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Roll No. .............................. Total No.

of Questions : 13

Total No. of Pages : 02

M.B.A. Examination


Subject Code : MBA-502 [B0239] Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75

INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES : 1. All questions of SECTION-A are compulsory. Each question carry TWO marks. 2. Attempt any NINE questions from SECTION-B. Each question carry FIVE marks.

l. Write short notes on : (a) What are advertising objectives ? (b) Define Marketing Mix. (c) What is Brand Positioning ? (d) What is Integrated Marketing Communication ? (e) What are social implications of Advertising ?

(15 2 = 30 Marks)

(f) What are the basic concepts in advertising media use ? (g) What are the advantages of outdoor advertising ? (h) What is copy writing ? (i) What ia aided recall ? (j) What are restrictive trade practices ?

(k) Define Sales Management. (l) What is functional sales organisation ? (m) What are the functions of wholesalers ? (n) What are the components of sales budget ? (o) How can you motivate sales personnel ?

2. Define advertising and discuss its scope. 3. Explain AIDA model of advertising effects.

(9 5 = 45 Marks)

4. What is planning ? Discuss basic strategic planning decisions in advertising. 5. What is advertising budget ? Discuss some common budgeting methods. 6. Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of print media advertising. 7. Effective advertising is a product of both Science and Art . Discuss the statement. 8. Explain the primary copy elements in print advertising. 9. Explain how would you measure advertising effectiveness. 10. Discuss various types of studies to be conducted before determining personal selling objectives. 11. Explain the relationship of sales department with other departments in the organisation. 12. Explain various kinds of compensation plans for sales personnel. 13. Discuss the reasons for establishing and revising sales territories.

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