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By Chase Gordon, Zachary Garvin and Margaret Moran

Born December 14th, 1546 in Skane, Denmark. Raised by Uncle Attended University at 13 Wen to Universities of Copenhagen, Rostock, and others Lost part of nose in a duel over math

Built laboratory in Herravadskloster Learned there was a new star Famous from discovery Given island of Hven

Armillary Sphere- Built by Tycho Brahe, measures celestial latitude and longitude of a celestial body directly. Great Equatorial Armillary Instrument=Armillary Sphere that constructed of only one and a half rings. Small Quadrant of Gilt Brass- used to measure altitude of stars, accurate to about 2.5 arc-minutes

Argued with King Christian IV Settled in Prague working for Emperor Rudolph II Died from mercury poisoning

Dec. 14, 1546 Tycho Brahe is born in Skane, Denmark to parents from noble families

1560 Solar eclipse sparks his interest in astronomy

1570 Returns to Skane and builds a laboratory

1559 Begins attending University of Copenhagen at age 13

1566 Loses part of nose in a fight with another student at the University of Rostock

Nov. 11, 1572 Discovers new star in the Cassiopeia constellation, which makes him famous

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