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234567 [ Traduccin al espaol: I. Rodrguez Alfageme (Apcrifos del A. T., II: 487-503; Ed. Cristiandad, 1983) ] [ Primera traduccin al ingls: Sir Lancelot Brenton, 1851 ] [ Segunda traduccin al ingls: New Revised Standard Version Bible, 1989 ]


Filoptor se enter, por boca de los refugiados, de la anexin que de sus dominios llevaba a cabo Antoco. Entonces al frente de la totalidad de su infantera y caballera, junto con su hermana Arsnoe, parti hasta los alrededores de Rafia, donde se encontraba acampado Antoco con su ejrcito. Now Philopater, on learning from those who came back that Antiochus had made himself master of the places which belonged to himself, sent orders to all his footmen and horsemen, took with him his sister Arsinoe, and marched out as far as the parts of Raphia, where Antiochus and his forces encamped. When Philopator learned from those who returned that the regions that he had controlled had been seized by Antiochus, he gave orders to all his forces, both infantry and cavalry, took with him his sister Arsinoe, and marched out to the region near Raphia, where the army of Antiochus was encamped.

Un tal Tedoto, pensando que lograra cumplir su plan, tom las mejores armas tolemaicas, entre las que le haban sido asignadas previamente, y cruz l solo de noche hasta la tienda de Tolomeo para matarle y con ello poner fin a la guerra. And one Theodotus, intending to carry out his design, took with him the bravest of the armed men who had been before committed to his trust by Ptolemy, and got through at night to the tent of Ptolemy, to kill him on his own responsibility, and so to end the war. But a certain Theodotus, determined to carry out the plot he had devised, took with him the best of the Ptolemaic arms that had been previously issued to him, and crossed over by night to the tent of Ptolemy, intending single-handed to kill him and thereby end the war.

Pero Dositeo, el llamado hijo de Drmilo, de linaje judo (el que ms tarde cambi sus costumbres renegando de las creencias tradicionales), sac de la tienda al rey e hizo que se acostara en ella un oscuro individuo, que recibi as el golpe a aqul destinado. But Dositheus, called the son of Drimulus, by birth a Jew, afterward a renegade from the laws and observances of his country, conveyed Ptolemy away, and made an obscure person lie down in his stead in the tent. It befell this man to receive the fate which was meant for the other. But Dositheus, known as the son of Drimylus, a Jew by birth who later changed his religion and apostatized from the ancestral traditions, had led the king away and arranged that a certain insignificant man should sleep in the tent; and so it turned out that this man incurred the vengeance meant for the king.

Se produjo tan violento combate en el que la situacin lleg a ser bastante ms favorable a Antoco.

Arsnoe, acercndose a las filas del ejrcito, les exhortaba, sueltos los cabellos y con abundantes lgrimas, a socorrerse con valor a s mismos, a sus hijos y a sus mujeres, prometiendo, adems, que dara a cada uno dos minas de oro si vencan. A fierce battle then took place; and the men of Antiochus prevailing, Arsinoe continually went up and down the ranks, and with dishevelled hair, with tears and entreaties, begged the soldiers to fight manfully for themselves, their children, and wives; and promised that if they proved conquerors, she would give them two minae of gold apiece. When a bitter fight resulted, and matters were turning out rather in favor of Antiochus, Arsinoe went to the troops with wailing and tears, her locks all disheveled, and exhorted them to defend themselves and their children and wives bravely, promising to give them each two minas of gold if they won the battle.

De este modo sucedi que los adversarios perecieron en la lucha y que muchos cayeron tambin cautivos. It thus fell out that their enemies were defeated in hand-to-hand encounter, and that many of them were taken prisoners. And so it came about that the enemy was routed in the action, and many captives also were taken.

Tras salir airoso de este plan hostil, decidi Tolomeo ir a las ciudades cercanas para darles nimos. Having vanquished this attempt, the king then decided to proceed to the neighbouring cities, and encourage them. Now that he had foiled the plot, Ptolemy decided to visit the neighboring cities and encourage them.

As lo hizo, a la par que reparta regalos a los templos, con lo que restableci la confianza de sus sbditos. By doing this, and by making donations to their temples, he inspired his subjects with confidence. By doing this, and by endowing their sacred enclosures with gifts, he strengthened the morale of his subjects.

Los judos le enviaron representantes del senado y de los ancianos para saludarle, llevarle presentes de hospitalidad y felicitarle con motivo de sus xitos; el rey, entonces, sinti mayor urgencia de visitarlos. The Jews sent some of their council and of their elders to him. The greetings, guest- gifts, and congratulations of the past, bestowed by them, filled him with the greater eagerness to visit their city. Since the Jews had sent some of their council and elders to greet him, to bring him gifts of welcome, and to congratulate him on what had happened, he was all the more eager to visit them as soon as possible.

Despus de llegar a Jerusaln, hizo una ofrenda al Dios supremo en accin de gracias. Una vez hecho esto, lo apropiado para el recinto del templo, entr en l Having arrived at Jerusalem, sacrificed, and offered thank-offerings to the Greatest God, and done whatever else was suitable to the sanctity of the place, and entered the inner court,

After he had arrived in Jerusalem, he offered sacrifice to the supreme God and made thank offerings and did what was fitting for the holy place. Then, upon entering the place and being impressed by its excellence and its beauty,

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y qued maravillado por su solemne belleza. Al admirar la armona del santuario, le vino la idea de penetrar en el templo. he was so struck with the magnificence of the place, and so wondered at the orderly arrangements of the temple, that he considered entering the sanctuary itself. he marveled at the good order of the temple, and conceived a desire to enter the sanctuary.

Los habitantes de Jerusaln le argumentaron que no era conveniente, porque no les estaba permitido entrar ni a los de raza juda, ni siquiera a los sacerdotes, sino slo al sumo pontfice, y a ste slo una vez al ao. Pero el rey no se dejaba convencer en modo alguno. And when they told him that this was not permissible, none of the nation, no, nor even the priests in general, but only the supreme high priest of all, and he only once in a year, being allowed to go in, he would by no means give way. When they said that this was not permitted, because not even members of their own nation were allowed to enter, not even all of the priests, but only the high priest who was pre-eminent over all-- and he only once a year-- the king was by no means persuaded.

Le fue leda la ley, pero ni siquiera as renunciaba a su intencin de entrar. Deca: Aunque ellos estn privados de este honor, yo no debo quedar sin l. Then they read the law to him; but he persisted in obtruding himself, exclaiming, that he ought to be allowed: and saying Be it that they were deprived of this honour, I ought not to be. Even after the law had been read to him, he did not cease to maintain that he ought to enter, saying, "Even if those men are deprived of this honor, I ought not to be."

Pregunt entonces por qu causa ninguno de los presentes le haba impedido entrar en el recinto del templo. And he put the question, Why, when he entered all the temples, none of the priests who were present forbad him? And he inquired why, when he entered every other temple, no one there had stopped him.

Alguien, sin pensarlo ms, dijo que ese mismo hecho era un mal presagio. He was thoroughly answered by some one, That he did wrong to boast of this. And someone answered thoughtlessly that it was wrong to take that as a portent.

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Ya que esto ocurre por algn motivo dijo, no voy a entrar del todo, lo quieran o no ellos? Well; since I have done this, said he, be the cause what it may, shall I not enter with or without your consent?

"But since this has happened," the king said, "why should not I at least enter, whether they wish it or not?"

Los sacerdotes, postrados en el suelo con toda su vestimenta, pedan al Dios supremo que les prestara ayuda en aquellas circunstancias y desviara el mpetu del que tan duro ataque les diriga. Llenaron el santuario de tal gritero, acompaado de lgrimas, And when the priests fell down in their sacred vestments imploring the Greatest God to come and help in time of need, and to avert the violence of the fierce aggressor, and when they filled the temple with lamentations and tears, Then the priests in all their vestments prostrated themselves and entreated the supreme God to aid in the present situation and to avert the violence of this evil design, and they filled the temple with cries and tears;

que los habitantes de la ciudad, turbados, salieron pensando que ocurra algo raro. then those who had been left behind in the city were scared, and rushed forth, uncertain of the event. those who remained behind in the city were agitated and hurried out, supposing that something mysterious was occurring.

Las vrgenes, que permanecen encerradas en las alcobas con sus madres, rompieron su encierro y, entregando sus cabellos al polvo, saciadas de llanto y lamentos, llenaron las calles. Virgins, who had been shut up within their chambers, came out with their mothers, scattering dust and ashes on their heads, and filling the streets with outcries. Young women who had been secluded in their chambers rushed out with their mothers, sprinkled their hair with dust, and filled the streets with groans and lamentations.

Las que recientemente haban sido enviadas a los tlamos nupciales dispuestos para el encuentro con sus esposos, olvidando el debido pudor, se lanzaron por la ciudad en una carrera desordenada. Women, but recently separated off, left their bridal chambers, left the reserve that befitted them, and ran about the city in a disorderly manner. Those women who had recently been arrayed for marriage abandoned the bridal chambers prepared for wedded union, and, neglecting proper modesty, in a disorderly rush flocked together in the city.

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Las madres y ayas encargadas del cuidado de los recin nacidos, abandonndolos en cualquier lugar unas en casa, otras en la calle, acudan directamente al supremo santuario. New-born babes were deserted by the mothers or nurses who waited upon them; some here, some there, in houses, or in fields; these now, with an ardour which could not be checked, swarmed into the Most High temple. Mothers and nurses abandoned even newborn children here and there, some in houses and some in the streets, and without a backward look they crowded together at the most high temple.

Los ruegos de los all reunidos se sucedan sin cesar ante lo que impamente intentaba hacer el monarca. Various were the prayers offered up by those who assembled in this place, on account of the unholy attempt of the king. Various were the supplications of those gathered there because of what the king was profanely plotting.

Junto a stos, los ms exaltados de entre los ciudadanos no aguantaban que el rey impusiera su deseo de llevar a cabo la entrada, Along with these there were some of the citizens who took courage, and would not submit to his obstinacy, and his intention of carrying out his purpose. In addition, the bolder of the citizens would not tolerate the completion of his plans or the fulfillment of his intended purpose.

y dando la voz de lanzarse a las armas y morir valerosamente en defensa de la ley patria, provocaron bastante tensin en el lugar. Pero, detenidos con dificultad por los ancianos, se aadieron al grupo de los suplicantes. Calling out to arms, and to die bravely in defence of the law of their fathers, they created a great uproar in the place, and were with difficulty brought back by the aged and the elders to the station of prayer which they had occupied before. They shouted to their compatriots to take arms and die courageously for the ancestral law, and created a considerable disturbance in the holy place; and being barely restrained by the old men and the elders, they resorted to the same posture of supplication as the others.

La muchedumbre, como al principio, segua insistiendo en su demanda. During this time the multitude kept on praying. Meanwhile the crowd, as before, was engaged in prayer,

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Los ancianos del squito real intentaron repetidas veces disuadir al arrogante espritu del monarca de su obstinada decisin. The elders who surrounded the king strove in many ways to divert his haughty mind from the design which he had formed. while the elders near the king tried in various ways to change his arrogant mind from the plan that he had conceived.

Pero lleno de osada, y tras rechazarlo todo, haca el intento de avanzar y pareca que iba a llevar a cabo lo anunciado. He, in his hardened mood, insensible to all persuasion, was going onwards with the view of carrying out this design. But he, in his arrogance, took heed of nothing, and began now to approach, determined to bring the aforesaid plan to a conclusion.


Ante este espectculo, los que estaban a su lado se volvieron tambin para invocar, junto con los nuestros, al Todopoderoso para que nos defendiera en aquellas circunstancias y no permaneciera indiferente ante una accin de arrogancia contra la ley. Yet even his own officers, when they saw this, joined the Jews in an appeal to Him who has all power, to aid in the present crisis, and not wink at such overweening lawlessness. When those who were around him observed this, they turned, together with our people, to call upon him who has all power to defend them in the present trouble and not to overlook this unlawful and haughty deed.

Era incesante el gritero que proceda de los continuos, vehementes y afligidos lamentos de la muchedumbre. Such was the frequency and the vehemence of the cry of the assembled crowd, that an indescribable noise ensued. The continuous, vehement, and concerted cry of the crowds resulted in an immense uproar;

Era posible creer que no slo los hombres, sino tambin los muros y el suelo todo gritaban, porque todos preferan entonces la muerte a la profanacin del templo. Not the men only, but the very walls and floor seemed to sound forth; all things preferring dissolution rather than to see the place defiled. for it seemed that not only the people but also the walls and the whole earth around echoed, because indeed all at that time preferred death to the profanation of the place.


