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Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud

0321 44 60606 (Text Only)

Unit 5: Selected Hadith

Unit 5: Formula (i) & (ii)

(i)Teachings What teachings it contains regarding what Muslims believe and should practice What are the implications for the Muslim individual & community Cross Ref either here or in (ii): from Quran or Sunnah

(ii)How can Muslims put these teachings in to action

How the teachings in

this hadith can be applied to our lives What advantages would that have for the community & individual Modern Day example if any

Hadith No 1:'Religion is sincerity.' We said: 'To whom?' The Prophet said: 'To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.

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Islam demands sincere and genuine faith. This sincerity is needed in the fundamental beliefs as well as towards the leaders and the members of the community. This means strong belief in Tawhid (oneness of God), the divine message of the Quran and the messenger of God who conveyed this Message to us. Also, the leader of the community, who follows the Quran and Sunnah, should be sincerely followed: And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you. (4:59) Finally, Muslims should believe in respecting and caring for the fellows in the community.

Belief in Tawhid, Quran and the last Messenger is demonstrated by following the eternal guidance of the Quran and Sunnah. Muslims should observe the five pillars of Islam As for cooperating with the leader of the community, Muslims should remember the speech of Abu Bakr on his election as caliph:

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Help me if I am in the right, set me right if I am in the wrong

Similarly, sincerity towards fellows should be expressed by being kind, polite, just and respectful to them.



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Hadith 2: None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself






According to Islamic faith, all believers are bonded together by a common faith in Islam They, therefore, constitute a single family or brotherhood where all members are familiar to each other regardless of geographical, racial or linguistic barriers. The Holy Quran endorses this by saying: Believers are a single brotherhood (49:10). Now this sense of belonging to a single family unit demands that a spirit of sacrifice for the other members be nurtured and kept alive.


A true believer is supposed to be ready to give preference to the needs and feelings of his Muslim brothers over his own. He should try to emulate the example of the Ansar of Madinah who readily shared all their belongings with their Muhajir brothers. Muslims should negate selfishness, promote spirit of sacrifice and love for the fellow Muslims Should develop a sense of collective welfare and make efforts to ensure comfort and benefits for others as much as for himself:




True believers should not look down upon others and should not taunt them or call them by offensive nick names or ever break ties with them.

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Hadith No 3 : Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.


A faithful believer ought to be a source of comfort to his neighbours and should project generosity and hospitality towards all human beings giving preference to other Muslim brethren. 2. The Quran commands its followers to be kind and polite in speech: And speak kindly to mankind (2:83). 3. Neighbors and guests are important components of the Muslim society and showing them generosity would strengthen the bonds of love and fraternity 4. Allah elaborately enjoins upon us, in (alMa'un), certain duties signifying the importance of neighbourly needs



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The Messenger of Allah, in his saying, has laid down certain cardinal disciplines for a true believer Unless belief expresses itself practically, it remains but a pretension. Teachings of the Prophet aim at inculcating and developing the feelings of generosity and kindness in our day to day interaction with others True belief is palpably associated with kindness in attitude. Practical demonstration of true belief has to be projected through action

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Hadith No 4 : A man asked the Messenger: Do you think that if I say my prayers regularly, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.







Amongst the five pillars upon which Islam stands, after Shahadah, the two mentioned above are those which are obligatory for each and every Muslim. This Hadith highlights the principles upon which is based eligibility for Paradise. Without the establishment of Salah and observance of the Sawm, it is impossible to avoid Hellfire Another thing that is mentioned, is the adherence to the Halal and avoiding the Haram If Islamic teachings are followed, i.e. only the lawful is acted upon and the prohibited is shunned, the path to Jannah becomes clear and sure

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Salat and Sawm are both aimed at promoting self-discipline and complete submission to Allah's command The Quran elaborates the objective of fasting in these words: O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed to you ____ so that you may learn self-restraint (2:183). A Muslim is not merely ordered to pray individually but to 'establish' prayer, meaning to bond collectively with the community through the daily prayers and also through celebrating Ramadan These together prepare the believers to observe patience, perseverance and avoid Halal so as to achieve the objectives Thus such a conduct in life would pave the way to Paradise.

