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1. If there is a conflict between a state and federal law, generally the federal law will prevail because a.

Judicial review doctrine b. Supremacy Clause c. Paramount Doctrine d. Commerce Clause 2. The 14th Amendment Equal Protect Clause strict scrutiny test will be used when: a. The classification affects an economic interest b. The classification affects a persons right to drive c. The classification differentiates on the basis of race d. The classification affects a persons right to drink alcoholic beverages 3. The United States v. Lopez case demonstrates which of the following? a. There are no limitations on the federal government power pursuant to The Commerce Clause b. The states have extensive power to regulate interstate commerce c. There are limitations on federal power d. Gun ownership cannot be regulated 4. Which of the following is true of federal executive power? a. It is defined Article I of the Constitution b. It is defined in specific terms within the constitution c. It consists of three powers: appointment, legislation, and foreign policy d. All of the above 5. The power to regulate international commerce can best be described as: a. The states and the federal government share concurrent power b. The federal government has exclusive power c. The states have exclusive power d. None of the above 6. If Oregon passed a statue that prohibited liquor stores from engaging in any kind of advertising, that statutes a. Would be valid as an exercise of police power b. Would be valid as alcohol is illegal for minors c. Would be invalid as a violation to the Commerce Clause d. Would be invalid as an unreasonable restriction of free speech 7. When a statute discriminates based upon gender, the courts will review based upon a. Strict scrutiny b. Intermediate scrutiny c. Minimal scrutiny d. Common scrutiny 8. The Constitutional protections do NOT apply to a. Acts of the federal government b. Acts of State government c. Acts of administrative agencies

d. Acts of privately owned businesses 9. Which of the following statements about torts is correct a. A tortuous act is always a criminal act b. A criminal act is always a tortuous act c. A tortuous act may also be a criminal act d. All of the above are correct 10. A national magazine published an article about a famous Tv Star. Tv start is upset because info is not correct. If the actor sue sthe magazine

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