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Lauren Sustar Globalization Proposal In my globalization essay, I have chosen to discuss a form of cultural globalization in Africa, dealing with

education. I will discuss Camara Layes The Dark Child, and also the film Keita. I hope to learn more about the education system in Africa and how it is affecting the younger generations. In The Dark Child, Laye tells of his life as a young boy in Koroussa, French Guinea and describes the many rituals and ceremonies in which his people participated. As he grows up and becomes more educated, he must make the decision to further his education with which also comes modernization or to stay with his family and continue in their traditional lifestyle. Laye makes the decision to leave and eventually travels all the way to France to continue his studies. In Keita as well, a young boy (Mabo) must choose between going to school and staying back to learn of his traditional heritage. His mother and school teacher push him to attend school and to continue his studies, probably in hopes that one day he will do as Laye did and further his education to become a businessman. However, the choice that he makes is opposite that of Layes, as he stays at home so the griot can finish telling him the story of his history and his true identity. I chose to focus on these two works because I hope to discover the outcome of the majority of situations such as these. Camara Layes story took place a few decades ago now. I want to find out what the current educational practices are in Africa and what children do after receiving primary education. Are more and more children growing up and moving away to further their education? Will modern ways eventually overtake the traditional customs of the

people of Africa? I will have to do a great deal of research to uncover the answers to these questions.

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