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Hadith No 5 : Every person's every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; every kind word is a charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity

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All physical powers as a gift & trust from Allah Muslim should remember this and express gratitude to Allah by helping fellow Muslims brothers All such acts are acts of charity Such acts should be equated with exerting energy in the worship of God The Prophet said: The best among the people are those who are a source of benefit to the people This hadith emphasizes that a Muslim must spend each day of his or her life doing acts of kindness

Islam includes all good deeds whether acts of worship or kindness to others in the scope of charity that shall be rewarded by Allah. Muslims should help their brothers and sisters in day to day affairs. They should hurry to offer their prayer, share the burden of fellows and, wherever possible, remove anything harmful from thoroughfares. As in the examples given by the Holy Prophet, all joints and organs of the body working for goodness perform acts of charity So much so that the Holy Prophet said that, even a smile is a charity.

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Hadith No.6: Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith



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Islam teaches its followers to first establish a true Islamic society based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah The faith inside a Muslim expresses itself through his or her opposition to evil It further commands them to defend the society against all possible evils with whatever available resources. A Muslim must physically stop evil or attack it verbally, or at least have feelings of resentment for it. The Quran declares the distinguishing factor of the Muslim Ummah as: You are the best of the people, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah (3:100) If a person doesn't even feel bad upon encountering an evil, then perhaps true faith has not yet entered his or her heart.


Eradication of evil involves struggle of varying degrees depending on the available resources with the Muslim community and government. If s/he does nothing, nor even feels the need to do so s/he should be warned that as per this Hadith, even the weakest degree of faith is missing from his or her heart. Evil may be suppressed through speech or writings by individuals, or use of law enforcement by Muslim rulers. Thus suppressing evil, (Qital or Physical Jihad.) or verbally admonishing (Dawa'/intellectual Jihad) it, is the duty of a Muslim.




But at all times a believer is required to shun evil internally and for this ask Allahs help (Surah Falaq)

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Hadith No 7 : It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger said: 'The believer who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property.






The importance of striving for the cause of Allah can easily be understood by the Quranic verse: Those who believe, and suffer exile (Hijrah) and strive with might and money, in Allah's cause, with their goods and their persons, shall attain the highest rank in the sight of Allah (9:20) Thus belief in Allah is subject and conditional to striving in His way with all resources so as to attain the status of a martyr which is the highest reward bestowed upon the believers by Allah Jihad is aimed at suppressing evil, stopping aggression and transgression but within the limits prescribed by the code of conduct of war in Islam. Muslims believe that all their physical and financial resources are granted by God, and so, they develop the spirit of placing them at Gods disposal.


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The Messenger of Allah, in this Hadith, has described some of the most excellent Muslims for all times, the Mujahideen or those who conduct Jihad with the best of their resources To be included in 'the best' we must be ready to sacrifice our time, money and even life if need be in the path of Allah This includes physical, mental and spiritual Jihad One who strives in Allah's way will be ranked as a shaheed even if s/he dies a natural death

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Hadith No 8: The Messenger of Allah said: Whom do you count to be a martyr among you?' They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr. He said: 'In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few!. (We asked): Then who is Shaheed?. He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of plague is a martyr, he who dies of cholera is a martyr.'

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The entire life of a Muslim is spent in some form of Jihad He or she may be performing spiritual, mental or physical Jihad at any given time The Quran and the Prophet have repeatedly admired those busy in Jihad and ranked them as the best Muslims. The Holy Prophet fought battles, received wounds and also witnessed martyrdom of his close associates. It was generally believed that this rank can only be achieved if one was actually in combat, but this Hadith has included all those Muslims who are struggling in Allah's Path in one way or the other.



