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These work samples were chosen because they help the students know what sort of material they

will be working with throughout the unit through the exit slip. The research project allowed the students to use technology as well as use skills that they have learned throughout their education. These work samples have made an impact on the P-12 learning through the fact that the students were able to know what material they will be responsible for knowing for the research project. The students were able to look at their grades on the exit slip and see what they may need to focus on learning for the research project. After the exit slip, we handed back the exit slips and then gave each student the rubric and directions for the research project. We went through the directions and rubric as a class and asked if students needed any clarification. Throughout the unit, we taught the students about each of the topics and encouraged them to take notes. Before the research project, the students were given time to look over the exit slips again to help them. The research project really challenged students to give strictly information on a pamphlet or flyer. These activities have enhanced my ability to understand and assess student learning through the fact that I was able to look at the students scores and see what I needed to focus on during the unit. I was able to really focus on things that the students really understood and what they needed more help understanding. This allowed me to focus on certain things while giving directions in order to help clarify the directions and expectations for the students.The research project showed me what the students really grasped and understood and what I may have needed to explained more in depth.

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