Discussion Packet

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Discussion Packet


For each discussion day, you will be required to fill out one section of this packet. You will be
responsible for sharing your thoughts and ideas about the selection of reading prior to the days
where you have a discussion. You may complete the worksheets in any order, but each group
member should be doing a different one for each discussion. Depending on the number of
people in each group, not every category must be completed each day.

Discussion packets will be due April 19th!!!!

Discussion Leader
For this assignment, you will be responsible for leading the discussion. Be sure to keep your
group members on task and take notes on this worksheet.
Date:__________________________ Page Numbers Discussed:____________________________
Group Member:________________________________________
Group Member:________________________________________
Group Member:________________________________________

Group Member:________________________________________
Group Member:________________________________________
Group Member:________________________________________

Making Connections
You make connections to the text when you relate what you are reading to your own life,
another book or text, or a real world example.
Questions to Consider:

Is there a part of this text that reminds you of something in your own life? Of something
thats happened to you?
How are you like one of the characters?
How is someone you know like one of the characters?
How is this family like your family?
Have you had similar experiences?
Has this happened to someone you know?
Does this text remind you of something you have seen or heard?

Assignment: Make three connections from your life, the world, or another text to your play.
Idea Starters:

That reminds me ofbecause

I have a connection between my book and
I remember when

Connection #1:
Connection #2:
Connection #3

Asking questions when you read keeps you involved in the text. Not knowing everything you
are reading is okay, it keeps you searching for answers and helps you find meaning.
Questions to Consider:

Where in the text do you have a question?

What were you wondering about as you read this part?
Can you show me a part where you were confused? What was confusing about it?
What will happen next?
How will the character solve his/her problem?

Assignment: Think of three questions about the text that you had when you were reading.
Idea Starters:

I wonder
I dont get
How come
Im confused

Question #1:
Question #2:
Question #3

Visualizing is creating a mental image in your head of what you are reading. You can use
imagery and context clues in order to build the world of the text in your mind.
Questions to Consider:

What do you see when you read the part?

Were there parts of the text where you saw a picture in your mind? What did you see?
What details from the story give you a mental picture?
Where did you have trouble making a picture in your mind?
What did the character/setting/scene look like?
What would you draw?

Assignment: In no less than five sentences, describe in your own words an image you created in
your mind during the reading OR draw a picture of that image instead.

When you predict or infer, you make a conclusion based on information from the reading. You
are not only reading the explicit information, but also what is implied.
Questions to Consider:

What will happen next? What will I learn next?

Why did you make the prediction you did?
How will the characters solve their problems?
I think the character will do this net because the text says

Assignment: Answer two of the following questions/prompts and make one prediction about
the future of the novel:

Think of 3 decisions a character has made and explain what it taught you about the
How are two characters alike and/or different?
What is the story really about?
What were you thinking when the text said? (Choose a passage)

Prompt #1
Prompt #2

Summarizing picks out the main ideas of the text and retells them in your own words. In order
to summarize, you need to be able to determine what information is important and what is not.
Questions to Consider:

What is the topic of the passage?

What are some key words?
What are the important ideas?
What is the selection about?
What are some key events?
What is the authors purpose? What are they trying to get across?
What were the important themes?
What is most important to remember? How did you decide that?

Assignment: In no less than five sentences, summarize what happened in the assigned section
of reading.

Analyzing the text involves taking information from the text and using your own experiences
and knowledge to create new understanding and interpretations. You need to break it down
into parts and then create a new interpretation from the meaning of those parts.
Questions to Consider:

How do characters change?

Is there a place in the text where your thinking about something changed? How? Why?
What are some new ideas you have after reading this?
What is the purpose of the text?
What are the effects of a decision or event?
How are two components alike or different?

Assignment: Choose two parts of the reading to analyze. It could be a character, event, action,
or section of text. Provide at least three sentences of analysis for each element.
Analysis #1

Analysis #2

Extra Space



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