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Features of Fees Management Software Features

Prospectus Sale Voucher Consolidate Due Voucher Consolidate Receipt Voucher Student Opening Balance Voucher Payment Voucher Journal Voucher University Payment Voucher Payroll Management Financial Accounting system Inventory Management

Features of Library Management Software Features

Issue Of Books Receipts Of Books Reissue Of Books Student Fine Receipt Entry Books Group Wise Report Books Summary Report Student Wise/Employee Wise Book Status Report Books Issue/Receive Register Fine Collection Report (Detailed/Summary) Books History Report Books Due Report (Student / Employees)

Features Of Student Attendance Management Software Features

Attendance Entry Class Schedules Entry Class Adjustment Entry Extra Classes Entry Student On Leave Entry Attendance Chart/Report Attendance Report (Detailed / Range Wise/ Calmer / Subject Wise) Faculty Wise Report Faculty Wise Class Wise Report Reminder Report Student Strength Report Attendance Report (Percentage Wise/ Marks Wise) Class Schedule Report Schedule Status Report

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