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Chewy Necklace

Great for co-ordination, cheap jewellery and edible too!

YOU WILL NEED Froot Loops or other O shaped cereal Fine cord or dental floss Plastic tapestry needles with blunt ends and large eyes

PROCEDURE Cut cord into 75cm lengths. Thread needles with cord. Tie one piece of cereal to the end of the cord to act as an anchor.

LITTLE HELPER Child can poke the needle through the cereal and thread them on to the cord.

READY, SET, GO Poke the needle through the cereal and push it to the end of the cord. Keep threading cereal until there is 15cm of cord remaining. Knot the ends to finish the necklace.

FURTHER IDEAS Change hands and use the needle in the non-dominant hand. Can be done using clear vinyl tubing (from hardware or aquarium shops) which has been cut into short lengths, for a permanent necklace.

Mobile: 0411 316 317 PO Box 207 Elsternwick Victoria 3185 ABN: 52 095 385 621

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