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Nicky was mugged

1 - Listen to the file and put the text in the right order

2 Match the English words with their definition and their synonym

English words
to mug a lighter strangely to catch hold of to snatch a thief to manage

a robber to grab to come through weirdly to attack to steal matches

to deliberately take hold of; to grab or capture; to seize in a strange or coincidental manner to assault for the purpose of robbery to illegally take possession of something by surreptitiously taking or carrying it away a small, reusable, handheld device for creating fire, especially for lighting cigarettes to succeed at an attempt a person who has carried out a theft

If it helps you, translate the words into French

to mug = a lighter = strangely = to catch hold of = to snatch = a thief = to manage =

3 - Put the pictures in the order of the story. There are 13 images all in all. Find the correct ones. The first one is given!

4 Oral exercise: the snowball

Now you have the plot of the story! The first student tells the first sentence, her/his neighbour goes on, etc... But you HAVE TO add some details: exclamatory clauses (e.g.: Oh my God!! Please someone help me! Etc.) ; adjectives, feelings, personal reactions and points of view ; sentences where you address the reader.

At the end youll get a very special story! Everybody adds a detail, thats why the exercise is called the snowball

5 Writing exercise: Tell us about YOUR story

Instructions : use the simple past and the past continuous write a text of roughly 150 words double-space it (easier to correct it!) mind the spelling and check the grammar! be creative and make me laugh!

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