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Date: Subject: Math Grade Level: 2nd Classroom Teacher: Christina Schadt

I. Standards: (ALCOS) Mathematics (2010) Grade: 2 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. (2-MD1) II. Objectives: After a lesson on measurement the students will be able to identify and compare attributes of length, compare the length of two or more objects, understand and use a standard unit of measurement. III. Introductory Activity (Engage): Teacher will have smart exchange measurement game on smart board. Teacher will ask questions, example: which one is longer? How do we know which one is longer? Is there a way to know how long each picture is? Students will then play the game as a class. IV. Developmental Activities (Explore & Explain): The teacher will tell students they will go on a measure hunt today and you will find items in the classroom that are longer, shorter and the same length as the line on their data sheet. The teacher will tell the students they need to use the ruler they are given to measure each item and record their answers on their data sheet. The teacher will break students into groups of 3 to 4, hand out materials and start the measure hunt. V. Culminating Activity (Elaborate): The class will discuss the measure hunt. Teacher will ask questions, example: What items did you measure? How long were the items? When the discussion is complete the teacher will hand out measurement activity sheet. Students will work on sheets individually and turn them into the teacher when completed.

VI. Assessing Student Learning: Teacher will collect and assess both the data sheet from the groups and the individual worksheet completed in class. VII. Modifications for Special Needs: Students who have vision impairments will be seated closer to the front. Students who have trouble focusing will be seated next to the teacher. Slower students will be give extra time if needed.

VIIII. Resources/Materials: Data sheets Activity worksheets Rulers Smart board game prepared

X. Self-Reflection of Lesson: Did the students enjoy the lesson? Did the students understand the lesson? Did I notice any ways to improve the lesson? Did the lesson seem to easy or to hard for the students?

XI. Alternative Activity: If the smart board game does not work the teacher will draw lines up on the board by hand and the students will help measure the lines. The students will answer questions about the lines, example: Which line is longer? How do we know? Is there a way we can see how long the lines are?

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