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Name: Kalimah Priforce

All Action Items For Arranger

Affirming Arranger as A Signature Theme

You are highly organized and highly flexible.

You can get a lot done, even though you usually have many
projects going at the same time.
You enjoy coordinating all of the complex factors that go into
making a project successful.
Some people who like to do things by rules and procedures may
find your ways chaotic. They may think that your effectiveness is
mystery or pure luck.
Arranger talents are valuable because they help you keep looking
for the right combinations of people and resources to complete
projects successfully.

Developing Arranger Talents Into Strengths

Seek complex, dynamic environments in which there are few

Offer your Arranger talents to help organize community service
Even the best arrangements or routines can be improved. Refine
your talent by challenging yourself to find ways to make them
more efficient.
Study successful systems and arrangements to understand the
configurations that work best. Make notes and apply the patterns
you see to your own systems.
Learn the talents of your friends, family, and coworkers. Help
them figure out how they can match their talents to the tasks at
Organize a big event, a school dance perhaps, or coordinate a
homecoming celebration or club project.
Consider opportunities for supervising others. Develop systems to
set people up for success based on their talents.
Respect your ability to multitask and prioritize. These talents
allow you to manage several projects at the same time.

Applying Arranger Strengths In Academics

General Academic Life
Note all assignments, tests, and appointments on a calendar. Use
your planner to coordinate your personal and academic activities.
Read all directions prior to taking tests. Allot appropriate time to
each section of the examination.
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Be prepared to stop working on a current project and begin a new

one in case the situation changes.
Keep all notes related to a topic on one page. Make them easily
accessible for studying, test taking, and research papers.
Study Techniques
Prioritize what to study. Identify the most important tasks based
on deadlines, percentage of final grade, and difficulty. Balance
your workload.
Underline, highlight, and take notes in margins of books.
Summarize main ideas.
Pick locations where you can study. Figure out why certain
environments are better for particular subjects.
Schedule study breaks to clear your mind. Check on other
projects, or make phone calls.
Break each study session into distinct modules. Plan time to read,
write, work on projects, eat, sleep, exercise, and socialize.

Recognize that you can change your personal agenda to meet
others' demands. Ponder how you readjust your living and
working environment to help others reach their goals.
Assemble people to work on major class projects and prepare for
exams. Name the ways you help your study buddies distribute
and redistribute learning tasks.
Create opportunities for group members to teach each other.
Plan activities to mark the end of projects and success on exams.

Class Selection
Help your instructor plan class projects. Volunteer to assemble
needed supplies. Distribute materials to students and collect them
at the end of class.
Figure out ways for your classmates to manage their workloads
that they complete projects on or before the due date.
Suggest independent study options to your advisors and
professors. Design your own curriculum.
Examine the course catalogs from other schools in the vicinity.
Substitute some of these courses for ones on your degree or
certification plan.
Extracurricular Activities
Orchestrate your study time so that extracurricular activities can
fit into your schedule.
Get involved and stay busy. Intersperse you day or week with
nonacademic projects, appointments, meetings, and tasks.
Coordinate routine activities, special events, trips, parties, and
projects for your teammates.
Mix and match the talents, knowledge, skills, and experience of
your classmates to launch a project, move toward a goal, or
produce desired outcomes.
... 10/14/2003
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Applying Arranger Strengths In Careers

Explore careers that demand constant readjustment. Determine

how much change and what kinds of changes you are most
comfortable handling.
Weigh the importance of rules and guidelines in your job.
Understand that abiding by these makes it easier for teammates
to cooperate, make progress, and succeed.
Enlist friends and classmates to search the Internet for
information about team-oriented occupations. Select one or two
jobs that you can envision yourself doing.
Look through the classified ads for positions that allow you to help
others meet their financial obligations.
Identify jobs in which you will be expected to put together pieces
of plans, processes, projects, and events.
Consider being an agent of change. Interview individuals who
regularly turn around bad situations by redeploying resources,
readjusting timelines, and realigning priorities. Ask them how
they know it is time for them to move on to another role.

Copyright 2000 The Gallup Organization. All rights reserved.

StrengthsFinder is a trademark of The Gallup Organization.
... 10/14/2003

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