El sumo sacerdote Simn se arrodill frente al templo, alz sus manos reverentemente y elev una splica en los siguientes trminos: Now was it that the high priest Simon bowed his knees over against the holy place, and spread out his hands in reverent form, and uttered the following supplication: Then the high priest Simon, facing the sanctuary, bending his knees and extending his hands with calm dignity, prayed as follows:

Seor, Seor, rey de los cielos y dueo de toda la creacin, santo entre los santos, emperador, todopoderoso, escchanos a nosotros que padecemos por obra de un sacrlego impo, lleno de arrogancia en su intemperante osada! O Lord, Lord, King of the heavens, and Ruler of the whole creation, Holy among the holy, sole Governor, Almighty, give ear to us who are oppressed by a wicked and profane one, who exulteth in his confidence and strength. "Lord, Lord, king of the heavens, and sovereign of all creation, holy among the holy ones, the only ruler, almighty, give attention to us who are suffering grievously from an impious and profane man, puffed up in his audacity and power.

Escchanos, porque t, que creaste el universo y lo riges todo, en calidad de dueo, eres justo y juzgas a los que cometen alguna accin orgullosa y arrogante. It is thou, the Creator of all, the Lord of the universe, who art a righteous Governor, and judgest all who act with pride and insolence. For you, the creator of all things and the governor of all, are a just Ruler, and you judge those who have done anything in insolence and arrogance.

A los que anteriormente haban delinquido entre los cuales se encontraban incluso gigantes llenos de confianza en su vigor y osada, t los destruiste, haciendo caer sobre ellos una inmensa cantidad de agua. It was thou who didst destroy the former workers of unrighteousness, among whom were the giants, who trusted in their strength and hardihood, by covering them with a measureless flood. You destroyed those who in the past committed injustice, among whom were even giants who trusted in their strength and boldness, whom you destroyed by bringing on them a boundless flood.

A los arrogantes sodomitas, una vez que claramente incurrieron en actos de maldad, t los fulminaste con azufre y fuego, para escarmiento de la posteridad. It was thou who didst make the Sodomites, those workers of exceeding iniquity, men notorious for their vices, an example to after generations, when thou didst cover them with fire and brimstone. You consumed with fire and sulfur the people of Sodom who acted arrogantly, who were notorious for their vices; and you made them an example to those who should come afterward.

T, al osado faran que esclaviz a tu pueblo, el sagrado Israel, tras someterlo a mltiples y diversos castigos, le hiciste conocer tu soberana, y con ellos diste a conocer tu gran poder. Thou didst make known thy power when thou causedst the bold Pharaoh, the enslaver of thy people, to pass through the ordeal of many and diverse inflictions. You made known your mighty power by inflicting many and varied punishments on the audacious Pharaoh who had enslaved your holy people Israel.

Y cuando emprendi la persecucin con carros y multitud de muchedumbres, lo sepultaste en el fondo del mar; pero a los que confiaron en ti, dueo de todo el universo, les hiciste atravesar sanos y salvos; And thou rolledst the depths of the sea over him, when he made pursuit with chariots, and with a multitude of followers, and gavest a safe passage to those who put their trust in thee, the Lord of the whole creation. And when he pursued them with chariots and a mass of troops, you overwhelmed him in the depths of the sea, but carried through safely those who had put their confidence in you, the Ruler over the whole creation.

ellos, viendo as las obras de tu mano, alabaron tu omnmodo poder. These saw and felt the works of thine hands, and praised thee the Almighty.

And when they had seen works of your hands, they praised you, the Almighty.

T, Rey, despus de haber creado la inmensa e infinita tierra, elegiste esta ciudad y consagraste este lugar a tu nombre, t que nada necesitas, y lo glorificaste con tu solemne aparicin al establecer la alianza aqu, para gloria de tu nombre, grande y venerado. Thou, O King, when thou createdst the illimitable and measureless earth, didst choose out this city: thou didst make this place sacred to thy name, albeit thou needest nothing: thou didst glorify it with thine illustrious presence, after constructing it to the glory of thy great and honourable name. You, O King, when you had created the boundless and immeasurable earth, chose this city and sanctified this place for your name, though you have no need of anything; and when you had glorified it by your magnificent manifestation, you made it a firm foundation for the glory of your great and honored name.

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Por amor de la casa de Israel prometiste que, si tenamos algn fracaso o nos sorprenda alguna dificultad, viniramos a este lugar, elevramos una splica y atenderas nuestro ruego. And thou didst promise, out of love to the people of Israel, that should we fall away from thee, and become afflicted, and then come to this house and pray, thou wouldest hear our prayer. And because you love the house of Israel, you promised that if we should have reverses and tribulation should overtake us, you would listen to our petition when we come to this place and pray.

Eres, en verdad, digno de confianza y veraz. Verily thou art faithful and true. And indeed you are faithful and true.

Ya que muchas veces, cuando estaban oprimidos, ayudaste a nuestros padres en su humillacin y los salvaste de grandes males, And when thou didst often aid our fathers when hard pressed, and in low estate, and deliveredst them out of gret dangers, And because oftentimes when our fathers were oppressed you helped them in their humiliation, and rescued them from great evils,

mira ahora, sagrado Rey, cmo sufrimos por nuestros graves y mltiples pecados y cmo estamos sometidos a nuestros enemigos y sumidos en la impotencia. see now, holy King, how through our many and great sins we are borne down, and made subject to our enemies, and are become weak and powerless. see now, O holy King, that because of our many and great sins we are crushed with suffering, subjected to our enemies, and overtaken by helplessness.

Para nuestra calamidad, ese atrevido profanador intenta mancillar el templo sagrado dedicado en la tierra al nombre de tu gloria.

We being in this low condition, this bold and profane man seeks to dishonour this thine holy place, consecrated out of the earth to the name of thy Majesty. In our downfall this audacious and profane man undertakes to violate the holy place on earth dedicated to your glorious name.

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Sin duda, tu morada, cielo del cielo, es inaccesible a los hombres. Thy dwelling place, the heaven of heavens, is indeed unapproachable to men. For your dwelling is the heaven of heavens, unapproachable by human beings.

Pero ya que al glorificar tu gloria en Israel, tu pueblo, consagraste este templo, But since it seemed good to thee to exhibit thy glory among thy people Israel, thou didst sanctify this place. But because you graciously bestowed your glory on your people Israel, you sanctified this place.

no nos hagas pagar a nosotros la impureza de stos ni nos castigues por la profanacin. Que no se regocijen los malvados en su corazn ni se alegren con sus lenguas los arrogantes, mientras dicen: Punish us not by means of the uncleanness of their men, nor chastise us by means of their profanity; lest the lawless ones should boast in their rage, and exult in exuberant pride of speech, and say, Do not punish us for the defilement committed by these men, or call us to account for this profanation, otherwise the transgressors will boast in their wrath and exult in the arrogance of their tongue, saying,

Nosotros hollamos la casa consagrada como son holladas las casas de perdicin. We have trampled upon the holy house, as idolatrous houses are trampled upon. 'We have trampled down the house of the sanctuary as the houses of the abominations are trampled down.'

Borra nuestras faltas, dispersa nuestros pecados y muestra tu compasin en esta hora. Blot out our iniquities, and do away with our errors, and shew forth thy compassion in this hour. Wipe away our sins and disperse our errors, and reveal your mercy at this hour.

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Que las manifestaciones de tu compasin nos ayuden rpidamente, y pon alabanzas en la boca de quienes tienen sus almas hundidas y decadas, procurndonos la paz! Let thy mercies quickly go before us. Grant us peace, that the cast down and broken hearted may praise thee with their mouth. Speedily let your mercies overtake us, and put praises in the mouth of those who are downcast and broken in spirit, and give us peace."

Entonces el Dios que todo lo ve y de quien toda paternidad procede, el santsimo, escuch la justa splica y golpe al que se haba alzado altivamente en su orgullo y atrevimiento, At that time God, who seeth all things, who is beyond all Holy among the holy, heard that prayer, so suitable; and scourged the man greatly uplifted with scorn and insolence. Thereupon God, who oversees all things, the first Father of all, holy among the holy ones, having heard the lawful supplication, scourged him who had exalted himself in insolence and audacity.

sacudindole de uno y otro lado, como a una caa el viento, hasta quedar impotente en el suelo; paralizados los miembros, ni siquiera poda hablar, golpeado por una justa sentencia. Shaking him to and fro as a reed is shaken with the wind, he cast him upon the pavement, powerless, with limbs paralyzed; by a righteous judgment deprived of the faculty of speech. He shook him on this side and that as a reed is shaken by the wind, so that he lay helpless on the ground and, besides being paralyzed in his limbs, was unable even to speak, since he was smitten by a righteous judgment.

Los amigos y guardaespaldas, viendo que era grave el castigo que sufra y temerosos de que dejara incluso la vida, lo sacaron rpidamente, perplejos de terror. His friends and bodyguards, beholding the swift recompense which had suddenly overtaken him, struck with exceeding terror, and fearing that he would die, speedily removed him. Then both friends and bodyguards, seeing the severe punishment that had overtaken him, and fearing that he would lose his life, quickly dragged him out, panic-stricken in their exceedingly great fear.

Ms tarde, pasado cierto tiempo, cuando se hubo recobrado, no alcanz en absoluto el arrepentimiento a pesar del castigo recibido, sino que se march profiriendo amargas amenazas. When in course of time he had come to himself, this severe check caused no repentance within him, but he departed with bitter threatenings. After a while he recovered, and though he had been punished, he by no means repented, but went away uttering bitter threats.

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De regreso a Egipto, dio pbulo a su maldad con la ayuda de los antedichos amigos y camaradas, hombres alejados de toda justicia. He proceeded to Egypt, grew worse in wickedness through his beforementioned companions in wine, who were lost to all goodness; When he arrived in Egypt, he increased in his deeds of malice, abetted by the previously mentioned drinking companions and comrades, who were strangers to everything just.

No contento con sus innumerables vicios, lleg a tal grado de osada que inventaba palabras de mal agero en los lugares de sacrificio, y muchos de sus amigos, atentos a la intencin del rey, lo seguan en sus deseos. and not satisfied with countless acts of impiety, his audacity so increased that he raised evil reports there, and many of his friends, watching his purpose attentively, joined in furthering his will.

He was not content with his uncounted licentious deeds, but even continued with such audacity that he framed evil reports in the various localities; and many of his friends, intently observing the king's purpose, themselves also followed his will.

Se propuso como fin extender una pblica maledicencia contra la raza juda. Hizo erigir a este fin una estela en la torre que da al patio, en la que inscribi: His purpose was to indict a public stigma upon our race; wherefore he erected a pillar at the towerporch, and caused the following inscription to be engraved upon it: He proposed to inflict public disgrace on the Jewish community, and he set up a stone on the tower in the courtyard with this inscription:

Nadie de los que no sacrifiquen entre a los templos y que todos los judos sean censados y reducidos a condicin servil. Contra los que se opongan emplese la violencia hasta la prdida de la vida, That entrance to their own temple was to be refused to all those who would not sacrifice; that all the Jews were to be registered among the common people; that those who resisted were to be forcibly seized and put to death; "None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews shall be subjected to a registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves. Those who object to this are to be taken by force and put to death;

y los registrados sean tambin marcados a fuego en el cuerpo con el sello, en forma de hoja de hiedra, de Dinisos, quedando as reducidos a la condicin arriba proclamada. that those who were thus registered, were to be marked on their persons by the ivy-leaf symbol of Dionysus, and to be set apart with these limited rights. those who are registered are also to be branded on their bodies by fire with the ivy-leaf symbol of Dionysus, and they shall also be reduced to their former limited status."

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Pero para que no resultara manifiesto que les odiaba a todos, hizo inscribir debajo: Si algunos de entre ellos prefirieran unirse a los iniciados segn los ritos, tengan los mismos derechos de ciudadana que los alejandrinos. To do away with the appearance of hating them all, he had it written underneath, that if any of them should elect to enter the community of those initiated in the rites, these should have equal rights with the Alexandrians. In order that he might not appear to be an enemy of all, he inscribed below: "But if any of them prefer to join those who have been initiated into the mysteries, they shall have equal citizenship with the Alexandrians."

