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Teacher Education

610 E. UNIVERSITY AVE., Suite 1228 ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 Phone: 734.615.0496 Fax: 734.647.9158

December 27, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for Lindsay Nowaczyk. As her University of Michigan Field Instructor, I have worked closely with Lindsay in her fourth grade placement since September 2012. Lindsay is a bright, organized teacher who sets high standards for herself in planning lessons. She is creative and thoughtful. She designs and enacts lessons and units with learning goals that are aligned with state and district standards. In her literacy unit on Personal Narratives, Lindsays students completed daily writing tasks and then she carefully reviewed their work to inform the focus of subsequent lessons. Lindsay paces lessons responsibly. She effectively reduces time that could be lost at transitional points in the lesson with advance preparation of: organizing materials, preparing charts, providing written feedback to her students. She circulates and prompts students, encouraging them to give reasons and add details to their work. Lindsay provides opportunities for her students to be actively involved in the learning process during whole-class discussions, small group interactions and hands-on learning. She creates graphic organizers to scaffold student thinking. Lindsay is positive in her classroom management approach, providing a setting that reflects support, warmth, and respect. She smiles easily and it is clear she enjoys and knows her students. Lindsay uses direct language when presenting lessons, clearly stating expectations and directions for behavior and work tasks. She recognizes that the amount of time it takes for students to complete work varies from one child to another. She provides respectful time limits, offers reminders of time left to complete a task, and provides alternate periods in the day for continued work. Lindsay offers guidance and support, individualizing the conversation to further each students thinking. Lindsay maintains the highest standards for appearance, attendance, and punctuality. She is self-motivated and willing to go beyond what is required. One of her best assets is that she is a tireless worker; she is resourceful and adapts ideas to meet her lessons objective. She is a lifelong learner! I highly recommend Lindsay for a teaching position. She has displayed a true commitment to the teaching profession! Sincerely, Marie E. Wall 734.665.7466

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