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Lord of the Flies: Symbol Teaching Presentations

Much like Johnathan Livingston Seagull, nothing is simply what it seems in Lord of the Flies; William Golding is attempting to say something about humanity and human nature. However, Golding cannot simply say what he means, so he leaves hints and has certain physical objects in his novel represent his larger ideas. These hints and object from are called symbols, and we already know a majority of them from reading. In small groups, you and your group members are going to be assigned one of these symbols from Lord of the Flies and you will be required to teach the rest of the class what that symbol is and how it has developed over the course of the novel.


Piggys Glasses Literal Description of Object:

What larger idea does this object symbolize/represent?

Supporting Quote:

Pages where something has happened with this object:

Explanation of Each of these Events in Relation to Larger Idea:

What do these changes foreshadow later in the novel?

Lord of the Flies: Symbol Teaching Presentations

In your small groups, you will have to ll out answer each of the parts of the organizer below, like we did for Piggys Glasses. However, simply nding the answers is not enough. When you present to the class, you cannot simply list your parts from this page, because it is boring and it does not explain how you made the connection between the descriptions from the novel and the larger idea.

Literal Description of Object:

What larger idea does this object symbolize/represent?

Supporting Quote:

Pages where something has happened with this object:

Explanation of Each of these Events in Relation to Larger Idea:

What do these changes foreshadow later in the novel?

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