Algunos, que aborrecan evidentemente los fundamentos de la piedad del pueblo, se entregaron fcilmente, con la idea de que iban a participar de gran fama gracias a su futura asociacin con el rey.

Some of those who were over the city, therefore, abhorring any approach to the city of piety, unhesitatingly gave in to the king, and expected to derive some great honour from a future connection with him. Now some, however, with an obvious abhorrence of the price to be exacted for maintaining the religion of their city, readily gave themselves up, since they expected to enhance their reputation by their future association with the king.

Pero la mayora resisti con noble nimo y no desert de su piedad. Intentaron, dando su dinero a cambio de la vida, librarse de los censos; A nobler spirit, however, prompted the majority to cling to their religious observances, and by paying money that they might live unmolested, these sought to escape the registration: But the majority acted firmly with a courageous spirit and did not abandon their religion; and by paying money in exchange for life they confidently attempted to save themselves from the registration.

mantenan a la vez la esperanza de lograr ayuda, hacan objeto de oprobio a los que se haban separado de ellos, les juzgaban enemigos de la raza y les privaban de su favor y comn trato. cheerfully looking forward to future aid, they abhorred their own apostates, considering them to be national foes, and debarring them from the common usages of social intercourse. They remained resolutely hopeful of obtaining help, and they abhorred those who separated themselves from them, considering them to be enemies of the Jewish nation, and depriving them of companionship and mutual help.


Al enterarse el impo de estos hechos, lleg a tal grado de irritacin, que no slo se enfureci contra los de Alejandra, sino que se enfrent tambin seriamente con todos los judos del pas y orden que sin tardanza los reunieran en el mismo lugar y les privaran de la vida con la peor de las muertes. On discovering this, so incensed was the wicked king, that he no longer confined his rage to the Jews in Alexandria. Laying his hand more heavily upon those who lived in the country, he gave orders that they should be quickly collected into one place, and most cruelly deprived of their lives. When the impious king comprehended this situation, he became so infuriated that not only was he enraged against those Jews who lived in Alexandria, but was still more bitterly hostile toward those in the countryside; and he ordered that all should promptly be gathered into one place, and put to death by the most cruel means.

Una vez tomada esta determinacin, agitadores conjurados hicieron correr un rumor hostil contra la raza hebrea para causarles dao y dar base a la idea de que se les castigara lcitamente. While this was going on, an invidious rumour was uttered abroad by men who had banded together to injure the Jewish race. The purport of their charge was, that the Jews kept them away from the ordinances of the law.

While these matters were being arranged, a hostile rumor was circulated against the Jewish nation by some who conspired to do them ill, a pretext being given by a report that they hindered others from the observance of their customs.

Los judos, por su parte, guardaban inalterada su benevolente confianza en los reyes; Now, while the Jews always maintained a feeling of un-swerving loyalty towards the kings, The Jews, however, continued to maintain goodwill and unswerving loyalty toward the dynasty;

respetaban a su Dios y regan su vida por la ley, y se mantenan apartados en lo que toca a los alimentos, por cuya causa a algunos les resultaban odiosos. yet, as they worshipped God, and observed his law, they made certain distinctions, and avoided certain things. Hence some persons held them in odium; but because they worshiped God and conducted themselves by his law, they kept their separateness with respect to foods. For this reason they appeared hateful to some;

Pero, adornando su trato con su justa conducta, se hacan apreciar de todos los hombres. although, as they adorned their conversation with works of righteousness, they had established themselves in the good opinion of the world. but since they adorned their style of life with the good deeds of upright people, they were established in good repute with everyone.

Ahora bien, esta buena conducta de su raza, de la que todos se hacan lenguas, no era tenida en cuenta, en modo alguno, por los gentiles. What all the rest of mankind said, was, however, made of no account by the foreigners; Nevertheless those of other races paid no heed to their good service to their nation, which was common talk among all;

Murmuraban continuamente de su separacin en las ceremonias religiosas y en las comidas, repitiendo que no mantenan una actitud benvola para con el rey y su ejrcito, que eran hostiles y un gran obstculo para la repblica. Y no en balde sembraban sus reproches. who said much of the exclusiveness of the Jews with regard to their worship and meats; they alleged that they were men unsociable, hostile to the king's interests, refusing to associate with him or his troops. By this way of speaking, they brought much odium upon them. instead they gossiped about the differences in worship and foods, alleging that these people were loyal neither to the king nor to his authorities, but were hostile and greatly opposed to his government. So they attached no ordinary reproach to them.

Los griegos de la ciudad, que no haban recibido dao alguno de los judos, vean cmo se producan inesperados tumultos en torno a estos hombres y alocadas carreras antes nunca vistas. Pero no tenan

fuerzas para socorrerlos, porque el rgimen era tirnico; sin embargo, los animaban y se sentan indignados por la situacin y deseaban en su interior que todo cambiara, Nor was this unexpected uproar and sudden conflux of people unobserved by the Greeks who lived in the city, concerning men who had never harmed them: yet to aid them was not in their power, since all was oppression around; but they encouraged them in their troubles, and expected a favourable turn of affairs: The Greeks in the city, though wronged in no way, when they saw an unexpected tumult around these people and the crowds that suddenly were forming, were not strong enough to help them, for they lived under tyranny. They did try to console them, being grieved at the situation, and expected that matters would change;

pues no caba ignorar que tan antigua comunidad no haba cometido falta alguna. He who knoweth all things, will not, [said they,] disregard so great a people. for such a great community ought not be left to its fate when it had committed no offense.

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Incluso ciertos vecinos, amigos y asociados intentaban convencer a algunos en secreto, dndoles garantas de alianza y de que pondran todo empeo en su defensa. Some of the neighbors, friends, and fellow dealers of the Jews, even called them secretly to an interview, pledged them their assistance, and promised to do their very utmost for them. And already some of their neighbors and friends and business associates had taken some of them aside privately and were pledging to protect them and to exert more earnest efforts for their assistance.

Tolomeo, ensoberbecido por la prosperidad reinante, sin considerar el poder del Dios supremo y suponiendo que permanecera sin cesar en la misma decisin, escribi contra los judos la siguiente carta: Now the king, elated with his prosperous fortune, and not regarding the superior power of God, but thinking to persevere in his present purpose, wrote the following letter to the prejudice of the Jews. Then the king, boastful of his present good fortune, and not considering the might of the supreme God, but assuming that he would persevere constantly in his same purpose, wrote this letter against them:

El rey Tolomeo Filpator a los gobernadores y soldados de cada lugar de Egipto, salud. King Ptolemy Philopater, to the commanders and soldiers in Egypt, and in all places, health and happiness! "King Ptolemy Philopator to his generals and soldiers in Egypt and all its districts, greetings and good health:

Gozo de salud y nuestros asuntos marchan bien. I am right well; and so, too, are my affairs. "I myself and our government are faring well.

Nuestra expedicin militar a Asia, conocida por vosotros, ha alcanzado un final razonable gracias a la deliberada alianza de los dioses. Since our Asiatic campaign, the particulars of which ye know, and which by the aid of the gods, not lightly given, and by our own vigour, has been brought to a successful issue according to our expectation, When our expedition took place in Asia, as you yourselves know, it was brought to conclusion, according to plan, by the gods' deliberate alliance with us in battle,

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La hemos dirigido no a punta de lanza, sino con clemencia y abundantes sentimientos amistosos para cuidar de los pueblos que habitan Celesiria y Fenicia y favorecerles de buen grado. we resolved, not with strength of spear, but with gentleness and much humanity, as it were to nurse the inhabitants of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia, and to be their willing benefactors. and we considered that we should not rule the nations inhabiting Coelesyria and Phoenicia by the power of the spear, but should cherish them with clemency and great benevolence, gladly treating them well.

Despus de repartir entre los santuarios de las ciudades muchos bienes, fuimos invitados tambin a venerar, una vez llegados a Jerusaln, el santuario de estos blasfemos, siempre insensatos. So, having bestowed considerable sums of money upon the temples of the several cities, we proceeded even as far as Jerusalem; and went up to honour the temple of these wretched beings who never cease from their folly. And when we had granted very great revenues to the temples in the cities, we came on to Jerusalem also, and went up to honor the temple of those wicked people, who never cease from their folly.

Ellos aceptaron de palabra nuestra presencia insinceramente de hecho, pero cuando mostramos deseos de entrar en su templo y honrarlo con las ms hermosas y esplndidas ofrendas, To outward appearance they received us willingly; but belied that appearance by their deeds. When we were eager to enter their temple, and to honour it with the most beautiful and exquisite gifts, They accepted our presence by word, but insincerely by deed, because when we proposed to enter their inner temple and honor it with magnificent and most beautiful offerings,

arrastrados por su antiqusimo orgullo, nos impidieron la entrada. . . y permanecen sin haber sentido nuestro poder por el buen trato que usamos con todos los hombres. they were so carried away by their old arrogance, as to forbid us the entrance; while we, out of our forbearance toward all men, refrained from exercising our power upon them. they were carried away by their traditional arrogance, and excluded us from entering; but they were spared the exercise of our power because of the benevolence that we have toward all.

Pero as han manifestado con claridad su odio para con nosotros: slo ellos, entre las naciones, se muestran altivos con sus reyes y bienhechores, por lo que no quieren hacer acto noble alguno.

And thus, exhibiting their enmity against us, they alone among the nations lift up their heads against kings and benefactors, as men unwilling to submit to any thing reasonable. By maintaining their manifest ill-will toward us, they become the only people among all nations who hold their heads high in defiance of kings and their own benefactors, and are unwilling to regard any action as sincere.

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Pero hemos sido indulgentes con su insensatez. Tras la victoria, y de vuelta ya en Egipto, hemos actuado amistosamente con todos los pueblos y hemos obrado como era debido, We then, having endeavoured to make allowance for the madness of these persons, and on our victorious return treating all people in Egypt courteously, acted in a manner which was befitting. "But we, when we arrived in Egypt victorious, accommodated ourselves to their folly and did as was proper, since we treat all nations with benevolence.

dando a conocer a todos, en estas circunstancias, el perdn para los de su misma raza. En consideracin a la alianza y a los innumerables asuntos liberalmente confiados a ellos desde antiguo, hemos decidido, atrevindonos a proponer un cambio, hacerles incluso dignos de la ciudadana alejandrina y partcipes de los sacrificios tradicionales. Accordingly, bearing no ill-will against their kinsmen [at Jerusalem,] but rather remembering our connection with them, and the numerous matters with sincere heart from a remote period entrusted to them, we wished to venture a total alteration of their state, by bestowing upon them the rights of citizens of Alexandria, and to admit them to the everlasting rites of our solemnities. Among other things, we made known to all our amnesty toward their compatriots here, both because of their alliance with us and the myriad affairs liberally entrusted to them from the beginning; and we ventured to make a change, by deciding both to deem them worthy of Alexandrian citizenship and to make them participants in our regular religious rites.

Pero ellos lo entendieron al contrario, y con su innata perversidad rehusaron el beneficio. Inclinndose continuamente al mal, All this, however, they have taken in a very different spirit. With their innate malignity, they have spurned the fair offer; and constantly inclining to evil, But in their innate malice they took this in a contrary spirit, and disdained what is good. Since they incline constantly to evil,

no slo rechazaron la inapreciable ciudadana, sino que continuamente ultrajan con su palabra y su silencio a los pocos que de entre ellos han adoptado una actitud noble, sospechando, en cada ocasin con su infame modo de comportarse, que nosotros habramos de dar rpidamente un giro completo a la situacin. have rejected the inestimable rights. Not only so, but by using speech, and by refraining from speech, they abhor the few among them who are heartily disposed towards us; ever deeming that their ignoble course of procedure will force us to do away with our reform. they not only spurn the priceless citizenship, but also both by speech and by silence they abominate those few among them who are sincerely disposed toward us; in every situation, in accordance with their infamous way of life, they secretly suspect that we may soon alter our policy.


Por lo cual, profundamente persuadidos con pruebas de que sos abrigan en todo punto malas intenciones contra nosotros, y en previsin de que alguna vez, si se origina una revuelta, tengamos inesperadamente como enemigos a nuestras espaldas a esos impos traidores y brbaros, Having then, received certain proofs that these [Jews] bear us every sort of ill-will, we must look forward to the possibility of some sudden tumult among ourselves, when these impious men may turn traitors and barbarous enemies. Therefore, fully convinced by these indications that they are ill-disposed toward us in every way, we have taken precautions so that, if a sudden disorder later arises against us, we shall not have these impious people behind our backs as traitors and barbarous enemies.

