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Understanding Size

1 micrometer

Understanding Size
100 nanometers

2003 by Glenn Fishbine

Properties at Scale
At the nanoscale, the most fundamental properties of materials and machines depend on their size in a way they dont at any other scale
--Mark Ratner, Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea

Example: As components of electronics approach the nanoscale, they no longer obey Ohms Law!

Multi, Inter, and Uni-disciplinary

Nanotechnology draws on information from many disciplines and integrates them to form unique solutions with broad applications in multiple market segments
Chemists care about molecules Physicists care about properties of matter Biologists care about natures ability to use nanoscale mechanisms

Material Engineers Chemical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Electrical Engineers Bio Engineers Civil Engineers

Care about how the properties can be harnessed for a useful application

Advantages & Opportunities

Conductive most conductors are metal; not transparent Flexible Lightweight Transparent thin films are ~ insulators

1959 R. Feynman Delivers Plenty of Room at the Bottom 1974 First Molecular Electronic Device Patented 1981 Scanning Tunneling Microscopic (STM) 1986 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Invented 1987 First single-electron transistor created 1991 Carbon Nanotubes Discovered 2000 US Launches National Nanotechnology Initiative 2002. 01 ITRI Nano Research Center Established

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