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If the desire of a Muslim is to attain the exalted status of a Shaheed (Martyr) he or she should spend every living moment in Allah's Way This can be achieved simply by making the intention to seek Allah's pleasure in all that we do Allah's Path, in a broad term, applies to many aspects of goodness If one's life is spent in this manner, then no matter if death comes naturally or through a disease, he or she shall be amongst the Martyrs This serves as a great encouragement for those who do not get an opportunity to be involved in physical jihad

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Hadith No9: No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand






This Hadith stresses on two important teachings: Dignity of Labour & Superiority of Halal income The Holy Prophet said that the test lies not in how much you earn, but whether it is earned through fair or unfair means Islam warns that those who use wrongfully acquired wealth actually fill their stomach with hellfire The Holy Prophet himself set an example of labour many a times in his life: Construction of the Masjid & Daily chores

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The Holy Prophet also said that, He who works with his hand is a friend of Allah. The Holy Prophet himself never evaded physical hard labour In the light of this Hadith and the Prophet's example, no Muslim should avoid physical labour nor consider it below his or her dignity. Also they should respect those who engage in physical labour and not consider them inferior They should prefer to earn through hard work than unfair means

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Hadith No. 10 : One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or fasts in the day







Islamic teachings train the believers to develop a sense of fulfilling the rights of God as well as those of the fellow beings. Islam strictly instructs us to take care of the less privileged in the society. Such people have been equated by the Prophet to a regular worshipper and the one who strives in the way of God. The Quran links true faith with a supportive attitude towards the poor and declares those who fail to do so as the rejecters of faith Islam also requires that fellow Muslims behave with each other in a brotherly fashion as an expression of genuine faith. The Holy Prophet declared mutual love and care among the members of the Islamic community as one of the prerequisites to the true faith

The Muslims should follow the example of the Prophet who was known even before awarding of prophethood as the supporter of widows & orphans. They should support those in need by regular charity and almsgiving By taking care of the poor, the needy, widows, etc one can prove whether s/he is actually a believer or merely a pretender of faith The Quran links kindness to Tawheed by saying: Serve Allah and do not join any partners with Him; and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need. (4:36) In a Muslim society special arrangements should be made to support the needy with Zakat and other acts of charity.

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Hadith No 11 : 'I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.' And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.



Islam instructs its followers to be caring and considerate towards the unsupported and the needy. It promises greater rewards for such noble attitude, e.g., earning the pleasure of God and closeness to His Messenger. It also associates such nobility with the love for God:And they feed for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan and the captive (76:8) Care and support of the orphan is greatly admired by the Quran and Sunnah, as both promise huge rewards for those who are kind towards the orphan. This Hadith guarantees such people closeness to the Prophet in Paradise for any believer this is no less than a fabulous award in the Hereafter

The Prophet was asked in Surah alDuha: Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? He therefore, showered special love on the orphan





Muslims should imitate his examples in whatever possible ways such as supporting orphanages
They should adopt orphan children in the light of the admiration expressed by the Prophet, the best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated. Such noble tasks strengthen the communal bonds among the members of the Muslim community.





Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606

Hadith No 12 : The Messenger sent Abu Musa and Mu'adh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said: 'Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.


A Muslim ruler is expected to discharge his duties with such a faith deeply ingrained in his mind and show maximum kindness and patronizing attitude towards his subjects Both the companions mentioned in this Hadith were highly trained by the Prophet and it was virtually unthinkable that they would be harsh to anyone, so his warning to them was actually directed towards the rulers to come Muslim rulers need to follow these model rulers who ruled not only the state but also the hearts of their subjects.

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This Hadith highlights the attitude of a Muslim ruler A Muslim ruler is given the power to rule a country as a trust from Allah A Muslim ruler is required to consider himself the custodian of his people, responsible for their prosperity and welfare True Muslim rulers try their best to win the hearts of their people by kindness and by being very close to them, avoiding any degree of harshness. The Prophet said, Be merciful to those on earth and He, Who is in the heavens, shall show mercy to you.




They should remove all barriers that separate them form their people and should treat them in a kind and fatherly way so that people do not fear but respect them with sincerity.
We also understand that 'Ruler' also means everyone in responsibility, such as a parent or employer; who should also take a lesson from this Hadith.



