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Rosenkrantz - Physics Syllabus and Safety Contract

Topics/SOLs covered: Physics describes and predicts what we see around us. In our class, students will learn to plan and conduct their own investigations in order to understand...
PH.2 : how to analyze and interpret data. PH.3 : how to demonstrate scientific reasoning and logic. PH.4 : how applications of physics affect the world. PH.5 : the interrelationships among mass, distance, force,and time through mathematical and experimental processes. PH.6 : that quantities including mass, energy, momentum, and charge are conserved. PH.7 : properties of fluids. PH. 8 : that energy can be transferred and transformed to provide usable work. PH. 9 : how to use models of transverse and longitudinal waves to interpret wave phenomena. PH. 10 : that different frequencies and wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum are phenomena ranging from radio waves through visible light to gamma radiation. PH. 11 : how light behaves in the fundamental processes of reflection, refraction, and image formation. PH. 12 : how to use the field concept to describe the effects of gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces. PH. 13 : how to diagram and construct basic electrical circuits and explain the function of various circuit components. PH. 14 : that extremely large and extremely small quantities are not necessarily described by the same laws as those studied in Newtonian physics.

Grading Policy
Grades will be determined using a point system. Assignments such as quizes, tests, homeworks, and labs will be weighed and assigned a certain number of possible points. Earned points are divided by the number of total possible points to determine the final percentage.

Make-up Work
It is the students responsibility to check for, collect, and complete make up assignments when a class is missed for any reason. I will keep an updated list of assignments on the class web-page along with a daily assignment board in class. Requests for make-up work should be discussed before or after class, so as not to disturb instructional time. Lab make-ups may require a student to come in before or after school or during a study hall to complete the procedure.

Avoid losing participation points by showing up to class every day prepared and asking for make up work!
Daily lessons will require pens, pencils, loose leaf paper and an organizational notebook, a calculator, and any other materials you need to be productive. I expect students to come into class having read or prepared for the days assignments. If you dont know what we are doing before you come into class, you are already behind. If you missed a day, you will earn back your participation points by approaching me and asking what you missed.

Mr. Rosenkrantzs Classroom Rules and Safety Contract:

Physics is a lab science and this class will utilize numerous demonstrations, interactive labs, and other situations in which safety will be a concern. In order to ensure student responsibility for their own safety, all students must review this document with both their instructor and a parent or legal guardian. A copy must be returned to the instructor before the student will be allowed to participate in any classroom activities.

General Classroom Rules:

-Upon entering the classroom, I will go directly to my seat without touching equipment around the room unless directed otherwise. -I will enter the classroom prepared, focused, and ready to learn. -I will not disrupt the educational process. -I will follow all other school rules.

Laboratory Rules:
-On lab days, I will enter the room having read and understood the prelab or any other materials provided to me in advance. -During labs I will follow procedure carefully and carry myself in an especially professional manner. -I will use all lab materials carefully and safely as tools to examine physical concepts, not as toys. -Before signing this contract, I will locate in my classroom exits, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, eye wash stations, chemical showers, and any other safety equipment. -I will be aware of safety equipment every time I enter lab and actively work to ensure my own safety.

-For minor issues and lapses in student judgement, a reminder of classroom rules will serve as a warning. -For recurring problems, a student may be removed from a certain activity and assigned individual work. If problems persist participation points for the day will be lost. -In cases of obviously refusal to cooperate or follow safety rules, a school administrator will be contacted and a parent conference considered.

Once you have reviewed the rules above, separate this page and return it to class or else you will not be able to participate in class activities.
Student, Parent(s), or Guardian(s); please use the space below to express any concerns, allergies, or special situations that I need to be aware of.

Student name (PRINT): _______________________________________________ Student signature: ______________________________________________ Date _________ Parent or guardian name (PRINT): ______________________________________ Parent or guardian signature: _____________________________________ Date _________ Day-time telephone number: _________________ Night-time number: __________________ E-mail address: __________________________________________________

Thank you!

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