1915-11-22 Rebel Turk For Armenains

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Djemal Pasha Orders Two of Their Oppressors Hanged

NOVEMBER 22, 1915
BERLIN, Nov. 21, (by Wireless to Sayville, L. 1.) --The Overseas News Agency says:
"Telegrams from Damascus state that Djemal Pasha, commander of the Turkish forces in
Syria, has ordered that the chiefs of two Turkish bands be hanged for ill treatment of
Dispatches from Athens last Tuesday announced that Djemal Pasha, the Turkish Minister
of Marine, had revolted against the Ottoman Government while on a mission to Syria and
was leading an Arab uprising, according to reports in the Constantinople newspapers.
The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, formerly the American
Committee on Armenian Atrocities, among the members of which are Bishop Greer,
Cardinal Gibson, Rabbi Wise, and many other prominent citizens, gave out yesterday,
through its Secretary, Dr. Samuel P. Dutton, a statement in the course of which it was
announced that about 300,000 non-Mohammedans had escaped from Turkey into Russian
Caucasia and that efforts were now under way to relive the suffering that existed among
them. The movement has the support of the State Department in Washington. The
American Committee has organized a Relief Commission in Tiflis, Russia, among the
members of which are J. W. Smith, the American Consul, and the Rev. Dr. Samuel G.
Wilson of the Presbyterian Mission Board.
The office of the committee, of which Charles R. Crne is the Treasurer, is at 70 Fifth

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