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Hadith No 13 : He who studies the Qur'an is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away


A Muslim should bind himself and herself with the Quran as a person firmly ties up his prized camels 2. The Holy Prophet has used this analogy in order to emphasize on the significance of the Quran as camels were a very precious belonging in those times. 3. He further said, 'The best amongst you is the one who studies the Quran and teaches it.' 4. In any Muslim community, readers and teachers of the Quran are held in high esteem. 5. In most families, formal education of a Muslim child begins by learning the recitation of the Quran

Holy Quran is the ultimate source of guidance for the worldly matters as well as the Hereafter. The conduct of the Muslims depends on the degree of their association with the Quran because it is the basis of their lives. The Prophet has linked this bond with the ownership of the tethered camels As long as the camels are supervised and kept tethered, they remain under control. Similarly, as long as a Muslim remains attached to the Quran by recitation, learning and comprehending it, the Quran continues to benefit him; but if this relation is weakened, the effect of the Quran gradually fades away. Quran continues to guide the reader as long as the latter continues to read and comprehend the message of the Quran


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Hadith No .14: May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he demands his money back

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Muslim should demonstrate compassionate behavior towards fellow Muslims in dealings with them . Islamic Economic Teachings stress on honesty and justice on one hand, while mercy and lenience on the other. Sellers should believe that honesty and generosity are liked by God. Buyers similarly should not have any ill intention of exploiting any weakness of the seller. Creditors should believe that God alone enabled him to be a source of helping those in need and so, he should develop spirit of magnanimity when some needy person approaches him. In conclusion, mercy and compassion should not be left out during business transactions

The Prophet conducted trade not only with full honesty and dedication, but also with kindness The Messenger also said: Be compassionate to those on earth and He who is in the heavens will be compassionate to you. He would not hide defects of merchandise while selling any items or cheat the buyer.


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The buyer nor the seller should exploit each other.

A creditor should show generosity & grant relief to the debtor because the Prophet greatly admired such degree of kindness: Whoever has a claim on a brother which is payable and he allows respite to the debtor in his payment, he will be given the reward of charity.


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Hadith No .5: God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.

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Allah Himself is the fount of mercy The Quran says that Allah's mercy wraps His anger In this Hadith the Holy Prophet is laying down the condition for Allah's Mercy only for those who show mercy to others Allah loves His creation and doesn't allow anyone to be harsh as He Himself is not harsh or unfair to anyone To deserve His Mercy, one must show it to His Creation

The Muslims are required to follow the footsteps of the Prophet who never cursed his enemies and insulters in Makkah, Taif and the battlefield. He kindly treated captives of Badr and forgave his fatal enemies on the conquest of Makka. Muslims today may imitate such noble conduct and generosity of heart. They should not overburden their employees and should have the moral courage of forgiving the insulters because they will receive huge reward from their Lord: Even if someone is harsh, we should try to win over him with love and compassion The Prophet said Be compassionate to those on earth and He, who is in the


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Hadith No.16: The believers are like a single man; if his head is affected he is all affected and if his eye is affected he is affected

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This Hadith emphasizes Muslim brotherhood and unity Islamic teachings strike at the root of racial, geographical, social and linguistic barriers and discriminations All the Muslims are bonded together by the strong fabric of common faith that makes them a single fraternity: Believers are a single brotherhood (49:10). When a brother is in pain, his pain is felt by all his siblings Just as siblings are one family unit, so is the entire Muslim community Just as a body cannot be at rest, if any single part is afflicted, the Muslims cannot be at peace if some amongst them is in trouble.

The believers may follow this Hadith in a variety of ways. The Ansar of Madina accommodated the Muhajireen of Makka by sharing all their assets with them.




They should care for fellow Muslims in hour of need and trials The finest example in history of such mutual compassion was the brotherhood between the Muhajireen and Ansar Each Ansari divided his entire belongings in half and half and presented the same to his Muhajir brethren Muslims should follow this example and sacrifice their wealth for the less fortunate Muslims Brothers & Sisters

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Hadith No.17: Modesty produces nothing but good.



