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Activity 8a: My town has a Interaction: Groupwork Aim: To recycle vocabulary from Skyline 1, Unit 8 Skill: Speaking Vocabulary: Places in a town or city Preparation: None Time: 1015 minutes

Teachers Notes Unit 8 Beginner

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Write the following on the board: Places in a town Elicit the names of places from the students (e.g. supermarket, park, hotel). Tell the students they are now going to play a memory game. Write the following on the board: My town has Say My town has a park. Ask the student sitting nearest to you to repeat the sentence and to add something else to the list, for example: My town has a park and a hotel. Now ask the student sitting next to the first student to repeat that sentence and to add something else to the list, for example: My town has a park, a hotel, and a supermarket. Divide the students into groups of about six and tell them they are going to play the game in their groups. If a student cannot remember a word, encourage the other students to help.

10 Give the students about five minutes to play the game. Monitor them whilst they are playing and make a note of any words that are pronounced incorrectly. 11 If necessary, correct any pronunciation at the end of the game.

This activity should be done after the students have covered the vocabulary in Skyline 1, Unit 8, page 68. With a weak class, you could write the names of the places on the board in Step 2. That way the students can refer to the board if they have trouble remembering the words. During the game, it is not important if the students give the names of places that dont really exist in their town. However, if you have a class that all live in the same town, and you want to make the activity more difficult, you could insist that they only say the names of places that really exist in their town.

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