingpads of matchbooks wit h a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 40%red phosp horus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron o xide,MnO 2 , and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere wi th thereaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red p hosphorus by scraping thestriking pads off matchbooks.Another problem with this method is that it can produce a pretty crude product if some simpleprecautions a re not followed. From checking out typical samples of street meth, it seems basi cprecautions are routinely ignored. I believe that the by-products in the garbag e meth are ethamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions es/meth-faq.html7 of 203/1/2006 3:36 AM iodoephedrine, and the previously mentioned azirine. If a careful fractional dis tillation is done,these products can be removed. They can be avoided in the firs t place if, when makinghydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to cometo complete reaction for 20 minutes before

adding the ephedrine to it. This will be a hassle forsome, because the obvious procedure to follow is to use the water extract of the ephedrine pillsto make th e HI in. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the waterfrom the ephedrine pill extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure wa ter. Since theproduction of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good d eal of heat, it is wise to chillthe mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine cr ystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round b ottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrinehydrochloride (or PPA-HCl). The use of the sulfate salt is unacceptable because HI reduces thesulfate ion, so t his interferes with the reaction. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of redpho sphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mix ture canbe prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 mlof water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid so lution needed. Exactly how strongthe acid needs to be, I can't say . I can tell you that experiments have shown that one molar HI isineffective at reducing ephe drine to meth. The 47% acid mentioned above is a little over 3.5molar. I would t hink that so long as one is over 3 molar acid, the reaction will work.With the i ngredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, an d themixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yield s and highest octanenumbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from thered phosphorus floating around in it.When on e day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is di luted with anequal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffeefilters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filteredsolution should look a golden color . A red color may indicate that all the phosphorus is not yetout. If so, it is f iltered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batc h.If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine floating aroun d the solution. It canbe removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or s odium thiosulfate.The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the aci d. A strong lye solution is mixed upand added to the batch with shaking until th e batch is strongly basic. This brings the meth out asliquid free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously toensure t hat all the meth has been converted to the free base.With free base meth now obt ained, the next step, as usual, is to form the crystallinehydrochloride salt of meth. To do this, a few hundred mls of toluene is added to the batch, andthe met h free base extracted out as usual. If the chemist's cooking has been careful, t he color of the toluene extract will be clear to pale yellow. If this is the cas e, the product is sufficiently pureto make nice white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the toluene extract as describedin Chapter 5. If the toluene extract is darker colored, a distillation is called for to get pure methfree ba se. The procedure for that is also described in Chapter 5. The yield of puremeth amphetamine hydrochloride should be from 100 to 110 grams. Lithium-Ammonia Reduction Reference: Ely, R. A. and McGrath, D.C., "Lithium-Ammonia Reduction of Ephedrine toMethamphetamine: An Unusual Clandestine Synthesis," Journal of Forensic Scien ces, JFSCA,Vol. 35, No. 3, May 1990, pp. 720-723 ethamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions es/meth-faq.html8 of 203/1/2006 3:36 AM Procedure:All the chemicals were reagent grade, with no special treatment of the tetrahydrofuran (THF),and the atmosphere above the condensed ammonia was not fl ushed with nitrogen gas.A three-neck flask was cooled in a dry ice/acetone bath. A condenser was fitted in the centerneck, an additional funnel containing l-eph edrine base in THF was fitted into one side neck, anda rubber stopper fitted wit h a glass tube extending to the bottom of the flask was fitted in thethird neck. Anhydrous ammonia gas was condensed and collected in the flask. Small pieces of lithium metal were rinsed in petroleum ether, patted dry, and added to the cond ensed ammonia.A deep royal blue color was noted as the lithium metal dissolved i n the condensed ammonia.The l-ephedrine was added drop wise to the lithium ammon

