Start Up Summit - Agenda

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About the Conference

We are now past the age of generalizations. Gone are the days when we could blindly start with just the right product for the right need. The science of start-up entrepreneurship needs to be understood concretely in terms of The Physics BehindStarting a Business,The Mathematics of Selecting the Best Business, The Chemistry of Managing Business Operations and The Biology of Building Business Growth. want to chart out their entreprenurial strategy to create wealth & opportunity for self & society.

The detailed agenda will help participants track their progress over the specially designed curriculum for a two-day course that is designed as Entrepreurship 101, with the added benefit of concrete business opportunities, a forum to network with business leaders and mentors and the chance to establish peer-topeer realtionships with coThe conference has been designed to particpants. convey information, build insight and Your feedback will help us to create inspiration in individuals continuosly refine the curriculum wanting to take up the challenging design and pedagogical strategies so and rewarding path of start-up do share your comments and entrepreneurship, and to new suggestions at the end of the course. business owners and start-ups who

Conference Program
Session II:

The Physics Behind Starting a Business

Physics teaches us the laws of mass, velocity and momentum. We need to design the business mass and create the impetus for speed and velocity so that our start-up can achieve critical momentum at the earliest. As a quantum entrepreneur we need to take into account all the disruptive changes taking place around us and design businesses that will prosper in the transformational times we live in. 11:15 am -12:00 noon

How To Draw The Best Action Plan For a Start-up

Today's dynamic business environment calls for a plan-asyou-go Business Plan. It has to be comprehensive enoughto manage all aspects of business in a specific environment, and dynamic enough to change when the situation change. Today's Business Plan is not just a written document it is a process like steering a car, to manage your business better and more dynamically.

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