Pupil Premium SHS 2012-2013 Projected Spend.

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Pupil Premium Stretford High School Anticipated expenditure 2012/2013 from allocated 218,400

Strategy 1:1 intervention Maths and English English and Maths Strategy (intensive support) Costs 33,467 Expected Outcome Pupil premium students make expected or better than expected progress. 5A*-C including English and Maths exceed national results for same cohort. Results for disadvantaged students match those for non-disadvantaged in Stretford High School. Interventions with literacy and numeracy have positive impact on student progress. Specialist TAs available to support in core subjects and ensure that disadvantaged students show high levels of progress. Interventions start when disadvantaged students who are also on SEN register fall behind expected progress. Interventions start when disadvantaged students fall behind in 3 or more subjects. Identified groups make expected or better progress.


HLTAs targeted support


Targeted use of TAs


Key Workers


Progress Managers


Narrowing the Gap intervention groups BPAP 5,226 EAL 11,928 RAP 1,240 Additional Music lessons 600

Increased participation of disadvantaged students post year 7 in music. Acts as hook for most vulnerable and motivates and builds positive relationships.

Individual Learning Devices to support Learning (iPads) trial with identified cohorts. Focussed support with transport. Bus Passes/tokens Support with out of hours learning. (Extended curriculum) Residential Engagement and Achievement officer/ Manager working in Student Support Centre Vivo Rewards


iPad learners produce high quality of work and make good or better progress. Off-site provision is attended well, especially for most vulnerable. Disadvantaged students get same opportunities as advantaged, both socially and educationally. Reduction in fixed term and permanent exclusions. Interventions for social, literacy and numeracy needs have location and staff. Students receive rewards and recognition for doing the right thing. Disadvantaged feel valued and motivated.





Total planned expenditure on interventions 2012/2013 = 420,380

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