The Evaluation of The Teaching and Learning Process: English Department of FKIP Almuslim University 2013-2014

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The Evaluation of the Teaching and Learning Process

Written by Mauliza Rahmi 1102020063 Unit 4B

English Department of FKIP Almuslim University 2013-2014

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts."

EVLUATION OF THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS Evaluation of the teaching process is the ongoing appraisal of the students learning progress during and after teaching. The goal of evaluation is to find out if the student has learned what you taught. The purpose of program evaluation is to determine whether the program is efficient in terms of using resources wisely to perform the needed work, effective by performance measures or objectives set, and implemented as stated. Serving the menu for problems related to the paper of learning and evaluation of learning process, of course will benefit all parties with reading separate write this works.

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