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ComparIson between 0ynamIc and StatIc UPS system

tem StatIc - UPS 0ynamIc - UPS Fesult

FelIabIlIty SwItches, rectIfIer and Inverter extra In the
powerlIne convertIng the total power demand
Dnly three components In the power
lIne from the maIns to the load
50 hIgher relIabIlIty of the lIneInteractIve dIesel
Energy conversIon Two tImes energy conversIon No energy conversIon HIgher effIcIency of the lIneInteractIve dIesel UPS
EffIcIency 92 Approx. 97 Lower energy consumptIon durIng normal operatIon of
the InteractIve dIesel UPS
Autonomy tIme LImIted due to usage of batterIes UnlImIted because of usage of a dIesel
0Iesel UPSsystem always avaIlable
Total HarmonIc dIstortIon
TH0 8 TH0 J 0ue to the choke coIl generator combInatIon an
effectIve fIlter Is created
TH0 fIlters AddItIonal fIlters are necessary to reduce the
TH0 to an acceptable level
No addItIonal fIlters Extra costs for fIlters wIth statIc UPS system
Power factor Improvement No power factor Improvement by the system Power factor Improvement Included In
the system. PF = 0,98 at maIns sIde
Extra cost for statIc UPS for the power factor
Improvement equIpment
Load characterIstIcs 1,5 x n
Dutput frequency +/ 5 durIng genset
10 x n
Dutput frequency wIthIn 1
SelectIvIty of the dIesel UPSsystem Is consIderable
FeductIon of the energy costs
PeakshavIng Not possIble PossIble, optIonal FeductIon of the energy costs
nstallatIon space 100 50 SavIngs In favour of dIesel UPS system wIth regard to
the buIldIng costs (m2)
AIrcondItIonIng Necessary for the batteryroom and for de UPS
Not necessary Extra costs for the StatIc UPSsytem and hIgher
operatIonal (yearly) energy cost
LIfetIme batterIes 8attery lIfetIme depends on the type and
qualIty. LIfetIme between J to 8 years
Not applIcable 0ependIng on autonomy tIme requested, the re
Investment of the batterIes every J to 8 years requIred
LIfetIme UPSsystem 1015 years 25 years Lower deprecIatIon cost for dIesel UPSsystem
|aIntenance HIgher maIntenance due to combInatIon of
statIc, batterIes and a separate Censet
|aIntenance reduced to a mInImum
level due the lIneInteractIve prIncIpal
Lower maIntenance cost of dIesel UPSsystem
nvestment HIgher Investment and operatIonal cost Lower Investment and approx. 25
lower operatIonal cost
8etter prIce/performance for dIesel UPSsystem

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