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hemos decidido que, al tiempo que llega esta carta, enviis inmediatamente ante nos a los judos que habiten en el lugar, junto con sus mujeres e hijos, con trato violento y vejatorio, aherrojados con frreas cadenas, con vistas a una muerte cruel e infame, propia de malvados. As soon, therefore, as the contents of this letter become known to you, in that same hour we order those [Jews] who dwell among you, with wives and children, to be sent to us, vilified and abused, in chains of iron, to undergo a death, cruel and ignominious, suitable to men disaffected. Therefore we have given orders that, as soon as this letter arrives, you are to send to us those who live among you, together with their wives and children, with insulting and harsh treatment, and bound securely with iron fetters, to suffer the sure and shameful death that befits enemies.

Si castigamos a todos ellos a la vez entendemos que para el futuro nuestros asuntos gozarn de perfecta estabilidad y quedarn en inmejorable condicin. For by the punishment of them in one body we perceive that we have found the only means of establishing our affairs for the future on a firm and satisfactory basis. For when all of these have been punished, we are sure that for the remaining time the government will be established for ourselves in good order and in the best state.

Aquel que cobije a algun judo, viejo o nio incluso de pecho, ser crucificado con toda su familia entre los ms ignominiosos tormentos. Whosoever shall shield a Jew, whether it be old man, child, or suckling, shall with his whole house be tortured to death. But those who shelter any of the Jews, whether old people or children or even infants, will be tortured to death with the most hateful torments, together with their families.

Que los denuncie quien lo desee, con la estipulacin de que recibir la hacienda del que incurri en el castigo ms dos mil dracmas del tesoro real y ser honrado con la libertad. Whoever shall inform against the [Jews,] besides receiving the property of the person charged, shall be presented with two thousand drachmae from the royal treasury, shall be made free, and shall be crowned.

Any who are willing to give information will receive the property of those who incur the punishment, and also two thousand drachmas from the royal treasury, and will be awarded their freedom.

Todo lugar donde sea descubierto [que se ha] cobijado algn judo, sea anatema y pasto de las llamas, y quede para todo mortal inutilizable por completo y para siempre. Whatever place shall shelter a Jew, shall, when he is hunted forth, be put under the ban of fire, and be for ever rendered useless to every living being for all time to come. Every place detected sheltering a Jew is to be made unapproachable and burned with fire, and shall become useless for all time to any mortal creature."

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En estos trminos estaba redactado el texto de la carta. Such was the purport of the king's letter. The letter was written in the above form.


En todas partes donde lleg esta orden se organiz a expensas pblicas una fiesta para los gentiles con gritos de alegra, como si ahora se manifestara con libertad el odio que contra ellos se guardaba, desde antao, en su pensamiento. Wherever this decree was received, the people kept up a revelry of joy and shouting; as if their longpent-up, hardened hatred, were now to shew itself openly. In every place, then, where this decree arrived, a feast at public expense was arranged for the Gentiles with shouts and gladness, for the inveterate enmity that had long ago been in their minds was now made evident and outspoken.

A los judos les sobrevino un indecible pesar, mezclado con lgrimas y dolorosos gemidos. Por todas partes su corazn se inflamaba en sollozos y lamentos ante la inesperada ruina que de sbito les haba sido sentenciada. The Jews suffered great throes of sorrow, and wept much; while their hearts, all things around being lamentable, were set on fire as they bewailed the sudden destruction which was decreed against them. But among the Jews there was incessant mourning, lamentation, and tearful cries; everywhere their hearts were burning, and they groaned because of the unexpected destruction that had suddenly been decreed for them.

Qu distrito o ciudad, qu lugar habitable, en suma, o qu calles no se llenaron de duelos y lamentos por ellos? What home, or city, or place at all inhabited, or what streets were there, which their condition did not fill with wailing and lamentation? What district or city, or what habitable place at all, or what streets were not filled with mourning and wailing for them?

Con el alma llena de una amargura inconsolable fueron enviados de comn acuerdo por los gobernadores de las ciudades, hasta tal punto que al ver el inusitado castigo incluso alguno de sus enemigos a quienes movan los motivos comunes de compasin y el incierto fin de la existencia lloraban ante la desdichada expedicin. They were sent out unanimously by the generals in the several cities, with such stern and pitiless feeling, that the exceptional nature of the infliction moved even some of their enemies. These, influenced by sentiments of common humanity, and reflecting upon the uncertain issue of life, shed tears at this their miserable expulsion. For with such a harsh and ruthless spirit were they being sent off, all together, by the generals in the several cities, that at the sight of their unusual punishments, even some of their enemies, perceiving the common object of pity before their eyes, reflected on the uncertainty of life and shed tears at the most miserable expulsion of these people.

La encabezaba una multitud de ancianos coronados de canas, que forzaban la curvada debilidad senil de sus piernas a una rpida marcha, al impulso de una violencia carente de todo respeto. A multitude of aged hoary-haired old men, were driven along with halting bending feet, urged onward by the impulse of a violent, shameless force to quick speed. For a multitude of gray-headed old men, sluggish and bent with age, was being led away, forced to march at a swift pace by the violence with which they were driven in such a shameful manner.

Las jvenes recin llegadas a la cmara nupcial para una comunidad de vida tornaban su goce en lamento y cubran de polvo su perfumada cabellera. Mientras eran conducidas sin sus velos, comenzaron a entonar, de comn acuerdo, endechas en lugar de himeneos, como despedazadas por vejaciones de gentiles; Girls who had entered the bridal chamber quite lately, to enjoy the partnership of marriage, exchanged pleasure for misery; and with dust scattered upon their myrrh-anointed heads, were hurried along unveiled; and, in the midst of outlandish insults, set up with one accord a lamentable cry in lieu of the marriage hymn. And young women who had just entered the bridal chamber to share married life exchanged joy for wailing, their myrrh-perfumed hair sprinkled with ashes, and were carried away unveiled, all together raising a lament instead of a wedding song, as they were torn by the harsh treatment of the heathen.

y aherrojadas por el poder pblico fueron arrastradas hasta su introduccin en la nave. Bound, and exposed to public gaze, they were hurried violently on board ship. In bonds and in public view they were violently dragged along as far as the place of embarkation.

Sus cnyuges, en la flor de la juventud, con cepos en sus cuellos en lugar de guirnaldas, pasaron los das siguientes a las bodas viendo ya, a sus pies, abierto el Hades en vez de los festejos y goces juveniles.

The husbands of these, in the prime of their youthful vigour, instead of crowns wore halters round their necks; instead of feasting and youthful jollity, spent the rest of their nuptial days in wailings, and saw only the grave at hand. Their husbands, in the prime of youth, their necks encircled with ropes instead of garlands, spent the remaining days of their marriage festival in lamentations instead of good cheer and youthful revelry, seeing death immediately before them.

Eran llevados, a modo de fieras, conducidos con trabas de frreas ataduras. Unos, atados sus cuellos a las bancadas de las naves; otros, fijados sus pies en inquebrantables grillos, They were dragged along by unyielding chains, like wild beasts: of these, some had their necks thrust into the benches of the rowers; while the feet of others were enclosed in hard fetters. They were brought on board like wild animals, driven under the constraint of iron bonds; some were fastened by the neck to the benches of the boats, others had their feet secured by unbreakable fetters,

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e incluso en la cerrada sentina, para que, oscurecidos sus ojos por todas partes, tuvieran durante el viaje transporte propio de traidores. The planks of the deck above them barred out the light, and shut out the day on every side, so that they might be treated like traitors during the whole voyage. and in addition they were confined under a solid deck, so that, with their eyes in total darkness, they would undergo treatment befitting traitors during the whole voyage.

Una vez que fueron conducidos al lugar llamado Esquedia y el viaje finaliz, segn haba sido decretado por el rey, ste orden que los arrojaran al hipdromo situado delante de la ciudad, lugar de tremenda amplitud y excelente para servir de ejemplo, tanto para los que venan a la ciudad como para los que se vean obligados a pernoctar en el campo. As (los judos alojados en el hipdromo), no podran tener contacto con las tropas ni guarecerse al abrigo de las murallas. They were conveyed accordingly in this vessel, and at the end of it arrived at Schedia. The king had ordered them to be cast into the vast hippodrome, which was built in front of the city. This place was well adapted by its situation to expose them to the gaze of all comers into the city, and of those who went from the city into the country. Thus they could hold no communication with his forces; nay, were deemed unworthy of any civilized accommodation. When these people had been brought to the place called Schedia, and the voyage was concluded as the king had decreed, he commanded that they should be enclosed in the hippodrome that had been built with a monstrous perimeter wall in front of the city, and that was well suited to make them an obvious spectacle to all coming back into the city and to those from the city going out into the country, so that they could neither communicate with the king's forces nor in any way claim to be inside the circuit of the city.

Cuando se hubo ejecutado esta orden, el rey se enter de que sus congneres salan de la ciudad en secreto, con frecuencia, para lamentar el infame sufrimiento de sus hermanos. When this was done, the king, hearing that their brethren in the city often went out and lamented the melancholy distress of these victims,

And when this had happened, the king, hearing that the Jews' compatriots from the city frequently went out in secret to lament bitterly the ignoble misfortune of their kindred,

Irritado, orden entonces que con stos se actuara exactamente del mismo modo, sin remitir por ello en el castigo de los primeros. was full of rage, and commanded that they should be carefully subjected to the same (and not one whit milder) treatment. ordered in his rage that these people be dealt with in precisely the same fashion as the others, not omitting any detail of their punishment.

Orden, adems, censar por sus nombres a todo el pueblo judo, no para el duro servicio de labranza descrito antes brevemente, sino para toturarlos con los tormentos ya prescritos y al final hacerlos desaparecer en el espacio de un da. The whole nation was now to be registered. Every individual was to be specified by name; not for that hard servitude of labour which we have a little before mentioned, but that he might expose them to the before-mentioned tortures; and finally, in the short space of a day, might extirpate them by his cruelties. The entire race was to be registered individually, not for the hard labor that has been briefly mentioned before, but to be tortured with the outrages that he had ordered, and at the end to be destroyed in the space of a single day.

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As, pues, el censo se iba realizando con amarga prisa y entregada dedicacin, desde la salida del sol hasta el ocaso, durante un total de cuarenta das sin interrupcin. The registering of these men was carried on cruelly, zealously, assiduously, from the rising of the sun to its going down, and was not brought to an end in forty days. The registration of these people was therefore conducted with bitter haste and zealous intensity from the rising of the sun until its setting, coming to an end after forty days but still uncompleted.

El rey, lleno de grande y continua alegra, preparaba fiestas para todos los dolos. Con errados pensamientos y sacrlegas palabras alababa a esos objetos sordos, incapaces de hablar o socorrerles, mientras que al Dios supremo le diriga palabras indebidas. The king was filled with great and constant joy, and celebrated banquets before the temple idols. His erring heart, far from the truth, and his profane mouth, gave glory to idols, deaf and incapable of speaking or aiding, and uttered unworthy speech against the Greatest God. The king was greatly and continually filled with joy, organizing feasts in honor of all his idols, with a mind alienated from truth and with a profane mouth, praising speechless things that are not able even to communicate or to come to one's help, and uttering improper words against the supreme God.

Pasado el plazo prescrito, los secretarios comunicaron al rey que no tenan ya fuerzas para continuar el censo de los judos por su inmensa multitud.

At the end of the above-mentioned interval of time, the registrars brought word to the king that the multitude of the Jews was too great for registration, But after the previously mentioned interval of time the scribes declared to the king that they were no longer able to take the census of the Jews because of their immense number,

Aunque la mayor parte se encontraba an en el pas, unos todava en sus casas y otros incluso en el lugar, la empresa resultaba demasiado ardua para los gobernadores de Egipto. inasmuch as there were many still left in the land, of whom some were in inhabited houses, and others were scattered about in various places; so that all the commanders in Egypt were insufficient for the work. though most of them were still in the country, some still residing in their homes, and some at the place; the task was impossible for all the generals in Egypt.

