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Memorandum of Association

Memorandum of Association is one of the documents which has to be filed with the registrar of companies at the time of incorporation of a company. It is a document which sets out the constitution of the company. It defines as well confines the power of the company. It defines companys relation with the outside world and the scope of its activities.

Features of Memorandum of Association

It is a public document of the company It contains the fundamental conditions upon which the company can be incorporated It contains the objects of the companys formation The company has to act within objects specified in the MOA It defines as well as confines the powers of the company Any thing done beyond the objects specified in the MOA will be ultra vires. Their transactions will be null and void The outsider have to transact looking into the MOA

Conditions of the MOA

It should be printed Divided into paragraph and numbers consecutively Signed by at least seven persons or two in case of public and private company respectively. The signature should be in the presence of a witness, who will have to attest the signature Members have to take shares and write the number of shares taken with full address

The MOA of the Limited Company

The name of the company with limited as the last word The name of the state where the registered office of the company is to be situated The objects of the company stating the Main objects and the other objects The declaration about the liability of the members is limited ( limited by shares or guarantee) The amount of the authorized share capital, divided into shares of fixed amounts.

Memorandum of Association
It also states the authorized share capital of the proposed company and the names of its first/permanent directors. The substance of the Memorandum can be explained as follows: It defines the scope and limitations of the projected company. It is very difficult to change or amend the Memorandum of the company because it defines certain powers, the company cannot go beyond. The Memorandum becomes a public document as soon as the company gets registered. Memorandum forms the outer framework within which the company operates.

.Memorandum of Association: Contents

The Memorandum of a limited company can be divided into six distinct clauses:

1. The name clause. The name clause contains the name of the company. A public company limited by shares or by guarantee must end with the word 'Limited' and a private limited company must end with the words 'Private Limited'. The company cannot have a name, which in the opinion of the Central Government is undesirable [Section 20(1)]. A name which is identical with or nearly resembles the name of another company in existence will not be allowed [Section 20(2)]. Moreover, a company cannot use a name which is prohibited under the Names and Emblems (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1950 or use a name reflective of connection to government or state patronage. A company can , however, change its name by passing a special resolution.

.Memorandum of Association: Contents

2. Registered office clause. The state in which the registered office of a company will be situated is mentioned in this clause. The registered office of the company is the official address of the company where the statutory books and records must normally be kept. The notice of exact location (address) in Form 18 must be given to the ROC within 30 days from the date of incorporation of the company. Similarly, any change in the name of the state in which registered office was situated earlier must also be intimated in Form 18 to the ROC within 30 days of incorporation. Contd.

.Memorandum of Association: Contents


Objects clause. This is the most important clause of a company. It defines the activities which a company can carry on and those, it cannot. This clause must state: Main object(s) of the company to be pursued by the company upon its incorporation. Objects incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main object(s). Other objects of the company not included in (i) and (ii) above.

.Memorandum of Association: Contents

4. Liability clause. This contains the nature of the liability of the members. A declaration that the liability of the members is limited, in case the company is limited by shares or guarantee, must be given under this clause. The memorandum of a company limited by guarantee must also state the amount that each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound-up. Contd

.Memorandum of Association: Contents

5. Capital clause. This clause states the amount of share capital with which the company is to be registered is divided into different shares of a fixed amount. A company cannot issue share capital greater than the maximum amount of share capital stated in this clause without altering the memorandum. 6. Association clause. At the end, a declaration by the persons for subscribing to the memorandum that they are desirous to form a company and agree to take the shares placed against their respective names must be given by the promoters under the association or subscription clauses.

Alteration of MOA
Change of Name Clause:

Change of Regressed Office Clause:

Change of Object Clause:

Change of Liability Clause:

Change of Capital Clause:

Doctrine of Constructive Notice

Under Section 610 of the Act, both memorandum of association and the articles of association are public documents. Once these documents are registered with the registrar of companies, these are accessible by any member of the public by paying the requisite fees. Therefore, notice about the contents of memorandum and articles is said to be within the knowledge of both members and non-members of the company. Thus, every person dealing with the company is deemed to have knowledge of the contents of the memorandum and articles of the company. cont.

Doctrine of Constructive Notice

An outsider dealing with the company is presumed to have read the contents of the registered documents of the company. The further presumption is that he has not only read the documents but has also understood them fully in

proper sense. This is known as the rule of constructive notice.

It prevents the outsider from alleging that he did not know that the constitution of the company rendered a particular act or a particular delegation of authority ultra-vires.

Doctrine of Ultra-Vires
The word ultra means beyond, and vires means the powers. The Latin term ultra-vires therefore means to describe an act which is beyond the powers. Any transaction, which is not set out in the object clause of the companys memorandum, is ultra-vires the company and therefore void (i.e., of no legal effect). Consequences of an ultra-vires Act The company cannot sue any person for enforcement of any of its rights and vice versa. The directors of the company may be held personally liable to outsiders for an ultra-vires act.

Doctrine of Ultra-Vires
1. 2. 3. 4.


Exceptions. However, the doctrine of ultra-vires does not apply in the following cases: If an act is ultra-vires of directors powers but intra-vires of company, the company is liable. If an act is ultra-vires the articles of the company but it is intra-vires of the memorandum, the articles can be altered to rectify the error. If an act is within the powers of the company but is irregularly done, consent of the shareholders will validate it. Where there is ultra-vires borrowing by the company or it obtains delivery of the property under an ultra-vires contract then the third party has no claim against the company on the basis of the loan but it has a right to follow its money or property if it exists as it is, and obtain an injunction from the court restraining the company from parting with it. The lender of the money to a company under the ultra-vires contract has a right to make directors personally liable.

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