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Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Date Time Class No. of Pupils Age Level Theme Topic Curriculum Specification
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English 29 March 2012 9.00 - 10.00 a.m. (60 minutes) 2C (Intermediate Class) 20 10 years old Average to advance World of Stories Occupations

3.7.1 ( Level 1) Look at the pictures of a simple factual text and talk about them 3.7.2 (Level 2&3) Read and understand simple factual text by answering simple comprehension question. 4.5.3 (Level 3) Construct simple sentences independently (3-5 words) by looking at a picture. Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures. Focused skill Integrated skill Language content Related knowledge Previous knowledge Instructional materials
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Reading Writing and listening Vocabulary Grammar : Simple sentences : Social study : a) Pupils know some of the names of the occupations.

. Pictures, task sheets, slides (power point)

Educational emphases

Critical Thinking Skills : relating, classifying, generate ideas Moral Values : listen to instructions, Obey the law, Better future, Cooperation, Never give up, Honesty Multiple Intelligences: Visual-spatial

Teaching Aids Aim Learning Outcomes

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Laptop, LCD, Video clip, a Song, Slide Show, Worksheet a) Name the occupations. b) Identify the meaning of the vocabulary. By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: a) Name at least 5 occupations from the song. b) Identify the nature of work of the 5 occupations from

Stages / Time Set Induction (5 minutes)

Topic / Content Slide Show (Appendix 1)

Learning and teaching activities




Teacher shows pictures of people To arouse and their occupations in slides. interest. pupils several To activate schemata

2. Teacher asks questions

Pupils name the occupations and tell their work. -policeman catch thieves and postman deliver letters

pupils T/A : Slide Show LCD pupils Laptop CTS: Generate ideas MI: Visual-spatial MV: Obey the law

3. Teacher reminds pupils do not do To inculcate moral value of obey the law things that against the law. 4. Teacher tells pupils the topic for To introduce topic for today today: Occupations

Questions : a. -Who are they? b. -What do they do?

Presentation Stage Pre-reading Activity (10 minutes) A song about occupation (Appendix 2) Vocabulary 1. Fireman 2. Mechanic 3. Pilot 4. Barber 5. Postman 6. Police 7. Lifeguard 8. Teacher 9. Doctor 10. Nurse 11. Astronaut 12. Judge 13. Lawyer 14. Actor 15. Writer 16. Chef 17. Waiter Questions: 1. What can you see in the video clip? Ans: Man, People, Occupation,

1. Pupils get into their group 2. Pupils listening and watching the video clip about the occupation. 3. Teacher questions to the pupils after watching the video clip. 4. Teacher asks randomly to pupils about their ambitions. 5. Pupils answer the questions spontaneously.

To create interest and T/A : curiosity towards the lesson and to draw pupils attention. CTS: MI: MV:

Video clip Song LCD Laptop Generate ideas Visual-spatial Listen to the instruction Better future

Police, Doctor etc. 2. What is yours ambitions? Ans: Police, Doctor, Teacher, etc. While reading (25 minutes) Activity 1 Reading (slide show) (15 minutes) Read simple sentences Activity 2 Riddle / Puzzle (hangman) (10 minutes) 1. Teacher spread song lyrics about the occupation to each pupil. 2. Pupils read the sentences in the lyrics guiding by teacher. 3. Pupils repeat after teacher. 4. Pupils randomly choose by teacher to read the sentences. To let pupils read and T/A : understand the topic. To enhance their thinking and reading skills. To build pupils CTS: vocabulary. MI: To encourage thinking skill. MV: To develop pupils confident. To build a cooperation and social skill among pupils. Motivation for pupils to participate in classroom activity.

Slide show Game LCD Laptop Generate ideas Relating Visual-spatial Cooperation Never give up

5. Pupils, each group are given one chance to answer the riddle. Teacher show the riddle on the screen. Pupils read the clue and discuss in their group about the answer. The representative from each group will be given a chance to solve the riddle. If the riddle cannot be completed, the chances will

6. Post reading (15 minutes) Worksheet (individual activity) 1. 2.

Closure (5 minutes)

Summary of the lesson is: Questions: 1. Who are responsible to catch a thief? 2. Who will help us if we were sick or fever? 3. Give me five kind of occupation do you know.

3. 1. 2. 3.

be given to other groups. Teacher compliment the group for their involvement in the class activity. Teacher distributes the worksheet to the pupils. In the worksheet: There are three pictures about occupation in the worksheet. Pupils need to construct two simple sentences for each picture. Pupils submit the worksheet. Pupils are selected randomly by teacher to answer the questions. Teacher gives a compliment to pupils. Teachers summarize the todays lesson after questioning pupils.

To integrate reading T/A : and writing. worksheets To build pupils CTS: vocabulary. Generate ideas Relating MV: Honesty To enable the pupils to CTS: recall what did and Generate what they have learnt. ideas Relating To give them an eyes view of their future.

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