El monarca les amenaz violentamente con la idea de que se haban dejado sobornar para dejarlos escapar. Sin embargo, se convenci con claridad del asunto The king threatened them, and charged them with taking bribes, in order to contrive the escape of the Jews: but was clearly convinced of the truth of what had been said. After he had threatened them severely, charging that they had been bribed to contrive a means of escape, he was clearly convinced about the matter

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al demostrrsele que incluso se haba agotado la provisin de papiro y los clamos que utilizaban para escribir. They said, and proved, that paper and pens had failed them for the carrying out of their purpose. when they said and proved that both the paper and the pens they used for writing had already given out.

Pero todo esto era una accin de la invencible providencia del que ayudaba a los judos desde el cielo. Now this was an active interference of the unconquerable Providence which assisted the Jews from heaven. But this was an act of the invincible providence of him who was aiding the Jews from heaven.


Entonces convoc a su presencia al encargado del duro cuidado de los elefantes, Hermn, y lleno de ira y rabia inconmovible Then he called Hermon, who had charge of the elephants. Full of rage, altogether fixed in his furious design, Then the king, completely inflexible, was filled with overpowering anger and wrath; so he summoned Hermon, keeper of the elephants,

le orden que al da siguiente emborrachara a todos los elefantes, en nmero de quinientos, con abundantes puados de incienso mezclado con vino puro. Luego, una vez enfurecidos por el esplndido tributo de la bebida, habra de conducirlos hacia el fatal destino de los judos. he commanded him, with a quantity of unmixed wine and handfuls of incense [infused] to drug the elephants early on the following day. These five hundred elephants were, when infuriated by the copious draughts of frankincense, to be led up to the execution of death upon the Jews. and ordered him on the following day to drug all the elephants-- five hundred in number-- with large handfuls of frankincense and plenty of unmixed wine, and to drive them in, maddened by the lavish abundance of drink, so that the Jews might meet their doom.

Despus de cursar estas rdenes, se dirigi hacia la fiesta en compaa de quienes, entre sus amigos y el ejrcito, sentan mayor enemistad contra los judos. The king, after issuing these orders, went to his feasting, and gathered together all those of his friends and of the army who hated the Jews the most. When he had given these orders he returned to his feasting, together with those of his Friends and of the army who were especially hostile toward the Jews.

Hermn, el naire [adiestrador de elefantes], cumpla la orden exactamente. The master of the elephants, Hermon, fulfilled his commission punctually. And Hermon, keeper of the elephants, proceeded faithfully to carry out the orders.

Los esclavos pblicos encargados de la custodia salieron al atardecer, ataron las manos de los desdichados y pusieron en prctica diversas medidas de seguridad durante la noche, pensando que toda la nacin a una se acercaba a su destruccin final. The underlings appointed for the purpose went out about eventide and bound the hands of the miserable victims, and took other precautions for their security at night, thinking that the whole race would perish together. The servants in charge of the Jews went out in the evening and bound the hands of the wretched people and arranged for their continued custody through the night, convinced that the whole nation would experience its final destruction.

Los judos aparecan a los ojos de los gentiles carentes de todo refugio, rodeados por todas partes de cadenas y en apurada situacin. The heathen believed the Jews to be destitute of all protection; for chains fettered them about. For to the Gentiles it appeared that the Jews were left without any aid, because in their bonds they were forcibly confined on every side.

Invocaban con lgrimas al Seor de omnmodo poder, su misericordioso Dios y Padre, con un gritero imposible de acallar, pidiendo they invoked the Almighty Lord, and ceaselessly besought with tears their merciful God and Father, Ruler of all, Lord of every power,

But with tears and a voice hard to silence they all called upon the Almighty Lord and Ruler of all power, their merciful God and Father, praying

que apartara aquella impa y adversa resolucin y los salvara, con una magnificente aparicin, del destino que se abra a sus pies. to overthrow the evil purpose which was gone out against them, and to deliver them by extraordinary manifestation from that death which was in store for them. that he avert with vengeance the evil plot against them and in a glorious manifestation rescue them from the fate now prepared for them.

As, pues, sus fervientes splicas ascendan al cielo. Their litany so earnest went up to heaven. So their entreaty ascended fervently to heaven.

5 10
Hermn, una vez emborrachados los implacables elefantes, llenos del abundante tributo del vino y ahtos de incienso, se present al amanecer en la corte para dar noticias de ello al rey. Then Hermon, who had filled his merciless elephants with copious draughts of mingled wine and frankincense, came early to the palace to certify the kind thereof. Hermon, however, when he had drugged the pitiless elephants until they had been filled with a great abundance of wine and satiated with frankincense, presented himself at the courtyard early in the morning to report to the king about these preparations.

Pero la hermosa criatura del sueo, que desde la eternidad llega da y noche por mandato de quien concede su gracia a cuantos l quiere, envi una porcin al rey. He, however, who has sent his good creature sleep from all time by night or by day thus gratifying whom he wills, diffused a portion thereof now upon the king. But the Lord sent upon the king a portion of sleep, that beneficence that from the beginning, night and day, is bestowed by him who grants it to whomever he wishes.

Con profundo placer qued retenido por la accin del Seor, quedando muy contrariado en su ilcita intencin y grandemente decepcionado en su inmutable obcecacin. By this sweet and profound influence of the Lord he was held fast, and thus his unjust purpose was quite frustrated, and his unflinching resolve greatly falsified. And by the action of the Lord he was overcome by so pleasant and deep a sleep that he quite failed in his lawless purpose and was completely frustrated in his inflexible plan.

Los judos, al haber logrado escapar a la hora de antemano sealada para su muerte, alababan a su Dios Santo y suplicaban una y otra vez al que fcilmente se aplaca que mostrara la fuerza de su poderoso brazo a los gentiles arrogantes.

But the Jews, having escaped the hour which had been fixed, praised their holy God, and again prayed him who is easily reconciled to display the power of his powerful hand to the overweening Gentiles. Then the Jews, since they had escaped the appointed hour, praised their holy God and again implored him who is easily reconciled to show the might of his all-powerful hand to the arrogant Gentiles.

Ya estaba casi mediada la hora dcima cuando el encargado de las invitaciones, viendo reunidos a los invitados, se acerc al rey y comenz a moverlo. The middle of the tenth hour had well nigh arrived, when the master- bidder, seeing the guests who were bidden collected, came and shook the king. But now, since it was nearly the middle of the tenth hour, the person who was in charge of the invitations, seeing that the guests were assembled, approached the king and nudged him.

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Logr despertarlo a duras penas y le indic con frases alusivas a las circunstancias presentes que ya pasaba el momento del convite. He gained his attention with difficulty, and hinting that the mealtime was getting past, talked the matter over with him. And when he had with difficulty roused him, he pointed out that the hour of the banquet was already slipping by, and he gave him an account of the situation.

El rey, atendiendo a sus palabras, ponindose a beber, orden a los que haban acudido al convite que se reclinaran frente a l. The kind listened to this, and then turning aside to his potations, commanded the guests to sit down before him. The king, after considering this, returned to his drinking, and ordered those present for the banquet to recline opposite him.

Les invit luego a que, entregndose a la fiesta y disfrutando lo ms posible de la despreocupacin del convite, dieran paso a la alegra. This done, he asked them to enjoy themselves, and to indulge in mirth at this somewhat late hour of the banquet. When this was done he urged them to give themselves over to revelry and to make the present portion of the banquet joyful by celebrating all the more.

Como la reunin se prolongara ms tiempo, el rey mand llamar a Hermn y le pregunt con amargas amenazas por qu causa se haba dejado sobrevivir a los judos ese da. Conversation grew on, and the king sent for Hermon, and enquired of him, with fierce denunciations, why the Jews had been allowed to outlive that day. After the party had been going on for some time, the king summoned Hermon and with sharp threats demanded to know why the Jews had been allowed to remain alive through the present day.

Al indicarle aqul que de noche haba revocado la orden, y ante la ratificacin del hecho por sus amigos, Hermon explained that he had done his bidding over night; and in this he was confirmed by his friends. But when he, with the corroboration of his Friends, pointed out that while it was still night he had carried out completely the order given him,

5 20
con una crueldad peor que la de Flaris afirm que podan agradecrselo al sueo de aquel da. Aadi entonces: Maana, sin dilacin, prepara del mismo modo a los elefantes para el exterminio de esos criminales judos. The king, then, with a barbarity exceeding that of Phalaris, said, That they might thank his sleep of that day. Lose no time, and get ready the elephants against tomorrow, as you did before, for the destruction of these accursed Jews. the king, possessed by a savagery worse than that of Phalaris, said that the Jews were benefited by today's sleep, "but," he added, "tomorrow without delay prepare the elephants in the same way for the destruction of the lawless Jews!"

Los presentes, al unsono, aprobaron con agrado y regocijo las palabras del rey, y cada cual se fue a su propia casa. When the king said this, the company present were glad, and approved; and then each man went to his own home. When the king had spoken, all those present readily and joyfully with one accord gave their approval, and all went to their own homes.

Y no dedicaron al sueo el tiempo de la noche, sino a inventar todo gnero de escarnio contra los que estaban aparentemente en una situacin desesperada. Nor did they employ the night in sleep, so much as in contriving cruel mockeries for those deemed miserable. But they did not so much employ the duration of the night in sleep as in devising all sorts of insults for those they thought to be doomed.

Cuando cant el gallo de madrugada, Hermn aparej las fieras y las puso en marcha por el gran atrio. The morning cock had just crowed, and Hermon, having harnessed the brutes, was stimulating them in the great colonnade. Then, as soon as the cock had crowed in the early morning, Hermon, having equipped the animals, began to move them along in the great colonnade.

La muchedumbre de la ciudad estaba reunida esperando el alba con impaciencia para contemplar el lamentabilsimo espectculo. The city crowds were collected together to see the hideous spectacle, and waited impatiently for the dawn.

The crowds of the city had been assembled for this most pitiful spectacle and they were eagerly waiting for daybreak.

5 25
Los judos que arrastraban su espritu todava, por breve tiempo, entre splicas y lgrimas, alzaban las manos al cielo entre cnticos lastimeros y pedan al Dios supremo que otra vez les prestara rpidamente su ayuda. The Jews, breathless with momentary suspense, stretched forth their hands, and prayed the Greatest God, in mournful strains, again to help them speedily. But the Jews, at their last gasp since the time had run out stretched their hands toward heaven and with most tearful supplication and mournful dirges implored the supreme God to help them again at once.

An no se extendan los rayos del sol cuando se present Hermn, mientras el rey estaba recibiendo a sus amigos. El naire les rogaba que salieran, indicando que el deseo real estaba presto a cumplirse. The sun's rays were not yet shed abroad, and the king was waiting for his friends, when Hermon came to him, calling him out, and saying, That his desires could now be realized. The rays of the sun were not yet shed abroad, and while the king was receiving his Friends, Hermon arrived and invited him to come out, indicating that what the king desired was ready for action.

El monarca, al percatarse, se mostr sorprendido por la inusitada invitacin a salir y, dominado por una ignorancia total, pregunt: Por qu motivo se ejecuta este asunto con tanta prisa? The king, receiving him, was astonished at his unwonted exit; and, overwhelmed with a spirit of oblivion about everything, enquired the object of this earnest preparation. But he, on receiving the report and being struck by the unusual invitation to come out-- since he had been completely overcome by incomprehension-- inquired what the matter was for which this had been so zealously completed for him.

As se manifestaba el poder de Dios, Seor de todo, que haba inducido en la mente el olvido de lo que antes haba planeado. But this was the wroking of that Almighty God who had made him forget all his purpose. This was the act of God who rules over all things, for he had implanted in the king's mind a forgetfulness of the things he had previously devised.

Hermn y todos sus amigos le indicaron: Las fieras y el ejrcito estn dispuestos, rey, segn tu inmutable propsito. Hermon, and all his friends, pointed out the preparation of the animals. they are ready, O king, according to your own strict injunction. Then Hermon and all the king's Friends pointed out that the animals and the armed forces were ready, "O king, according to your eager purpose."

