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Reventlow Says It' s Because We're Bought by Anglo-French Gold

OCTOBER 9, 1915
Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.

LONDON, Oct. 8.--The Times Says this morning:

"It Is noteworthy that the monstrous article by Count Reventlow which

was Quoted
by Lord Cromer in the House of Lords on Wednesday night is the only
reference in
recent German newspapers to the Armenian massacres. The article was
based upon a
report that the American Government had invited Germany to intervene in
favor of
the Armenians. In addition to the brutal remarks already published
Reventlow sharply criticized all American action.

"After a contemptuous reference to the American Ambassador in

Constantinople, he
said that England and Russia were using the Armenian question for their
purposes, and proceeded:

"It is probably well known that it has become a popular habit among
Americans to
take as active a part as possible in questions of this kind, even when
events happen in Southeastern Europe and the Monroe Doctrine hardly
provides an
excuse. Such interference would be specially striking at the present
because Turkey is a belligerent power, fighting for her life, and the
States pass and want to pass as neutrals. There can hardly be any doubt
that the
Anglo-American Fraternization in the recent financial transaction is
showing its consequences in this matter."

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