201 - Removal of Trees

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Louis Berger S.A.



Romania Motorway Bucharest Constanta, Subsections Drajna Fetesti and Fetesti Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications

Page 201 - 1

Louis Berger S.A.



Page number

201. REMOVAL OF TREES.............................................................................................................................................1

201.1. Description...........................................................................................................................................................2
201.2. Materials...............................................................................................................................................................2
201.3. Equipment.............................................................................................................................................................2
201.4. Construction Methods..........................................................................................................................................2
201.5. Quality Control for Acceptance............................................................................................................................2

201.1. Description
This work shall consist of removing trees where called for on the Plans and shall include
cutting such trees, removing their stumps and roots, and properly disposing of the material.
This specifications is not intended to cover such work as would be included under Clearing
and Grubbing, but is to cover only removal of trees on projects where specified on the Plans.
201.2. Materials
Not relevant for this item.
201.3. Equipment
Not relevant for this item.
201.4. Construction Methods
Trees shall be removed and disposed of in a manner approved by the Engineer. All
stumps and roots shall be removed completely in case that structures, cuts or
embankments less than two meters high, measured at the finished level of the subgrade
are to be constructed on the cleared area. Where embankments measured at the finished
level of the subgrade will be higher than two meters stumps and roots shall be removed to
a depth no less than one meter below the finished subgrade elevation. When performed
on public land or on private forested land, cutting tree will be performed by a specialized
sub-contractor agreed by the Ministry of Forestry, Water and Environmental Protection,
and supervised by the local Forestry Authorities. The resulting material from cutting trees
shall be disposed by the owner of the land.
Stumps and roots shall be removed by the Contractor and shall become the property of
the Contractor, unless not prior agreement has established otherwise. Material that
became property of the Contractor shall be removed to approved areas.
201.5. Quality Control for Acceptance
Not relevant for this item.

Romania Motorway Bucharest Constanta, Subsections Drajna Fetesti and Fetesti Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications

Page 201 - 2

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