5 30

Ante estas palabras, lleno de una profunda irritacin, porque la providencia de Dios haba disipado por completo su pensamiento sobre los judos, fijando en ellos una mirada amenazadora, les dijo: The king was filled with fierce anger at these words; for, by the Providence of God regarding these things, his mind had become entirely confused. He looked hard at Hermon, and threatened him as follows: But at these words he was filled with an overpowering wrath, because by the providence of God his whole mind had been deranged concerning these matters; and with a threatening look he said,

Cuantos estis aqu presentes, padres e hijos, serais abundante festn para las fieras salvajes en lugar de los judos, sbditos para m irreprochables que han demostrado a mis antecesores una lealtad absolutamente firme. Your parents, or your children, were they here, to these wild beasts a large repast they should have furnished; not these innocent Jews, who me and my forefathers loyally have served. "If your parents or children were present, I would have prepared them to be a rich feast for the savage animals instead of the Jews, who give me no ground for complaint and have exhibited to an extraordinary degree a full and firm loyalty to my ancestors.

Y para Hermn aadi: A no ser por el afecto propio de nuestra comn infancia y de tu servicio, perderas la vida en lugar de sos. Had it not been for familar friendship, and the claims of your office, your life should have gone for theirs. In fact you would have been deprived of life instead of these, if it were not for an affection arising from our nurture in common and your usefulness."

De este modo Hermn sufri el peligro de una inesperada amenaza, y se le demud el rostro y el color. Hermon, being threatened in this unexpected and alarming manner, was troubled in visage, and depressed in countenance. So Hermon suffered an unexpected and dangerous threat, and his eyes wavered and his face fell.

Los amigos del rey, marchndose con cara hosca de uno en uno, disolvieron a la muchedumbre, yndose cada uno a su propia ocupacin. The friends, too, stole out one by one, and dismissed the assembled multitudes to their respective occupations. The king's friends one by one sullenly slipped away and dismissed the assembled people, each to his own occupation.

5 35
Los judos, cuando oyeron las nuevas procedentes del rey, alabaron al Seor, Dios preclaro y Rey de reyes, porque haban obtenido tambin ayuda de l. The Jews, having heard of these events, praised the glorious God and King of kings, because they had obtained this help, too, from him.

Then the Jews, on hearing what the king had said, praised the manifest Lord God, King of kings, since this also was his aid that they had received.

Segn su costumbre, el rey, cuando estuvo preparado el banquete, anim a sus invitados a dedicarse al goce. Now the king arranged another banquet after the same manner, and proclaimed an invitation to mirth. The king, however, reconvened the party in the same manner and urged the guests to return to their celebrating.

Luego, tras llamar a Hermn, le dijo amenazadoramente: Cuntas veces es preciso darte una orden sobre los mismos asuntos, desdichado? And he summoned Hermon to his presence, and said, with threats, How often, O wretch, must I repeat my orders to thee about these same persons? After summoning Hermon he said in a threatening tone, "How many times, you poor wretch, must I give you orders about these things?

Dispn para maana los elefantes para eliminar a los judos. Once more, arm the elephants against the morrow for the extermination of the Jews. Equip the elephants now once more for the destruction of the Jews tomorrow!"

Pero los parientes que le acompaaban, extraados de la inestabilidad de su intencin, alegaron: His kinsmen, who were reclining with him, wondered at his instability, and thus expressed themselves: But the officials who were at table with him, wondering at his instability of mind, remonstrated as follows:

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Oh rey! Hasta cundo nos vas a estar sometiendo a prueba tan sin razn, dando ya por tercera vez la orden de eliminarlos y anulando de nuevo, por un cambio de parecer, tu decreto cuando est a punto de ser ejecutado? O king, how long dost thou make trial of us, as of men bereft of reason? This is the third time that thou hast ordered their destruction. When the thing is to be done, thou changest thy mind, and recallest thy instructions. "O king, how long will you put us to the test, as though we are idiots, ordering now for a third time that they be destroyed, and again revoking your decree in the matter?

Por ello la ciudad est inquieta ante la espera, se producen continuos tumultos y ha corrido incluso el riesgo de ser saqueada muchas veces. For this cause the feeling of expectation causes tumult in the city: it swarms with factions; and is continually on the point of being plundered. As a result the city is in a tumult because of its expectation; it is crowded with masses of people, and also in constant danger of being plundered."


Ante estas palabras, el rey, en todo como un Flaris, lleno de insensatez y sin tener en cuenta en absoluto los cambios que se produjeron en su alma en el asunto de los judos, pronunci firmemente el ms incumplido juramento: los enviara sin demora al Hades, torturados por rodillas y pies de fieras; The king, just like another Phalaris, a prey to thoughtlessness, made no account of the changes which his own mind had undergone, issuing in the deliverance of the Jews. He swore a fruitless oath, and determined forthwith to send them to hades, crushed by the knees and feet of the elephants. At this the king, a Phalaris in everything and filled with madness, took no account of the changes of mind that had come about within him for the protection of the Jews, and he firmly swore an irrevocable oath that he would send them to death without delay, mangled by the knees and feet of the animals,

despus de invadir Judea, la arrasara inmediatamente a hierro y fuego; el templo, al que se nos negaba el acceso, lo derribara por el fuego y lo dejara desierto para siempre con la rapidez de los que all hacen sacrificios. He would also invade Judea, and level its towns with fire and the sword; and destroy that temple which the heathen might not enter, and prevent sacrifices ever after being offered up there. and would also march against Judea and rapidly level it to the ground with fire and spear, and by burning to the ground the temple inaccessible to him would quickly render it forever empty of those who offered sacrifices there.

Entonces se retiraron llenos de alegra sus parientes y amigos, disponiendo confiadamente el ejrcito en los puntos estratgicos de la ciudad para su vigilancia. Joyfully his friends broke up, together with his kinsmen; and, trusting in his determination, arranged their forces in guard at the most convenient places of the city. Then the Friends and officers departed with great joy, and they confidently posted the armed forces at the places in the city most favorable for keeping guard.

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El naire, que haba llevado las fieras a un estado, por as decir, de enloquecimiento mediante las ms fragantes pociones de vino mezclado con mirra, las adorn con terribles arneses. And the master of the elephants urged the beasts into an almost maniacal state, drenched them with incense and wine, and decked them with frightful instruments. Now when the animals had been brought virtually to a state of madness, so to speak, by the very fragrant draughts of wine mixed with frankincense and had been equipped with frightful devices, the elephant keeper

Cuando, ya al alba, qued llena la ciudad de multitudes incontables que se dirigan hacia el hipdromo, entr en la corte e inst al rey a ejecutar lo proyectado. About early morning, when the city was now filled with an immense number of people at the hippodrome, he entered the palace, and called the king to the business in hand. entered at about dawn into the courtyard-- the city now being filled with countless masses of people crowding their way into the hippodrome-- and urged the king on to the matter at hand.


El monarca, llenando con el terrible peso de una ira incontenible su impo corazn, parti porque quera contemplar intrpidamente, con sus propios ojos, la penosa y desdichada destruccin de los antes aludidos. The king's heart teemed with impious rage; and he rushed forth with the mass, along with the elephants. With feelings unsoftened, and eyes pitiless, he longed to gaze at the hard and wretched doom of the above mentioned [Jews]. So he, when he had filled his impious mind with a deep rage, rushed out in full force along with the animals, wishing to witness, with invulnerable heart and with his own eyes, the grievous and pitiful destruction of the aforementioned people.

Los judos al ver el polvo levantado por los elefantes que salan, al ejrcito armado que los segua y el movimiento de la multitud y al or el retumbante tumulto, But the [Jews,] when the elephants went out at the gate, followed by the armed force; and when they saw the dust raised by the throng, and heard the loud cries of the crowd, When the Jews saw the dust raised by the elephants going out at the gate and by the following armed forces, as well as by the trampling of the crowd, and heard the loud and tumultuous noise,

creyeron que aquel era el ltimo momento de su vida, el fin de la ms desdichada espera. Entregndose al lamento y al llanto, se besaban unos a otros abrazando a sus parientes y arrojndose a sus cuellos, padres con hijos y madres con hijas, mientras otras daban el pecho a criaturas recin nacidas que mamaban por ltima vez. thought that they had come to the last moment of their lives, to the end of what they had tremblingly expected. They gave way, therefore, to lamentations and moans: they kissed each other: those nearest of kin to each other hung about one another's necks: fathers about their sons, mother their daughters: other women held their infants to their breasts, which drew what seemed their last milk. they thought that this was their last moment of life, the end of their most miserable suspense, and giving way to lamentation and groans they kissed each other, embracing relatives and falling into one another's arms-- parents and children, mothers and daughters, and others with babies at their breasts who were drawing their last milk.

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Pero, considerando tambin las celestiales manifestaciones de ayuda que se haban producido ante ellos, se arrojaron al unsono de bruces y, apartando a las criaturas de los pechos, Nevertheless, when they reflected upon the succour before granted them from heaven, they prostrated themselves with one accord; removed even the sucking children from the breasts, Not only this, but when they considered the help that they had received before from heaven, they prostrated themselves with one accord on the ground, removing the babies from their breasts,

alzaron su voz con fuerza al Seor de todo poder, suplicndole que se manifestara y apiadara de ellos, situados ya ante las puertas del Hades.

and sent up an exceeding great cry entreating the Lord of all power to reveal himself, and have mercy upon those who now lay at the gates of hades. and cried out in a very loud voice, imploring the Ruler over every power to manifest himself and be merciful to them, as they stood now at the gates of death.


Un tal Eleazar, varn notable entre los sacerdotes del pas, que haba alcanzado ya la vejez y estaba adornado de toda clase de virtudes, despus de calmar a su alrededor las invocaciones de los ms ancianos, elev al Dios santo esta splica: And Eleazar, an illustrious priest of the country, who had attained to length of day, and whose life had been adorned with virtue, caused the presbyters who were about him to cease to cry out to the holy God, and prayed thus: Then a certain Eleazar, famous among the priests of the country, who had attained a ripe old age and throughout his life had been adorned with every virtue, directed the elders around him to stop calling upon the holy God, and he prayed as follows:

Muy poderoso Rey, supremo Dios todopoderoso, que gobiernas la creacin entera con sentimientos compasivos, O king, mighty in power, most high, Almighty God, who regulates the whole creation with thy tender mercy, "King of great power, Almighty God Most High, governing all creation with mercy,

mira la simiente de Abrahn; los hijos del santo Jacob, tu pueblo santificado, que injustamente perece como extrao en tierra extraa, Padre! look upon the seed of Abraham, upon the children of the sanctified Jacob, thy sanctified inheritance, O Father, now being wrongfully destroyed as strangers in a strange land. look upon the descendants of Abraham, O Father, upon the children of the sainted Jacob, a people of your consecrated portion who are perishing as foreigners in a foreign land.

T, que al faran con su multitud de carros, antiguo seor de este Egipto, varn altivo en su ilcita osada y grandilocuente lengua, hiciste perecer ahogado junto con su arrogante ejrcito, haciendo as aparecer un rayo de gracia para el linaje de Israel. Thou destroyedst Pharaoh, with his hosts of chariots, when that lord of this same Egypt was uplifted with lawless hardihood and loud-sounding tongue. Shedding the beams of thy mercy upon the race of Israel, thou didst overwhelm him with his proud army. Pharaoh with his abundance of chariots, the former ruler of this Egypt, exalted with lawless insolence and boastful tongue, you destroyed together with his arrogant army by drowning them in the sea, manifesting the light of your mercy on the nation of Israel.


T, que a Senaquerib, exultante por sus innumerables ejrcitos, severo rey de los asirios, cuando ya tena sometida por las armas a toda la tierra y haba venido contra tu sagrada ciudad profiriendo graves palabras en su arrogante osada, t, Seor, lo despedazaste, mostrando claramente a muchos pueblos tu poder. When Sennacherim, the grievous king of the Assyrians, glorying in his countless hosts, had subdued the whole land with his spear, and was lifting himself against thine holy city, with boastings grievous to be endured, thou, O Lord, didst demolish him and didst shew forth thy might to many nations. Sennacherib exulting in his countless forces, oppressive king of the Assyrians, who had already gained control of the whole world by the spear and was lifted up against your holy city, speaking grievous words with boasting and insolence, you, O Lord, broke in pieces, showing your power to many nations.

T, que a los tres amigos que voluntariamente entregaron la vida al fuego por no servir a falsos dioses, enfriaste el horno ardiente, los libraste indemnes hasta el ltimo cabello y enviaste una llamarada a todos sus enemigos. When the three friends in the land of Babylon of their own will exposed their lives to the fire rather than serve vain things, thou didst send a dewy coolness through the fiery furnace, and bring the fire upon all their adversaries. The three companions in Babylon who had voluntarily surrendered their lives to the flames so as not to serve vain things, you rescued unharmed, even to a hair, moistening the fiery furnace with dew and turning the flame against all their enemies.