Modesty is perhaps the most important component of the moral teachings of Islam Modesty is the barrier, like piety, against all indecencies and evils and is thus a source of strengthening faith and submission before divine commands.


The Prophet said: ' Be modest before Allah: the correct way to be modest before Him is to control your heart and head and keep them pure We must practice modesty by shunning evil thoughts Modesty keeps us away from all evil acts The Muslims must lower their gaze as it may lead to sin Thus the practice of modesty eliminates evils and social problems so that a balanced society develops.

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So, modesty strengthens and accompanies faith, and faith, in turn, promotes mental piety.
Mental piety reflects a believers obedience to God and is a means of earning Gods favor. The Prophet declared modesty as a cardinal feature of Islam: Every religion has a distinctive quality and distinctive quality of Islam is modesty Modesty is not only to be observed towards fellow human beings, but towards Allah too

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Hadith No 18 : He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise

According to Muslim belief, true faith alone guarantees a believers salvation from the fire of Hell and entry to Paradise. 2. This Hadith underlines the importance of true faith and renunciation of pride 3. It also identifies faith and arrogance being opposites of each other 4. When a person embraces Islam, he actually and practically submits to the will of Allah and submission is diametrically opposed to any form or degree of pride 5. Quran and Sunnah reiterate that faith and pride cannot co-exist in the heart of a Muslim
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We must shun all types of pride and observe modesty and humbleness in all of his postures and dealings

2. By strengthening a sense of humility, pride can be effectively resisted and controlled. 3.

This ensures pleasure of God:for God does not love the arrogant (4:36)

4. Following the divine guidance is the best means of promoting humility and resisting pride.

As faith and pride cannot co-exist in one heart, we must continuously analyze our own selves and keep our hearts under check 6. We must adopt humility not only in behavior, but also in dress and manners

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Hadith No 19: The world is the believer's prison and the unbeliever's paradise

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Allah created charms in this world to test His obedient servants. A believer is trained by Islamic teachings to consider this world a prison where he is not free to live a life of his choice and so, cant get attached to it just as a prisoner cant develop a lasting association with the prison. The Holy Prophet said This world is but a cultivating ground for the Hereafter. A true believer strongly believes in the eternal joys of the Hereafter whereas a non-believer is fully enticed by the temporary glow of this world and thus, denies the Hereafter. A non-believer on the other hand, never wants to leave this world because as he doesnt believe in Hereafter, he sees this as the only place to be happy.

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Paradise is the place where one would get whatever one would wish for Believers, for whom the world is a testing ground feel imprisoned here The unbelievers strive solely for the pursuit of temporal happiness We, as Muslims, should focus on concentrating to spend our lives in this 'prison' as per rules and regulations set forth by God Almighty And shun our desires and wishes in this world, to project ourselves before God Almighty as true Muslims. A Muslim should never lose sight of his/her real objective and purpose, and should not become overly involved in worldly desires

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Hadith No 20: Allah does not regard your appearances & your possessions, but he regards your hearts and your actions.


We must purify our hearts and our intentions 2. Our actions must be strictly according to the Islamic teachings, even if they may seem alien to some society, because our intention is to please Allah
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This Hadith categorically declares the criterion by which God judges actions and conduct. God does not consider outward appearance or worldly gains made by a person. He simply considers a persons conduct and the intentions behind it because the Prophet clearly stated in another Hadith: Actions are judged by intentions However good appearance we may carry and whatever success we get, God is so supreme and high that everything is worthless before Him because He is Lord of all the worlds and He knows secrets of hearts. So, a true believer strives to act according to the Quran and Sunnah and with sincerity of intention.




Perhaps the people around us may only appreciate our appearance and wealth, but the only one whose appreciation is worth getting is Allah


4. They should reject any form or degree of hypocrisy or showing off and develop sincerity of faith and intention, keeping in mind: Whether you hide whatever is in your hearts or reveal it, God knows it all. (Al Quran 3:29)

They should do all noble deeds with the pure intention of earning Gods pleasure and not for showing off to others.

Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606

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