ia solution over a period of approximately 10 minutes with stirring. When all of the l-ephedrine had been added, ammoniumchloride was added slowly to the soluti on. The flask was removed from the cooling bath, and thecondensed ammonia was al lowed to warm to room temperature and evaporate from the flask through the side necks.When most of the ammonia had evaporated, water was added to the remaining solution until itcleared and any remaining lithium metal was decomposed. The rem aining solution was removedfrom the flask to a separatory funnel, where the aque ous layer was discarded. The THF layer wasdried with magnesium sulfate, and the hydrochloride salt of the methamphetamine was made bybubbling hydrogen chloride through the THF.The same procedure was used, substituting phenylproponolamine an d methylephedrine as thestarting materials. A second synthesis was conducted wit h l-ephedrine, using the same procedureexcept that the reaction was not quenched with ammonium chloride.Results:The reaction was found to reduce l-ephedrine to d-methamphetamine quickly and easily .Furthermore, it was found that the reactio n converted phenylpropanolamine to amphetamine andmethylephedrine to dimethylamp hetamine. The time required for the reaction to proceed fromthe condensing of th e ammonia gas in the reaction flask until the excess lithium was decomposedwas a pproximately one hour. The majority of this time was spent waiting for the conde nsedammonia to evaporate from the reaction flask.It was also found that the ephe drine would reduce to methamphetamine without the addition of ammonium chloride as a quenching agent.From: (Eleusis)According to the infamous J.For.Sci. article describing a "novel method of amphetamineproduction", the re searchers concluded that with or without an ammonium chloride quenchyields were good. I like this article especially because the rinky-dink DEA chemists that wr ote itdidn't seem to entirely grasp the concept of the procedure they were doing (in fact, a slightlymodified Birch reduction known by some other name I can't r ecall). All in all, quite anentertaining and educational article ;-).From: dmurp (DMurphy3)This may be so (in fact I read the same article), but typi cally a water quench leads to the alcohol,which is what we were trying to get ri d of to start with. Also, if one were using Na rather than Li ethamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions es/meth-faq.html9 of 203/1/2006 3:36 AM (Na is the Birch, I too forget the Li named reduction), adding water to quench w ill *definitely*be exciting, particularly considering the flammability of THF or ether.Apparently they were following the guys handwritten notes. It would have been even moreinteresting had they used the real Birch method, using Na, especia lly when they tried the waterquench ;>)From: (Eleusis)Yep - a pparently that would be the case. As well, any extra Li (or Na if doing the stra ight Birchmethod) would convert to the Hydroxide, which might fuck the product u p a bit.I bet you they *did* do that the first time, and then, after they replac ed that wing of the lab, theydecided not to "publish" those results ;-). From Phenylalanine From: (Speed Raver)A surprisingly simple synthesis is possible from the amino acid phenylalanine, which is availableat health food sto res for about $14 for 100 tablets. Phenylalanine is 2-amino-3-phenylpropanoicaci d, which is more or less amphetamine with a COOH where the CH3 should be at the end of the chain. Thionyl chloride will replace the OH with a Cl, which falls of f and is replaced by Hwhen you give it lithium aluminum hydride, sodium borohydr ide, or hydrogen gas andnickel/platinum. If you use hydrogen and metal for that step, you'll ha v e to reduce the carbonylgroup with one of the hydrides, so bes t save time + effort and use them and do both reductions atonce. When that carbo nyl is reduced, you now have amphetamine. Go back up to that first one Imentione d for upgrading amphetamine into methamphetamine. Incomplete Syntheses These are methods that are subjectively evaluated to be less useful, but still m ay serve as interesting lessonsin applied chemistry. Synthesis from Amphetamine From: (Speed Raver)One of the easiest ways to make met hamphetamine is from amphetamine. Of course, thisassumes you have amphetamine in

the first place, but let's just pretend you have some and youwant to spice it u p a bit. The difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine is theaddition o f a single methyl group (CH 3 ) to the amino group sticking off the middle carbon atomin the chain. Fortunatel y, substituting amines is really simple. Vaporize your amine (youramphetamine) w ith a bunch of vaporized chloromethane (CH 3 Cl, a solvent) and some gaseouspyridine... voila, the amino group takes the meth yl from the chloromethane and lets a hydrogengo. The hydrogen joins the liberate d chlorine, and the resulting HCl is soaked up by the pyridine.The pyridine is o ptional. Adding it drives the reaction a bit by pulling the excess HCl out of th eequation, but it's not necessary. Methylamine ethamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions es/meth-faq.html10 of 203/1/2006 3:36 AM From: (David Naugler) (Jason Ken nerly) writes:Does the P2P method [reductive amination] ever end up attaching TW O chains tothe same methylamine, producing a crazy looking monster with two "win gs"This last question is solved be reference to a principle called the law of ma ss action. An excessof methylamine will inhibit the secondary reactions.Typicall y, a reductive amination done in a parr bomb or using sodium cyanoborohydride is donewith a five times molar excess of methylamine (or methylamine hydrochloride .) Phenylacetone From: (Jason Kennerly)Let me know how bromobenze ne + acetone + NaOH turns out. I'm interested in this since Ihaven't seen it any where else (unlike some people, I don't have the Abstracts in my closet :)Make s ure to use an EXCESS of acetone, because 1 its more readily available and 2 it w illprevent any diphenyl/triphenyl/xphenyl acetone from forming.Hell, if your mak ing straight amphetamine, you could even just go with acetone as the solventtoo, if you could come up with a good way to separate the 2-aminopropane you'd make with theamphetamine. Given that this gunk has a bp of 33 or 34 degrees at standa rd pressure, it shouldn'tbe too hard. Smells like ammonia though... maybe you sh ould "catch" it in HCl water when youdistill.As with any distillation there will be some left over. Never fear, 2aminopropane (or"isopropylamine") is water MISC IBLE. Yes, the BASE form is miscible w/ H 2 O! AmphetamineBASE is only "slightly" soluble in water, so if your really a puri st you can dissolve your "mostlyamphetamine some 2aminopropane" in ether and bac kwash with water maybe ONCE. Thenprecipitate the crystals with dry HCl or H 2 SO 4 ?Question is, how much ammonia and reducing agent are you willing to waste on ma king2aminopropane? Purification by Crystallization From: (Sean Casey)For a purification by crystallization of an y of the HCL salts of ephedrine and related illegals, I'dsuggest a two solvent s ystem with methanol and methylethylketone. This tends to occlude aslight amount of solvent so keep your crystal size small and grind and dry the result. Both th esesolvents are easily available if you know where to look.I wouldn't suggest et hanol or acetone as they tend to easily collect H2O; this can happenunexpectedly and when it does, their solvency power will greatly increase, redissolving your crystals. Be careful as methanol is toxic; don't get it on you or breathe the fu mes.Read a lab handbook about two-solvent purification by crystallization. Fasci nating stuff. MethFAQ Add To Collection

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