T, que a Daniel, arrojado bajo tierra a los leones por envidiosas calumnias, como pasto de fieras, lo sacaste ileso a la luz, It was thou who, when Daniel was hurled, through slander and envy, as a prey to lions down below, didst bring him back against unhurt to light. Daniel, who through envious slanders was thrown down into the ground to lions as food for wild animals, you brought up to the light unharmed.

y despus de permitir que Jons se consumiese en el vientre del monstruo criado en el fondo del mar, lo volviste a mostrar indemne a todos los de su casa, Padre. When Jonah was pining away in the belly of the sea-bred monster, thou didst look upon him, O Father, and recover him to the sight of his own. And Jonah, wasting away in the belly of a huge, sea-born monster, you, Father, watched over and restored unharmed to all his family.

Ahora, oh aborrecedor de la insolencia, misericordioso protector de todo!, manifistate rpidamente como protector del linaje de Israel, objeto de insolencia por obra de abominables gentes carentes de ley. And now, thou who hatest insolence; thou who dost abound in mercy; thou who art the protector of all things; appear quickly to those of the race of Israel, who are insulted by abhorred, lawless gentiles. And now, you who hate insolence, all-merciful and protector of all, reveal yourself quickly to those of the nation of Israel-- who are being outrageously treated by the abominable and lawless Gentiles.

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Si nuestra vida ha incurrido en actos de impiedad durante nuestra estancia en tierra extranjera, despus de librarnos de manos enemigas, destryenos con la muerte que prefieras. If our life has during our exile been stained with iniquity, deliver us from the hand of the enemy, and destroy us, O Lord, by the death which thou preferrest. "Even if our lives have become entangled in impieties in our exile, rescue us from the hand of the enemy, and destroy us, Lord, by whatever fate you choose.

Que no lancen vanas imprecaciones los mentecatos sobre la destruccin de tus amados diciendo: Su Dios ni siquiera los libr. Let not the vain-minded congratulate vain idols at the destruction of thy beloved, saying, Neither did their god deliver them. Let not the vain-minded praise their vanities at the destruction of your beloved people, saying, 'Not even their god has rescued them.'

T, que tienes toda fuerza y poder entero, Eterno, mranos ahora! Ten misericordia de nosotros, a quienes la irracional insolencia de unos criminales priva de la vida a modo de traidores! Thou, who art All-powerful and Almighty, O Eternal One, behold! have mercy upon us who are being withdrawn from life, like traitors, by the unreasoning insolence of lawless men. But you, O Eternal One, who have all might and all power, watch over us now and have mercy on us who by the senseless insolence of the lawless are being deprived of life in the manner of traitors.

Que teman hoy los gentiles tu poder invencible, t, venerable, que posees poder para salvar la raza de Jacob! Let the heathen cower before thine invincible might today, O glorious One, who hast all power to save the race of Jacob. And let the Gentiles cower today in fear of your invincible might, O honored One, who have power to save the nation of Jacob.

Te suplica a ti la entera multitud de criaturas y sus padres entre lgrimas. The whole band of infants and their parents with tears beseech thee. The whole throng of infants and their parents entreat you with tears.

6 15
Mustrese a todas las gentes que ests con nosotros, Seor, y no apartes de nosotros tu rostro, sino que, tal como prometiste cuando estaban en el pas de sus enemigos, no les olvid, cmplelo ahora, Seor! Let it be shewn to all the nations that thou art with us, O Lord, and hast not turned thy face away from us; but as thou saidst that thou wouldst not forget them even in the land of their enemies, so do thou fulfil this saying, O Lord.

Let it be shown to all the Gentiles that you are with us, O Lord, and have not turned your face from us; but just as you have said, 'Not even when they were in the land of their enemies did I neglect them,' so accomplish it, O Lord."

En el instante en que Eleazar termin su oracin, el rey, en compaa de las fieras y de toda la insolencia de su ejrcito, lleg al hipdromo. Now, at the time that Eleazar had ended his prayer, the king came along to the hippodrome, with the wild beasts, and with his tumultuous power. Just as Eleazar was ending his prayer, the king arrived at the hippodrome with the animals and all the arrogance of his forces.

Los judos, al verlo, elevaron al cielo un clamor tan inmenso que el eco de las cercanas gradas produjo en el ejrcito un incoercible terror. When the Jews saw this, they uttered a loud cry to heaven, so that the adjacent valleys resounded, and caused an irrepressible lamentation throughout the army. And when the Jews observed this they raised great cries to heaven so that even the nearby valleys resounded with them and brought an uncontrollable terror upon the army.

Entonces, el muy glorioso, omnipotente y verdadero Dios, mostrando su sagrado rostro, abri las celestiales puertas, de las cuales descendieron dos gloriosos ngeles de terrible aspecto, visibles a todos salvo a los judos. Then the all-glorious, all-powerful, and true God, displayed his holy countenance, and opened the gates of heaven, from which two angels, dreadful of form, came down and were visible to all but the Jews. Then the most glorious, almighty, and true God revealed his holy face and opened the heavenly gates, from which two glorious angels of fearful aspect descended, visible to all but the Jews.

Se pusieron enfrente y llenaron de confusin y cobarda al ejrcito de los adversarios y lo ataron con inamovibles grillos. And they stood opposite, and filled the enemies' host with confusion and cowardice; and bound them with immoveable fetters. They opposed the forces of the enemy and filled them with confusion and terror, binding them with immovable shackles.

6 20
Un temor helado se apoder del cuerpo del rey, y el olvido domin su severa osada. And a cold shudder came over the person of the king, and oblivion paralysed the vehemence of his spirit. Even the king began to shudder bodily, and he forgot his sullen insolence.

Los ngeles pusieron en fuga a las fieras dirigindolas contra las fuerzas de retaguardia, a las que pisoteaban y destruan.

They turned back the animals upon the armed forces which followed them; and the animals trod them down, and destroyed them. The animals turned back upon the armed forces following them and began trampling and destroying them.

La ira del rey se troc en llanto y lgrimas por lo que antes haba planeado. The king's wrath was converted into compassion; and he wept at his own machinations. Then the king's anger was turned to pity and tears because of the things that he had devised beforehand.

Al or el gritero, y viendo a todos de bruces aguardando la destruccin, rompi a llorar, mientras lanzaba con ira estos reproches a sus amigos: For when he heard the cry, and saw them all on the verge of destruction, with tears he angrily threatened his friends, saying, For when he heard the shouting and saw them all fallen headlong to destruction, he wept and angrily threatened his Friends, saying,

Cometis traicin, sobrepasis a los tiranos en crueldad e intentis que yo, vuestro benefactor, deponga ya el poder y el espritu ideando en secreto planes que perjudican a la monarqua. Ye have governed badly; and have exceeded tyrants in cruelty; and me your benefactor ye have laboured to deprive at once of my dominion and my life, by secretly devising measures injurious to the kingdom. "You are committing treason and surpassing tyrants in cruelty; and even me, your benefactor, you are now attempting to deprive of dominion and life by secretly devising acts of no advantage to the kingdom.

6 25
Quin ha sacado de su casa y reunido aqu, insensatamente, a los que con nuestra confianza fueron dueos de las plazas fuertes del pas? Who has gathered here, unreasonably removing each from his home, those who, in fidelity to us, had held the fortresses of the country? Who has driven from their homes those who faithfully kept our country's fortresses, and foolishly gathered every one of them here?

Quin colm de injurias tan ilcitamente a quienes, de entre todas las razas, han sobresalido desde un principio por su benevolencia hacia nosotros y han aceptado muchas veces los peores peligros humanos? Who has thus consigned to unmerited punishments those who in good will towards us from the beginning have in all things surpassed all nations, and who often have engaged in the most dangerous undertakings? Who is it that has so lawlessly encompassed with outrageous treatment those who from the beginning differed from all nations in their goodwill toward us and often have accepted willingly the worst of human dangers?


Desatad, arrancad las injustas cadenas! Enviadlos en paz a sus ocupaciones tras haberos disculpado por lo hecho anteriormente! Loose, loose the unjust bonds; send them to their homes in peace, and deprecate what has been done. Loose and untie their unjust bonds! Send them back to their homes in peace, begging pardon for your former actions!

Liberad a los hijos del Todopoderoso y Dios vivo que desde nuestros antepasados hasta hoy ha proporcionado a nuestro Estado una estabilidad inalterable y gloriosa! Release the sons of the almighty living God of heaven, who from our ancestors' times until now has granted a glorious and uninterrupted prosperity to our affairs. Release the children of the almighty and living God of heaven, who from the time of our ancestors until now has granted an unimpeded and notable stability to our government."

Tales palabras pronunci el rey. Los judos, que haban sido librados en un instante, alababan a su salvador, Dios santo, recin escapados a la muerte. These things he said; and they, released the same moment, having now escaped death, praised God their holy Saviour. These then were the things he said; and the Jews, immediately released, praised their holy God and Savior, since they now had escaped death.

6 30
El rey se retir a la ciudad, llam al tesorero y le orden que durante siete das regalara a los judos con vino y dems cosas adecuadas a una fiesta, con la intencin de que celebraran una fiesta de salvacin, plena de regocijo, en el mismo lugar donde creyeron que sufriran la destruccin. The king then departed to the city, and called his financier to him, and bade him provide a seven days' quantity of wine and other materials for feasting for the Jews. He decided that they should keep a gladsome festival of deliverance in the very place in which they expected to meet with their destruction. Then the king, when he had returned to the city, summoned the official in charge of the revenues and ordered him to provide to the Jews both wines and everything else needed for a festival of seven days, deciding that they should celebrate their rescue with all joyfulness in that same place in which they had expected to meet their destruction.

Entonces, los que antes eran dignos de insultos y estaban cerca del Hades, ms an, los que haban dado un paso dentro de l, en lugar de una amarga y lamentable muerte, repartan por grupos las copas, llenos de alegra, reunidos en un banquete en el mismo lugar destinado para su cada y tumba. Then they who were before despised and nigh unto hades, yea, rather advanced into it, partook of the cup of salvation, instead of a grievous and lamentable death. Full of exultation, they parted out the place intended for their fall and burial into banqueting booths.

Accordingly those disgracefully treated and near to death, or rather, who stood at its gates, arranged for a banquet of deliverance instead of a bitter and lamentable death, and full of joy they apportioned to celebrants the place that had been prepared for their destruction and burial.

Y tras interrumpir su dolorosa endecha de trenos, reanudaron el himno de sus padres en alabanza del Dios salvador y milagroso, y deponiendo toda queja y lamento organizaron coros en seal de pacfico regocijo. Ceasing their miserable strain of woe, they took up the subject of their fatherland, hymning in praise God their wonder-working Saviour. All groans, all wailing, were laid aside: they formed dances in token of serene joy. They stopped their chanting of dirges and took up the song of their ancestors, praising God, their Savior and worker of wonders. Putting an end to all mourning and wailing, they formed choruses as a sign of peaceful joy.

Tambin el rey, celebrando con este motivo un gran banquete, daba gracias continuamente al cielo con sentidas palabras por su inesperada salvacin. So, also, the king collected a number of guests for the occasion, and returned unceasing thanks with much magnificence for the unexpected deliverance afforded him. Likewise also the king, after convening a great banquet to celebrate these events, gave thanks to heaven unceasingly and lavishly for the unexpected rescue that he had experienced.

Los que antes daban a los judos por muertos y pasto de las aves, los que haban realizado su censo con alegra, rompieron a sollozar por haberse cubierto de vergenza ellos mismos y haber sido apagado ignominiosamente su ardiente atrevimiento. Those who had marked them out as for death and for carrion, and had registered them with joy, howled aloud, and were clothed with shame, and had the fire of their rage ingloriously put out. Those who had previously believed that the Jews would be destroyed and become food for birds, and had joyfully registered them, groaned as they themselves were overcome by disgrace, and their firebreathing boldness was ignominiously quenched.

6 35
Los judos, segn hemos dicho antes, despus de organizar el antedicho coro, disfrutaban de un festn entre alegres salmos de accin de gracias. But the Jews, as we just said, instituted a dance, and then gave themselves up to feasting, glad thanksgivings, and psalms. The Jews, as we have said before, arranged the aforementioned choral group and passed the time in feasting to the accompaniment of joyous thanksgiving and psalms.

