Hermetic Hour Blogtalkradio

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Hermetic Hour Blogtalkradio

The theory behind creative visualization- Before there can be a chair on the physical plane, it has to be imagined or visualized. It is called pre-form. Imagined in enough detail and intensity it will come about. Ideal form theory. Compare this to the magic of the word, or the magic of the mantra. Spoken word. The spoken word is very effective also. Magician combines the magic of the word and creative visualization. Ophiel does not think the word affects the subconscious mind. Hermetic magic uses visualization very strongly. Visualize a picture of something that you want to bring in to the physical realm. Something that you want to influence the physical realm. You can visualize, mantras, use Phoenician. Tibetan meticulously create god forms. They say the universe is an illusion. Whatever you create in your imagination is just as real as anything in the physical world. They sit for hours and hours they build up in their minds plastic deities and they bring them to life. They bring it to life and then dissolve it away. Everything you imagine has a measure of reality. The tantric s believe that everything is some measure of illusion. Creative visualization- Create a treasure map, an image you draw of something that you want.

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