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Heesus Familys Electricity Consumption Zigzagging!

Month August kwh (kilowatt per hour) 428

September 667 October November December January February 526 561 449 672 503

Heesu Jung, the Korean student in 7th grade, his familys electric consumption repeated increasing and decreasing. This is the chart of Heesus familys electricity consumption from August, 2012 to February, 2013. Although the monthly kwh didnt always decrease, there are reasons. On August, his family wasnt home for a few days because they were in Korea and thats why the kwh is much lower than normally it is. On January, there was a huge increase. It is because his grandparents and aunt stayed in his house for almost a week and also, on January, he spent some electricity because of his new family came on that month; a puppy, that scares darkness when she is alone at home and that made February kwh goes high too. So his family didnt use that much eventually. To decrease the electricity usage, Heesus family tried hard to change their habits of using electricity. They tried to decrease the amount of kwh they use by trying to not to waste electricity. For example, they always turned off fans, lights (sometimes turned on when we got a dog), television, computers, A/Cs and outlets.

This is the graph of Heesus familys electricity consumption. The line above is the fitted line. The fitted line above was put like that because it shows great linear decay right there and also, there were no special events in those two months on the line so the kwh would only show how much family used. To predict how long would it take to reach 300 kwh, there should be a good equation. To get equation, slope is needed. While x value increase 3 times, y value decreased 218 times. y=-72 2/3 x+b. 218/3+667=739 2/3=y intercept. So the equation is y=-72 2/3 x+739 2/3. To find the answer for how long would it take to reach 300 kwh, put 300 for y. 300=-72 2/3 x+739 2/3, x=10.17889908... which means it takes about 10 months to reach 300 kwh.

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