Promulgaron una ley pblica sobre este suceso para toda la colonia, estableciendo para las generaciones sucesivas que celebraran los antedichos das como festivos no por embriaguez y gula, sino para conmemorar la salvacin obtenida de Dios.

They made a public ordinance to commemorate these things for generations to come, as long as they should be sojourners. They thus established these days as days of mirth, not for the purpose of drinking or luxury, but because God had saved them. And when they had ordained a public rite for these things in their whole community and for their descendants, they instituted the observance of the aforesaid days as a festival, not for drinking and gluttony, but because of the deliverance that had come to them through God.

Luego solicitaron al rey su venia para regresar a sus casas. They requested the king to send them back to their homes. Then they petitioned the king, asking for dismissal to their homes.

Los censaron durante cuarenta das, desde el da veinticinco de Pacn hasta el tres de Epifi; organizaron su destruccin en tres das, desde el cinco de Epifi hasta el siete, They were being enrolled from the twenty-fifth of Pachon to the fourth of Epiphi, a period of forty days: the measures taken for their destruction lasted from the fifth of Epiphi till the seventh, that is, three days. So their registration was carried out from the twenty-fifth of Pachon to the fourth of Epeiph, for forty days; and their destruction was set for the fifth to the seventh of Epeiph, the three days

tras los cuales el Seor de todas las cosas, manifestando gloriosamente su misericordia, los libr a todos a la vez. The Ruler over all did during this time manifest forth his mercy gloriously, and did deliver them all together unharmed. on which the Lord of all most gloriously revealed his mercy and rescued them all together and unharmed.

6 40
Festejaron, regalados en todo por el rey, hasta el da catorce, en el que formularon la solicitud de despedida. They feasted upon the king's provision up to the fourteenth day, and then asked to be sent away. Then they feasted, being provided with everything by the king, until the fourteenth day, on which also they made the petition for their dismissal.

Al concedrsela el rey les entreg para los gobernadores de la ciudad la siguiente carta, que expresaba su magnnimo propsito. The king commended them, and wrote the subjoined letter, of magnanimous import for them, to the commanders of every city. The king granted their request at once and wrote the following letter for them to the generals in the cities, magnanimously expressing his concern:


El rey Tolomeo Filpator a los gobernadores de Egipto y a todos los virreyes, alegra y salud. King Ptolemy Philopator to the commanders throughout Egypt, and to all who are set over affairs, joy and strength. "King Ptolemy Philopator to the generals in Egypt and all in authority in his government, greetings and good health:

Nosotros y nuestros hijos gozamos de buena salud, y el Dios grande orienta convenientemente nuestros asuntos como deseamos. We, too, and our children are well; and God has directed our affairs as we wish. "We ourselves and our children are faring well, the great God guiding our affairs according to our desire.

Algunos amigos, con maligna insistencia, nos lograron persuadir para castigar a los judos del reino, una vez reunidos en un grupo, con desusados castigos de desertores, Certain of our friends did of malice vehemently urge us to punish the Jews of our realm in a body, with the infliction of a monstrous punishment. Certain of our friends, frequently urging us with malicious intent, persuaded us to gather together the Jews of the kingdom in a body and to punish them with barbarous penalties as traitors;

aduciendo que, sin ese castigo, nunca se consolidara nuestro Estado, por la hostilidad contra todas las naciones que manifiestan stos. They pretended that our affairs would never be in a good state till this took place. Such, they said, was the hatred borne by the Jews to all other people. for they declared that our government would never be firmly established until this was accomplished, because of the ill-will that these people had toward all nations.

Ellos los hicieron venir a golpes cargados de cadenas, como esclavos, ms an, como traidores, sin juicio ni investigacin alguna, e intentaron destruirlos con una crueldad ms feroz que la acostumbrada entre los escitas. They brought them fettered in grievous chains as slaves, nay, as traitors. Without enquiry or examination they endeavoured to annihilate them. They buckled themselves with a savage cruelty, worse than Scythian custom. They also led them out with harsh treatment as slaves, or rather as traitors, and, girding themselves with a cruelty more savage than that of Scythian custom, they tried without any inquiry or examination to put them to death.

Pero, despus de amonestarles con gran dureza, nos, en atencin a la clemencia que ostentamos para con todos los hombres hacindoles gracia de la vida, sabedores de que el Dios celestial les haba protegido con firmeza, como un padre a sus hijos, en calidad de aliado perenne, For this cause we severely threatened them; yet, with the clemency which we are wont to extend to all men, we at length permitted them to live. Finding that the God of heaven cast a shield of protection over the Jews so as to preserve them, and that he fought for them as a father always fights for his sons; But we very severely threatened them for these acts, and in accordance with the clemency that we have toward all people we barely spared their lives. Since we have come to realize that the God of heaven surely defends the Jews, always taking their part as a father does for his children,

y habiendo considerado la firme benevolencia, digna de de un amigo, que tienen para nosotros y nuestros antecesores, les hemos absuelto en justicia de toda acusacin and taking into consideration their constancy and fidelity towards us and towards our ancestors, we have, as we ought, acquitted them of every sort of charge. and since we have taken into account the friendly and firm goodwill that they had toward us and our ancestors, we justly have acquitted them of every charge of whatever kind.

y hemos ordenado que cada uno vuelva a su casa, ya que nadie en ningn lugar les causar el menor dao, ni los injuriar por lo que, sin razn, ha ocurrido. And we have dismissed them to their several homes; bidding all men everywhere to do them no wrong, or unrighteously revile them about the past. We also have ordered all people to return to their own homes, with no one in any place doing them harm at all or reproaching them for the irrational things that have happened.

Sabed, pues, que si urdiramos cualquier mal contra ellos o les molestramos lo ms mnimo, no un hombre, sino el Seor de todo poder, el Dios supremo, ser ineludiblemente por siempre nuestro enemigo para castigar nuestros actos. Salud. For know ye, that should we conceive any evil design, or in any way aggrieve them, we shall ever have as our opposite, not man, but the highest God, the ruler of all might. From Him there will be no escape, as the avenger of such deeds. Fare ye well. For you should know that if we devise any evil against them or cause them any grief at all, we always shall have not a mortal but the Ruler over every power, the Most High God, in everything and inescapably as an antagonist to avenge such acts. Farewell."

7 10
Tras recibir esta carta, no se apresuraron a preparar una partida inmediata, sino que pidieron al rey que los de raza juda que haban hecho libremente defeccin al santo Dios y a su ley recibieran el debido castigo de sus manos. When they had received this letter, they were not forward to depart immediately. They petitioned the king to be allowed to inflict fitting punishment upon those of their race who had willingly transgressed the holy god, and the law of God. On receiving this letter the Jews did not immediately hurry to make their departure, but they requested of the king that at their own hands those of the Jewish nation who had willfully transgressed against the holy God and the law of God should receive the punishment they deserved.


Adujeron que quienes por su vientre haban transgredido los mandatos de Dios jams seran fieles a los intereses del rey. They alleged that men who had for their bellies' sake transgressed the ordinances of God, would never be faithful to the interests of the king. They declared that those who for the belly's sake had transgressed the divine commandments would never be favorably disposed toward the king's government.

El monarca acept la razn de sus palabras y, dndoles permiso, les concedi inmunidad total para que acabaran con los transgresores de la ley de Dios en todos sus dominios, con libertad y sin ninguna supervisin ni permiso real. The king admitted the truth of this reasoning, and commended them. Full power was given them, without warrant or special commission, to destroy those who had transgressed the law of God boldly in every part of the king's dominions. The king then, admitting and approving the truth of what they said, granted them a general license so that freely, and without royal authority or supervision, they might destroy those everywhere in his kingdom who had transgressed the law of God.

Entonces, ensalzndole como era debido, los sacerdotes y todo el pueblo marcharon entonando el aleluya con alegra. Their priests, then, as it was meet, saluted him with good wishes, and all the people echoed with the Hallelujah. They then joyfully departed. When they had applauded him in fitting manner, their priests and the whole multitude shouted the Hallelujah and joyfully departed.

De esta forma castigaron a cuantos impuros de su misma raza encontraban en su camino, dndoles una muerte ejemplar. Then they punished and destryed with ignominy every polluted Jew that fell in their way; And so on their way they punished and put to a public and shameful death any whom they met of their compatriots who had become defiled.

7 15
Mataron cerca de trescientos hombres aquel da, en el que tambin celebraron con alegra una fiesta por haber sometido a los sacrlegos. slaying thus, in that day, above three hundred men, and esteeming this destruction of the wicked a season of joy. In that day they put to death more than three hundred men; and they kept the day as a joyful festival, since they had destroyed the profaners.

Los judos, que en su da haban perseverado en su fidelidad a Dios hasta la muerte, en posesin ya del pleno disfrute de la liberacin, marcharon de la ciudad coronados de flores fragantes y, en medio de

gritos de fiesta con melodiosos himnos de alabanza, daban gracias al Dios de sus padres, eterno salvador de Israel. They themselves having held fast their God unto death, and having enjoyed a full deliverance, departed from the city garlanded with sweet-flowered wreaths of every kind. Uttering exclamations of joy, with songs of praise, and melodious hymns they thanked the God of their fathers, the eternal Saviour of Israel. But those who had held fast to God even to death and had received the full enjoyment of deliverance began their departure from the city, crowned with all sorts of very fragrant flowers, joyfully and loudly giving thanks to the one God of their ancestors, the eternal Savior of Israel, in words of praise and all kinds of melodious songs.

Llegaron a Tolemaida la llamada Rodfora por la ndole del lugar, donde les aguardaba la flota, que esper por ellos, por propia decisin, durante siete das. Having arrived at Ptolemais, called from the specialty of that district Rose-bearing, where the fleet, in accordance with the general wish, waited for them seven days, When they had arrived at Ptolemais, called "rose-bearing" because of a characteristic of the place, the fleet waited for them, in accordance with the common desire, for seven days.

Celebraron all una fiesta de salvacin, ya que el rey haba provisto a cada uno magnnimamente de todo hasta que llegaran a su propia casa. they partook of a banquet of deliverance, for the king generously granted them severally the means of securing a return home. There they celebrated their deliverance, for the king had generously provided all things to them for their journey until all of them arrived at their own houses.

En aquel lugar, en paz, con las adecuadas acciones de gracias, establecieron igualmente que esos das los celebraran como festivos durante el tiempo de su permanencia en el pas. They were accordingly brought back in peace, while they gave utterance to becoming thanks; and they determined to keep these days during their sojourn as days of joyfulness. And when they had all landed in peace with appropriate thanksgiving, there too in like manner they decided to observe these days as a joyous festival during the time of their stay.

7 20
Dedicaron a ellos una estela y erigieron en el solar del banquete un lugar de oracin. Luego partieron indemnes, cada cual a su casa, libres, muy alegres, por ro, mar y tierra, salvados por la orden del rey, These they registered as sacred upon a pillar, when they had dedicated the place of their festivity to be one of prayer. They departed unharmed, free, abundant in joy, preserved by the king's command, by land, by sea, and by river, each to his own home. Then, after inscribing them as holy on a pillar and dedicating a place of prayer at the site of the festival, they departed unharmed, free, and overjoyed, since at the king's command they had all of them been brought safely by land and sea and river to their own homes.

en posesin de un poder a los ojos de sus enemigos mayor que el anterior, acampaados de gloria y temor, al no haber sido privados en absoluto de sus bienes. They had more weight than before among their enemies; and were honoured and feared, and no one in any way robbed them of their goods. They also possessed greater prestige among their enemies, being held in honor and awe; and they were not subject at all to confiscation of their belongings by any one.

Todos volvieron a hacerse cargo de la totalidad de lo suyo, segn el catastro, pues los que se haban apoderado de algo lo devolvieron llenos de temor, porque el Dios supremo haba llevado a cabo magnficos actos para su salvacin. Every man received back his own, according to inventory; those who had obtained their goods, giving them up with the greatest terror. For the greatest God wrought with perfectness wonders for their salvation. Besides, they all recovered all of their property, in accordance with the registration, so that those who held any of it restored it to them with extreme fear. So the supreme God perfectly performed great deeds for their deliverance.

Bendito sea el liberador de Israel por los siglos venideros! Amn. Blessed be the Redeemer of Israel unto everlasting. Amen. Blessed be the Deliverer of Israel through all times! Amen.

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